When Lu Shiyan passed by the door of his study, he happened to hear this and couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

It seems that grandfather's mental state is good, so he can rest assured.

The night is fading.

In a small hotel.

Jiang Zongyi looked at Lu's news broadcast on the financial channel, and his face suddenly became ugly.

He went to Lu Siyi's villa and provided information about Jiang Yihan.

But what happened?

As soon as his fingers closed slightly, he snapped the remote control on the tea table, and the remote control was split.

"Lu Siyi, a fool, played such a good hand so badly!"

Originally, he wanted to kill people with a knife. Now, I'm afraid he has to do it himself.

However, he has to think of a comprehensive plan. This time, he must get all the inheritance and keys!


Mu Jingrou arrived here at noon today, but when she got her card and wanted to go to the ATM to get cash, she found that all her cards were frozen.

Fortunately, she has the habit of carrying cash with her, otherwise she would have to sleep on the street tonight.

At this time, she was staying in a shabby little hotel that didn't require ID card registration.

The hotel was renovated from a civilian house. It was old and dilapidated. There was a bed in the room, and there was almost no room for turning around in a small cabinet.

It was damp, small and dark, and the hotel she used to stay in was just like the sky and the ground.

However, she had no choice. At present, she had to avoid the eyes and ears of the Lu family to prevent them from finding themselves. She had to endure for a while.

She glanced up at the cobweb ceiling, frowned and opened her purse.

After counting and counting, she found that she only had more than 2000 yuan of cash left. She didn't take any luggage with her this time. Her clothes had not been changed for two days, and they were almost rotten.

I have to buy two sets of clothes for myself tomorrow. I'm sure I can't go to a big shopping mall. If I go to the wholesale market, I can find clothes of high quality and low price.

However, she can't sit on the mountain and have to find a way to make money.

With this in mind, she got up from her bed and went to the cashier of the hotel on the first floor.

Behind the cash register sat a middle-aged man in his late forties, with sparse hair and dark skin.

At this time, he was chewing watermelon and watching TV, when he heard the sound of "creaking" on the stairs, he looked up at the stairs.

Mu Jingrou is stepping down the last step towards him.

In recent years, she often goes to the beauty shop, and the skin care products are extremely expensive. Her skin and body are well maintained.

What's more, temperament is invisible. Women like her are very attractive to middle-aged men.

The middle-aged man looked at her step by step, his eyes were almost straight.

"What can I do for you, miss?" He threw the half eaten watermelon on the table, wiped his mouth and stood up.

Mu Jingrou looks at his face and frowns.

But thinking of her current situation, she did not fling her face, pursed her red lips, and asked in a voice, "boss, is there any small company hiring around here?"

As a murderer, she must not be able to apply for those big companies.

However, she always had to live, so she could only reduce the conditions and seek the next best.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man could not help but show a surprised expression, "sister, are you looking for a job?"

Judging from her speech and temperament, she doesn't look like a person who is short of money to look for a job.

Mu Jingrou doesn't want to talk to him more, just casually answers, "well."

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