The Kunlun Mountains were the source of all mountains and Dragon Artery. Since ancient times, countless legends had been circulating about.

Female Nulla Heaven Mending, Guardsman Sea Filling, Chang'e Moon Running, Pangu Sky Opening, Fuxi Dragon …

Shen Qingfeng was extremely familiar with the Ancient Karakorum, because that was the sealed land of his sworn brother, Chi You.

Chi You had set his eyes on the Spirit Land of Karakorum, hence he initiated the battle of Zou Lu, fought dozens of times on the battlefield and chased away the Scarlet Emperor.

The Scarlet Emperor ran to the east and asked the Yellow Emperor for help.

The wedding of the Yellow Emperor and Lai Zu was supported by many large clans. He led his nomadic people across the Great River, through Wangwu Mountain, from the southwest to Mount Kunlun, and swore to rule the world.


There was an immortal in Karakorum, Shen Qingfeng believed it without a doubt.

He wondered whether or not Emperor Fuxi and Nuwa had reached the Immortal Realm in the past …

"Ding Ling …"

The prompt in the WeChat brought Shen Qingfeng's thoughts back to reality. Jiang Muwan also sent him two screenshots of his plane ticket, the time of departure was the day after tomorrow, and he would be able to choose his seat tomorrow.

"Location: Kunlun Mountains. I've already prepared the map. See you in two days!" Jiang Muwan sent a smiley face.

"Good!" See you! "Good night."


As the night fell, Shen Qingfeng's thoughts were unable to calm down. He looked at the Reincarnation Seal in his hands, and a complicated yet profound pattern appeared to contain the laws of the world, making it difficult to understand.

After a few thousand years, everything changed. He wasn't the only one who understood the technique to reincarnate. After experiencing 100 cycles of reincarnation, he was able to regain his memories.

Was there anyone like him in this world?


Two days later, Jiangdong Airport.

"Hey!" Stupid... "Wait for me …"

Wearing a cute pink sports coat, Jiang Muwan dragged two oversized luggage with him as she unsteadily walked over.

"It's just a trip, not a move. Why are you bringing so many things?"

Looking at her, Shen Qingfeng could not help but smile. The two suitcases were even taller than her!

"Humph!" "You still dare to look at my jokes? Let me ask you, if we go on a tour of Mount Kunlun, will you go empty-handed?"

Jiang Muwan looked at his relaxed and relaxed appearance, and felt extremely angry.

"Well, what else?" Shen Qingfeng asked curiously.

"Oh, Young Master Shen!" The Kunlun Mountains traverse Xinjiang and Tibet, with an average elevation of 5500-6000 meters and a temperature difference of 20 °. Do you want to wear such cool clothes to be an ice sculpture? "

"Thankfully, I understand your personality and I knew that you wouldn't prepare anything!"

"Argh!" I've got a box of clothes and food for you... "

Jiang Muwan shook her head helplessly, as if she was taking care of a child.

Shen Qingfeng took the luggage, a warm feeling in his heart. He was a cultivator, he did not need to fear the cold and the scorching heat. As for the food, it would be much easier to take care of.

"Muwan..." he whispered.


"You're becoming more and more like a little wife!"

"Get lost!"


Jiang Muwan's face flushed red. She pinched the soft flesh on Shen Qingfeng's waist harshly, causing the other party to beg for forgiveness.

The two of them quickly found a seat on the plane. The ticket that Jiang Muwan had booked for him was more expensive than a normal plane.

The economy class seats were very comfortable, and they were also quite loose. There was a display at the back of the seat. If he was bored, he could open it and look at some movies that were released a few years ago.

The airline's plane meal was very good, the box meal was beef stew, mashed potatoes and green bean carrot sticks, and the taste was good.

Of course, if they were willing to spend money on first-class tickets, they would be able to taste the fine foods of salmon, caviar, lobster, and chocolate cake.

Shen Qingfeng: "What route did you plan this time?"

"Hee hee …" You can be at ease with the route I've designed. There are many mysterious attractions, such as the Forbidden Area, the Hollow Jade Peak, and so on … and Death Valley. "

"I heard that there are very few people in the Death Valley, so there's a high chance that those who enter won't come back. How is it, are you afraid?"

Jiang Muwan excitedly narrated her own plans, and didn't forget to scare Shen Qingfeng.

"To so many places? Why do I feel like you're so serious? "

Shen Qingfeng looked at the few spots from a distance. Not only that, this girl actually wanted to take a look around!

"Nonsense!" If you want to graduate in Yanjing University, you have the requirements of a thesis, okay? I've brought all the treasures this time, so I might even get an essay when I go back! "

She pointed to the Sony camera in her bag. It was a fine little thing, but she had spent a year's worth of money to buy it.

They chatted on the plane for a long time, as if they had endless conversations, from south to north, from art to life.

In the end, Jiang Muwan fell asleep, leaning on Shen Qingfeng's shoulder.

She had been so busy these past two days, just tidying up the two suitcases and running around a lot.

Shen Qingfeng looked at her exquisite face, and the corner of his mouth revealed a slight smile. Beside this girl, he could always find a sense of security.


On a train heading to Karakorum, a pair of bald men attracted a lot of attention.

These days, many people had bald heads, so it was not strange. However, these two people were different. They had two rows of scars on their heads. They were monks!

One of the monks was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He looked to be in his thirties and was covered in fat. In front of him was a roasted chicken, which had a fragrant smell.

"Martial Uncle, you can't eat anymore, you're cheating …"


The other monk was pretty and fair, 'young and beautiful', but he was indeed a boy. He was wearing a gray monastic robe and appeared to be very well-mannered.

He recited scriptures and occasionally opened his eyes to look at his martial uncle with a helpless expression.

"What do you know, kid? As the saying goes, having wine and meat pierce through one's intestines means that Lord Buddha's heart remained. If one doesn't enter the mortal world, how would one cultivate? "

The monk held a chicken leg in his hand and pointed at the mountain and the river with a stomach full of nonsense.

"The Ten Commandments, you sure are similar to your martial uncle learning! "Otherwise, if you came to this world for nothing, would you be able to cultivate to the true fruit by eating and chanting like this all day long?"

"Uncle, the rules in the temple are very strict, don't you dare speak nonsense …"

"Amitabha!" I'm sorry. "

The young monk was called the Ten Commandments. He had been tricked by his Uncle-Master this time. He chanted Buddhist chants, and his body radiated a holy light.

"Hehe …" This father will not let it be, I finally managed to steal you out this time, on this trip to Karakorum, I must find that great opportunity for you. "

There was a trace of madness in the monk's eyes as he tore off a piece of chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth …


Once they were out of the airport, Jiang Muwan was immediately resurrected. Although she travelled around the world every year, this was still her first time coming to Mount Kunlun.

"Wow, the sky is so blue here. The clouds are so beautiful!"

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