Jiang Muwan stood to the side and watched as the Stone of Three Lives (Three Lives Stone) emitted a ray of light, which started to flash across countless of scenes.

She saw a fire phoenix soaring above the nine heavens, transforming into a gorgeous woman.

Her hands were soft and delicate, her skin was smooth and creamy, her collar was smooth, her teeth were smooth and smooth like a gourd, and she was beautiful beyond measure.

The scene changed as the woman in the phoenix robe stood on the stage, enjoying the worship of tens of thousands of people. Right now, she no longer had a weak and gentle appearance, but had a domineering aura, as if she wanted to trample over everything in the world.


"Strange, why would I cry …" Who was the woman in the painting? Why do I feel sad to see her? "

Scene after scene passed by, causing Jiang Muwan to feel pain in her heart. She didn't know why, but she felt that the woman in the painting had something to do with her.

Two streams of clear tears appeared in her eyes as she mumbled, "There are so many things that have to be done behind the scenes. If you want to say something, you might as well cut off your intestines. Wu Yuejiang has been traveling all over the place, but he left Qu Tong Pond. "

Everyone could only see their own past lives on the Stone of Life. Shen Qingfeng did not know what she saw on the Stone of Life.

He shook his head. The Mo Dao world does not have many true intents, and since ancient times, there have been many infatuations of love. "

In my past, there was a boundless, bloody, foggy world, like a beautiful woman, like a devil, but they had already been annihilated in the cycle of reincarnation.

His previous life had been reduced to dust. In this life, it was enough for him to meet a woman like you.


Shen Qingfeng retracted his gaze from Muwan's body and started to size up the boulder in front of him. His eyes had a strange look, and a bold idea suddenly occurred to him.

Since it can reflect the past, it must be the Three Lives Stone!

It must be understood that this was a legendary stone which had been personally refined by Nuwa herself with tremendous power. If one were to judge it by the grade of the magic treasure, what level would it be at?

If he could keep the stone in his cyst and use a bit of its power, wouldn't he be invincible in this world?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a fire burning in his heart. He circled around the Stone of Three Lives, and found a suitable angle.


Golden flames appeared in his eyes, and the ground beneath his feet cracked from the immense force.

"Get up, ah, ah, ah …"

He gritted his teeth as the veins on his arms bulged. Due to overexerting himself, his muscles stretched out the buttons on his upper body. However, despite all his efforts, the Stone of Three Lives did not even budge an inch.

"Hey!" Idiot, what are you doing? "

At this time, Jiang Muwan's voice sounded out.

The scene on the Three Lives Stone had disappeared, she had finally recovered from the state of mind. Wiping her tears away, she raised her head to see Shen Qingfeng fighting against a rock!

"Ah?" "Ahaha …"

The moment Shen Qingfeng heard the voice, the undulations on his body vanished. He turned around to scratch his head, and revealed a foolish smile.

"That …"

"I want to see how heavy this stone is... "Hehe!"

"Oh, did you manage to test it out?"

Jiang Muwan's face revealed an expression of suspicion. This boulder was ten meters tall and two meters wide, and it probably weighed more than a hundred tons.

This idiot actually wanted to test just how heavy it was? Did he fall into a daze when he fell into the underground space?

"No, it's pretty heavy! "I can't move …"

Shen Qingfeng shook his head, he looked at the huge boulder reluctantly and returned to Jiang Muwan's side.

It truly was worthy of being called a natural treasure created by Nuwa. He couldn't even move it, and so he temporarily gave up on the idea of keeping it.

"Let's go! "Let's see what else there is under Karakorum." He held up the Lingzhi umbrella, holding Jiang Muwan's waist as he spoke.

"Alright! Are you sure you're all right? If you're tired, let's take a break. "

Jiang Muwan was still a little worried, and gave her suggestion with concern.

"Yes, don't worry!" I'm as strong as an ox. I'm not tired at all! "


It was difficult to calculate the passage of time on the Road to the River Styx.

It seemed as if they had walked for a long time, or as if they had only walked for a few minutes. When they looked up again, they had already reached the end of the Road to the River Styx.

At the end of the Yellow Springs stood six giant gates that seemed to be as high as the sky. On the gates were carvings of six different kinds of sculptures, as if they represented six different worlds.

"Sky, human, Asura, beast, hungry ghost, hell …"

"It really is the Six Paths … Just who was this almighty being? "To think that he would be so ambitious as to deduce the Six Paths of Reincarnation from the depths of Mount Kunlun …"

Shen Qingfeng's eyes revealed a shocked expression. Along the way, he had been guessing at the bottom of his heart, but he did not dare believe it.

This Road to River Styx was built by a certain powerful individual who wanted to imitate the true Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Who knew how many years ago, a person with monstrous magic power had plotted this plan in the depths of Mount Kunlun. The result should have been a failure, otherwise, it would have long replaced the true cycle of reincarnation.

Since ancient times, people had always thought that reincarnation was the embodiment of the Heavenly Dao and was naturally created by the circulation of the world's laws. They never thought that someone would try to meddle in reincarnation!

"Is it Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan? No, before our time... It's probably someone on the level of Nuwa herself! "

"Could it be an Immortal …?"

The door to the Six Paths stood right in front of him. He couldn't help but believe it. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva. All these years had passed, and the person who had calculated the Six Paths of Samsara should have died a long time ago, right?

Or it could be said that he had long since passed on. Otherwise, if such a character were to find out that he had barged in, then the cycle of reincarnation would come to an end.

"Idiot, I feel that these six giant doors are so terrifying! I don't like it here. How do we get out of here? "

Jiang Muwan hid behind Shen Qingfeng, leaving a small head to peek at the six paths.

She was afraid of the carvings on the giant doors, especially the three behind them. They were evil and were carved with countless ghosts. When an adult saw them, they would be so terrified that they would cry.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here! Let's take a look around. Maybe it's like the novels say, there's some sort of trap around here! "

Shen Qingfeng comforted her with a few words, he did not expect the effects to be so quick, and immediately, stars appeared in Jiang Muwan's eyes.

"Right, so many grave robbing novels write this way. There must be a mechanism here! Idiot, you are too great! "

Shen Qingfeng rubbed his nose.

This was the Six Paths of Reincarnation deduced by a supreme expert. If their master was not here, they would have already been dead spirits in the River of Forgetfulness!

However, it was not a bad thing to be optimistic about.

He brought Jiang Muwan in front of the huge door that represented the Heavenly Dao. A stone the size of Three Lives Stone was still possible for him to push open, and the door of the Heavenly Dao seemed to connect to the heaven and earth;

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