Although both of them were in the same school, their lives were completely parallel. He was a poor student, so no one paid any attention to him.

Ang Zihao was a red disciple, a male god on the campus, the idol of countless girls.

"I am Shen Qingfeng, what business do you have with me?" Shen Qingfeng replied modestly.

"It's nothing much, I have heard of your affairs before. I believe that the person who can defeat Lee Jianjun is no ordinary person. Would you like to spar with him?"

Ang Zihao's eyes flashed with a cold light, although his words were polite, but he had already made up his mind, as long as the other party agreed, he would definitely teach them a lesson they would never forget for the rest of their lives!

"There's no need for a spar! I'm not interested! "

Shen Qingfeng was not a very high-profile person, and wouldn't get angry just because of a few words from others.

As for the title of "Halo", he didn't care who he was.

"Hey!" Ang Zihao, you must be sick! What's wrong with me and my brother standing in your way? "

Jiang Muwan stood out like a cat, protecting Shen Qingfeng behind her.

"Muwan, don't worry, I don't have any intentions of targeting you."

Ang Zihao looked at Jiang Muwan's face, her eyes filled with gentleness.

However, his heart felt even more painful, because his goddess had actually ignored her own safety to protect another man behind her.

"Let's go, let's not lower ourselves to his level."

Jiang Muwan pulled Shen Qingfeng's arm and wanted to turn back. She knew very well how deep the other party's background was.

Facing people like Ang Zihao, it's fine if you lose, but if you win, I'm afraid the outcome will be even worse!

"Shen Qingfeng!"

"Can you hide behind a woman forever?"

"If you're a man, then come and fight me with dignity!"

In a moment of desperation, Ang Zihao roared loudly from behind him.

Shen Qingfeng stopped and turned around, his eyes not showing a single ripple.

"Do you want to die?"

His tone was calm, as if he was narrating a very ordinary matter.

The crowd went into an uproar. A grassroots student, a poor student without any background actually dared to say such arrogant words to the Martial God of Halo High School. Who exactly wanted to die?

"Who is that person?" "How annoying, you actually dare to talk about Brother Hao like that."

"Him! It is said that Jiang Muwan's girlfriend is really good at fighting. She ran away from a bunch of hooligans at the school entrance alone. "

"I don't care, my Ang Zihao is the most handsome, Ang Zihao will definitely teach him a lesson, who told him to be so arrogant!"


Zhao Wenbo and the rest stood at the side, staring with their eyes wide open at the scene, the change happened too fast, they did not even have time to react, why were these two big bosses suddenly up?

Zhao Wenbo and the others knew of his true background!

That was a master pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, even Jiangdong City underworld boss Lin Feng was defeated by him.

What was even more terrifying was that Lin Feng had to force himself to smile, afraid that he would leave a bad impression in his eyes.

His background is probably not much weaker than Ang Zihao's!

Zhao Wenbo was a person of Taekwondo, so his relationship with Ang Zihao was good.

But if she stopped him now, wouldn't that be slapping Ang Zihao in the face?

Zhao Wenbo hesitated for a long time, but still walked out. Shen Qingfeng's strength was too strong, he was afraid that Ang Zihao would lose.

"Brother Hao, since you two are so good at fighting, let's just forget about it!"

"What do you think? "Hee hee …"

As soon as Zhao Wenbo finished speaking, Ang Zihao looked over, the powerful aura made his breathing slow.

He felt that if Ang Zihao attacked him, he would very likely lie on the ground outside.


Ang Zihao coldly bit out a word from between his teeth.

He never thought that Zhao Wenbo would actually dare to come and make peace.

You dare to make money with your status!

Zhao Wenbo's face alternated between green and white, and a trace of humiliation flashed across his eyes.

He did not say anything else as he turned around and returned to the crowd.

"I'll make you suffer a little more than you deserve!" he thought bitterly.

He knew Shen Qingfeng's skill, against dozens of elites from the King's Pavilion by himself, his martial prowess was definitely not inferior to Ang Zihao's, especially that substantive killing intent at that time. He felt that Ang Zihao was not his opponent!

"Idiots …"

Jiang Muwan tugged on Shen Qingfeng's clothes, her eyes revealing a look of worry.

"Don't worry. Someone who can kill me has yet to be born!" Shen Qingfeng revealed an extremely confident smile.

Even Emperor Xuanyuan did not manage to kill him back then. The Ancient War God, the Ancient Desolation, the Earth was hard to bury and the Earth was hard to destroy. He once again returned to the world after experiencing hundreds of cycles of reincarnation!

"Ang Zihao! I love you! "

"Ang Zihao! Come on! "


The two of them stood in the middle of the arena, and the atmosphere became lively once again.

The news from Taekwondo had finally alarmed the upper echelons of Halo high school, and the teachers who reacted in time had rushed over.

It was very easy to get into trouble at such a large assembly. They wanted to maintain order, and it would be best to disperse the people. However, they never expected that they would be unable to squeeze in!

"You are not bad. I have to say that you are very lucky to have been favored by the goddess."

"However, you can't afford to take such good fortune. Leave her as soon as possible. Otherwise, I can guarantee that you won't even be able to graduate."

Ang Zihao slowly approached and threatened with a voice that only two people could hear.

Shen Qingfeng rubbed his nose, and could not help but smile bitterly, he was not here for him.

This little girl's popularity was too high. Everywhere she went, she would attract gazes. Fortunately, she had awakened her War God's memories. Otherwise, she really wouldn't be able to bear this kind of disaster.

"Is that all? I have a suggestion. "

"Muwan is not something you should call me, change it in the future!" Shen Qingfeng said to Ang Zihao seriously.

He ignored the other party's threat, saying that it was advice, but in a commanding tone.

"Who do you think you are …" "Haha …"

Ang Zihao was angered to the point of laughing, he really did not know how Jiang Muwan saw this kind of fellow in her eyes!

Other than his appearance, there was almost nothing good about him.

"Originally, I only wanted to give you an unforgettable lesson. But now that I've changed my mind, I will make you live a life worse than death."

Ang Zihao's face gradually turned cold, his tone filled with killing intent.

"The match begins!"

At this time, the judge waved his flag, and Ang Zihao took the initiative to attack.

He raised his right leg high up and hacked down ferociously, attacking towards Shen Qingfeng's head.

This time, Ang Zihao did not hold back. As a hidden expert, if this attack was real, he could chop an ordinary person to death!

When Shen Qingfeng saw this scene, the corner of his mouth curled into a cold smile.

Without even seeing his movements, his figure dodged the attack like a ghost, and appeared in front of Ang Zihao.

"Your strength isn't bad. Where did you learn kung fu from?" Was it taught by your mistress? "

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