Old house?

Oh! It's time to go back to my old house!

The more they obstructed him from taking charge of Lu, the more he wanted to hold Lu in his hand.

Lu Shiyan recalled his encounter with a killer last night, his eyes darkened, "I know, you are waiting for me downstairs."


Waiting for the footstep outside the door completely can't hear, Jiang Lai lifted the quilt, set good clothes to want to flash.

Before her hand touched the doorknob, the voice of the man behind her sounded coldly, "I'll give you ten minutes to clean up and remember to wear overalls."

Jiang Lai steps a meal, turn head to look at him suspiciously, "I also want to go?"

Lu Shiyan looked at her, his lips hook up a smile arc, "you are my bodyguard, do you want to go, eh?"

Looking at the man exposed the fragrant shoulder outside the quilt, she felt guilty, silently bowed her head and took orders, "Oh, I know."

It's a nice day. It's sunny and breezy.

Three black Mercedes Benz cars from the manor, after more than an hour's drive, stopped at the entrance of a magnificent house.

The door opened and Lu Shiyan got out of the car. Li Entai and Jiang Lai were wearing the same black clothes and black trousers. They followed him from left to right.

Put on this set of bodyguard uniform, she felt that the whole person not only had a lot of spirit, but even the gas field was more fierce than usual.

Jiang Lai raised his head and straightened his chest, but he was about to kick a straight step.

Sure enough, Buddha depends on gold clothes, people rely on clothes!

As soon as I entered the main entrance, a servant came out.

"Young master, are you back?"

"Well." Lu Shiyan answered lightly, but his steps did not stop.

He is tall and has long legs. Jiang Lai has to run a little to keep up with him.

Before we got to the living room, there was laughter far away.

In the living room, Mr. Lu is looking through Lu Shiyan's childhood photo albums, and Lin Shiyan accompanies him.

"Ha ha! Look at this picture. Does it look like a beautiful little girl? When Xiao Yan went to school, she was thinner than other girls! "

"Grandfather, you don't know Shiyan very well! I remember when I was a sophomore in high school, a boy wanted to bully me, or did he stand up to protect me! "

When Lin Shiyan went to school, she looked down on Lu Shiyan's weak chicken man.

After returning from the hotel last night, she called several high school friends and found out that he used to like himself so much.

Therefore, she has more confidence in winning Lu Shiyan!

Hearing the footsteps, she looked sideways and saw the man coming in from the door.

Short hair, facial features are very beautiful, thin lips light pursed, the corners of the mouth slightly upward, with a sexy arc.

He is wearing a classic white shirt and dark trousers with long legs.

Simple and elegant, quiet and introverted, with a strong ascetic temperament.

This man is so beautiful in everything he wears. How can he not be attracted?

Watching him step by step, Lin Shiyan's heart beat suddenly and uncontrollably accelerated, and then conditionally stood up from the sofa.

Aware of her gaffe, she raised her hand to straighten her cheek and curled her hair. Her delicate face showed a gentle and appropriate smile, "Shiyan."

As soon as he appeared, even the sunlight behind him seemed to become more dazzling.

Such a man with high face value, as long as it is a woman, can't resist it. She wants to get it anyway!

"Well." Lu Shiyan glanced at her coldly. When he passed her, he did not stop.

He stopped in front of the sofa beside Lu Dingchuan's body, quietly took the photo album in his hand and closed it, "grandfather, don't show this kind of photo to outsiders."

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