"She! I forgot to mention it to her. I'll tell her in a few days. " Shen Qingfeng laughed and continued to drink with his father.

"Hey! "Child, why don't you care about such an important matter?" Yang Jingya complained.


After three rounds of drinking, Shen Wentian was gradually getting confused.

He didn't understand. This son of his had never drunk alcohol before.

"Feng Er!" You still haven't studied hard enough, so you're still far from your parents. "

"Go to Wu University and ask around. Back then, your mother and I were first and second in our department!"

"Wishing a son to become a dragon … For the rest of my life, I've been looking forward to becoming a dragon! "


Shen Wentian was drunk, he said many things, and finally fell asleep on the chair.

Shen Qingfeng silently sighed in his heart. His son was not only a dragon;

However, there were some matters that were too mysterious. He didn't know how to explain them.

Neither of his parents had the talent for cultivation. Ordinary people who knew too much about the secrets of cultivation had no benefits.

"I told you not to drink so much, just not to listen …"

Seeing her husband like this, Yang Jingya also shook her head.

Then she remembered something and felt the need to explain it to her son.

"Feng'er, do you know why you aren't allowed to come home and live here during this time? Because our loft is haunted! "

She lowered her voice and said mysteriously.


Shen Qingfeng was startled, he could not help but look around him. He had personally checked the Qi field here, there was no trace of ghosts.

"Last weekend, your dad and I were at home making dumplings when someone knocked on the door. When I opened it, there was no one outside, but there were a lot of footprints on the floor."

"You youngsters might not believe me if I told you. This attic, in the end, isn't an official building! The lack of a corner over there is a taboo in feng shui science. "

"Your dad and I are planning to buy this penthouse after you finish your college entrance exam and go to the suburbs to borrow money to buy a house."

Shen Qingfeng's eyes flashed, he did not expect that the previous incident still affected his family, he did not even think about taking care of the footprints on the stairs.

"It's good to sell it. Although I'm not superstitious about feng shui, this penthouse is too small, so it's inconvenient to stay here. You can buy a house over 100 square meters in the suburbs with the money you sell."

Shen Qingfeng comforted her. He had a villa worth over a hundred million in the beautiful flower garden, but he could not find a suitable reason for his parents to stay in.

It was also good to buy a new house. He still had nearly 50 million in cash on his card.

When the time came, he could find a suitable reason and casually take out a sum of money to pay the down payment.

After Shen Qingfeng finished cleaning up the table, he was snatched away by his mother. She was unwilling to let his son work, so he urged Shen Qingfeng to rest.

"It's getting late, you should go to sleep as well!"

After Shen Qingfeng returned to his room and closed the door, he channeled his true essence and evaporated the smell of alcohol from his body.

He still paid more attention to the Treasure Auction this time around. With three days of buffer time, he could make more preparations.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and adjusted his aura. He placed a few precious medicinal herbs in his palm, ignited a fire in his hand, and slowly refined it.

An hour later, the impurities were removed and a transparent medicinal liquid began to float in his hand.

He increased the output of the flame, carefully condensing the medicinal liquid into a pill. At the last moment, the flame in his hand suddenly fluctuated, causing its power to increase by several times.

"Chi …"

The pill in his hand turned jet-black in color. This was a useless pill that would not only lose its effect after consuming it, it would also be poisoned.

"Sigh …"

Shen Qingfeng slowly opened his eyes, with a tinge of regret in them.

Being able to train to this stage of pill with his early Foundation Establishment cultivation was still a bit too much.

In the ancient cultivation world, pill refiners were an honorable occupation. Comparatively, the requirements for cultivation were not that high, causing many people to rush in like a flock of ducks.

However, the requirement of an alchemist was to have extremely strong soul force. This kind of aptitude was actually even more harsh.

The pill that Shen Qingfeng had refined this time was called the Profound Yuan Pill, it was a type of healing panacea, and it had a strong effect on cultivators, it was the equivalent of the advanced version of the Blue Spirit Pill.

However, the minimum requirement for refining this kind of pill is to be at the great circle of Foundation Establishment.

Relying on his incomparably strong divine soul, even if his cultivation was insufficient, he still had the chance to try.

He adjusted his breathing and sucked a few herbs into his hand. Once again, the flames appeared out of nowhere.


"Two lazybones, get up and eat!"

The next morning, Yang Jingya woke up at five. She prepared breakfast and called for the two of them to eat.

Shen Qingfeng slowly opened his eyes. In his hands, there lay two pill s.

The pill was a dark green color and its entire body seemed to be enveloped in smoke.

"The consumption of soul power from refining pills is truly terrifying. No wonder those alchemists from the past were so arrogant, even asking for death's price."

In the ancient cultivation world, there was a pill king alchemist. Even if he was weak, no one would dare to touch him.

This was because even the existence of the Sheng Domain required his pill and owed him a favor.

"Finally, I didn't waste my time. There are still two days left, it should be enough to refine a bottle of pill."


Three days later, Shen Qingfeng received a call, walked out of the small district, and directly got into Xu Jing's car.

The black Land Rover's administration was howling through the highway. Not only was it domineering on the outside, it was also a true off-road vehicle! Especially when it comes to comfort, it's better than a big G Mercedes.

Song Siming, the protagonist of a popular TV series that spread across the north and south of the river, said this to the young seaweed who had just entered the big city.

"I say, seaweed, this is not an ordinary jeep, this is a Land Rover! The British Royal Family's private car, you think it's ugly, but I think it's the most beautiful one in the car. "

The man who drove the car had guts and wanted to own a Land Rover. After staying in the city for so long, he wished that he could grow up just like a wild horse, with a mane that fluttered in the wind.

Land Rover is a man's leg, the wind in the air.

After this very obvious advertisement, the Land Rover's sales shot up by a lot in those two years.

Shen Qingfeng sat in the back seat and closed his eyes to rest.

In these three days, he had been cultivating in seclusion at home. Other than eating, he had also been concocting pills the rest of his time.

His parents thought that he was tired after staying up all night to study before the exam, so they didn't pay him any attention.

After around an hour, Xu Jing braked and the Land Rover administration slowly came to a stop by the side of the road.

"Mr Shen …"

Xu Jing turned his head and called out softly.

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