However, even if he attacks her with the most vicious language, she still loves him and still wants to be his fiancee and future Mrs. Lu.

Lin Shiyan looked at the mockery on his face. Her expression was stiff, but she soon gave a slight smile. "I can understand your mood now, so I will wait for you, and wait for you to see my good one day."

"Then you may be alone for the rest of your life."

In Lu Shiyan's eyes, there are only two types of women in the world.

First, Jiang Lai.

Second, other women.

As long as it is not Jiang Lai, he disdains to waste another second on her body.

Lin Shiyan's face turned white and red, which was too bad to see.

After more than ten seconds, she suddenly stood up from the sofa and forced out a smile, "I'll go to the bathroom."

When she entered the bathroom, she looked up at the woman in the mirror with delicate makeup and elegant temperament.

It is clear that she wants to have appearance and family background. Why is Lu Shiyan unwilling to even look at her now?

Turn on the faucet to wash hands, the woman's beautiful eyes in the mirror suddenly fiercely squint.

She will not give up like this, let alone admit defeat!

Since Lu Shiyan is hard to deal with, she will take a circuitous route.

Turning off the tap, she took a piece of paper and slowly wiped the water off her hands.

Before leaving, she took a deep glance at the mirror, and the corners of her mouth rose.

It seems to be smiling, but the smile is strange.

When Lin Shiyan returned to the living room, she found that Lu Shiyan was no longer there.

The second floor, in the study.

Said to play only two games of two people, killed red eyes, under had to forget the time.

One game after another, have a good time!

At this time, Jiang Lai's hands covered on the chessboard, body forward, showing the posture of chicken protection food.

"Grandfather, you have already destroyed two moves of chess. If you repent, I will not play with you again!"

Looking at the little girl who was about to lie down on the desk, Lu Dingchuan wrinkled her white eyebrows and deliberately put on a face, "you are a young girl, how can you have such a small heart? I tell you, if you dare to mess up the chess game, I'll ask Xiaoyan to fire you later! "

“……” I didn't expect you to be such a grandfather!

Lose and cheat! Than her!

Jiang Lai moved his lips and was about to speak. Suddenly, a knock came from the door.

"Knock! Knock! Knock! "

Just symbolically knocked three times, and without waiting for the person inside to respond, the man pushed the door and walked in.

Looking at the posture of the two people in front of the desk, Lu Shiyan could not help but smile.

He stopped at his desk and said slowly, "Grandpa, it's time to eat."

Lu Dingchuan didn't lift his head. He continued to stare at Jiang Lai's eyes. However, he asked his grandson, "what time is this? Lunch?"

"It's half past eleven, grandfather." Lu Shiyan left Lin Shiyan alone downstairs, and then processed more than a dozen e-mails in the study next door.

"Oh! Is it so late? " Lu Dingchuan realized that they had been playing chess for two hours. "Well, go to dinner first."

He got up from behind the desk, walked a few steps, and suddenly thought of something, turned to Jiang Lai and said, "girl, you can't destroy the chess game secretly. After lunch, we will continue."

“……” Why does Jiang Lai listen to his words, there is a kind of sixth sense that he deliberately reminds her to destroy the chess game?

After all, she would have won this game!

Lu Shiyan looked at the girl who was lying in the corner of the table, and her eyes softened.

His eyes stopped, he reached for the old man, "grandfather, you are in a good mood today." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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