24 Chapter 24: Broken Dawn


It's been five hours after the battle began and yet, still, there I was, inside Scarlette's room and was accompanying her.

But hey, even I was there, I could feel my energy that was slowly draining. I've been maintaining a barrier for the whole time just to prevent the demons from getting in!


I was walking alone in the middle of the darkness, when I heard a man's voice.


"Who's that?" my voice echoed.


"Nel, where are you?"


"Wait. I'll find you."

"No need. Just listen to me."


"Just listen," he firmly cut me out. "Use my heart's blood. Drop my blood on your sword and use it. You can kill my Dad with it. It's the only way."

I opened my eyes. The familiar room met my sight.

Shouts, explosion, and sounds of clashing weapons were all I could here from the outside. Seemed like the war had begun.

"Finally, you're awaked."

Asher was sitting on the floor. His hands were pressed on the floor and green light waves were coming out from it. And yeah, I just realized that he made a barrier.

I stood up immediately.

"Use my heart's blood. Drop my blood on your sword and use it. You can kill my Dad with it. It's the only way."

Thanks, Nel.

"How long were I asleep?" I asked.

"Six hours."

"Tsk." There were so much time that I wasted! "Let's go."

"Are you ready?" he asked as he looked at me. He's worried again.

"I've got no choice!"

He nodded. "Let's run in three . . . two . . . one . . . go!"

We opened the door and ran outside. As expected, there were lots of demons and knights that were fighting.

We used our powers to attack those demons that came on our way.

"Where are we going?!" Asher asked.

"I'll get my sword."

"You accepted it now, huh?"

I just rolled my eyes.

We kept on running until we reached the room where the Hetar sword was located. I threw a fireball into the door to ruin it.

I grabbed the sword from the center. When I held it, its crystal glowed.

I smirked. "I guess, that's your way of welcoming me," I told it.

When we're about to go outside, some demons covered our way out.

"Get away, ugly demons!"

Asher created vines that were full of thorns around him. These attacked all the demons.

We ran again when the way was cleared.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked between my breaths.

"Center hall, maybe. Probably, they're fighting with Durlen and Rhode."

I created fire blades and threw it to the demons few meters away in front of us.

"Where's Nel's body?" I saw him in the side of my eyes that he's confused why I asked about it. "We need him."

"Center hall."

"We need to hurry!"


The peace of this holy place was gone in a snap.

Now, Durlen and I were fighting one-on-one. We're inside a big ring of fire.

"How could you kill your own son?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Ha! He's a traitor!"

I threw fire blades but he was able to dodge those.

What did I expect? He's full of darkness anyways.

I glanced at his daughter. She's crying while slashing every knight that tried to kill her. She kept on glancing on her brother's corpse. Somewhat, I pity her.

"Nel betrayed you because you're unreasonable. You're thirsty of more power."

I remembered again what he did to my father. Tsk!


We were about to enter the center hall when I saw visions again. But this time, my head didn't hurt.

Tita Heta was battling on Earth together with the other knights. Demons were scattered everywhere. Humans, animals, and other creatures were shouting and crying. Buildings and other structures were ruined.

All the souls were crying in the Etah dimension. They kept on praying and praying. The said dimension was like Hetarnia but the difference was that - it's only paradise.

Aunt Wart was fighting outside the kingdom. She's killing all the demons that were coming from the Underworld.

Dad and Mom were inside the center hall. Mom and Durlen were inside a ring of fire. Dad was at one corner. He's slashing demons who would try to enter the ring of fire. Rhode was crying while fighting as she glanced on Nel.

The whole Hetarnia was covered with corpses, and blood.

I shook my head.

"Why did you stop?" Asher asked.

"I saw visions again."

"What did you see?"

"Don't mind it. Let's go."

The door was already destroyed when we entered. Mom and Durlen were at the center of the hall just like what I saw from my visions.

We quickly found where Nel's body. It was placed at the right corner, near Rhode.

I readied my sword.

We ran towards him.

"Use my heart's blood. Drop my blood on your sword and use it. You can kill my Dad with it. It's the only way."

"Stop Rhode from fighting me," I commanded.

"Roger." Asher attacked Rhode.

When they finally got far from the corpse, I got closed to it. I kneeled down and looked at his body.

"Sorry," I whispered as I thrusted my sword into his chest.

"What are you doing to my brother?!" I heard Rhode shouted with anger.

I looked at her direction. She couldn't attack me because Asher tied her with big strong vines that later on became a cage.

"He asked me to do this. His heart's blood is the only way to kill your Dad."

She stopped on shouting. She just cried.

I continued what I was doing. I created a big wound on his chest then I used my right hand to get his heart. When I touched it, I was shocked to feel it that it's still pumping. I closed my eyes when I pulled it out. His heart was black.

"Use my heart's blood. Drop my blood on your sword and use it. You can kill my Dad with it. It's the only way."

I took my sword and cut his heart in half. It stopped pumping. I let the blood dripped on my sword until it was fully covered. Every drop was smoking.

Durlen and Mom didn't notice what I did. They're concentrated on fighting.

"Use my heart's blood. Drop my blood on your sword and use it. You can kill my Dad with it. It's the only way."

'Mom, keep him busy.'

Mom didn't look at me but she replied. 'Okay.'

I ran towards behind Durlen as fast as I could. I ran pass through the walls of the ring of fire. And the next thing I knew, he was able to protect himself using a black sword that suddenly appeared.

"Did you think you can easily get rid of me, kid?" he asked while smiling devilishly.

I jumped backwards and attacked him again. Our swords clashed and clashed.

"Just die!" I shouted. I couldn't help but to clench my fist.

After a while, I felt the sword heated up. And yes, when I glanced at it, it's already covered with fire. The crystal turned to red.

Before Durlen could slash his sword to me, Mom continuously attacked him with lots of fire but the latter had avoided those.

"Try to kill my daughter, Durlen." Mom's eyes became red. She glanced at me with his serious face. 'Do it.'

I nodded. 'I'll end this.'

I twisted my right hand as I focused on my target. I could feel my eyes fired up. The fire on my sword doubled.

Mom surrounded him with lots of fire which stopped him from escaping. He raised his hand to use his power but there's nothing come out.

The crystal on my sword glowed so I guessed, that was the reason why Durlen couldn't use his power.

"W-why? This can't be . . . " His face was filled with terror.

I walked towards him.

He kneeled down. "Spare my life." His voice was trembling.

Tsk. The devil was tamed like a cat.

I smirked as I brutally thrusted my sword in his chest. He screamed in pain. I pulled out my sword and slashed his chest again.

He's trying to catch air to breathe but it's too late. His eyes were looking above.

"Spare me . . . "

"You have ruined many lives. You're not allowed to exist anymore," Mom told him.

There were smokes coming from his skin and slowly, he turned to ashes and faded away.

He's gone.

The other alive demons and the corpses were gone with him, too.

"My Dad's dead . . . " We looked at the direction of Rhode who's still crying. "My whole family's gone . . . "

Somehow, I pitied her. She's been living in hell.

Asher's vines that were wrapped around her turned black and withered. I guessed she used her dark powers.

"I couldn't take this anymore." She picked a sword of a dead knight near her and she stabbed it in her heart. "S-sorry." Blood came out from her mouth before she fell down on the floor and died.

I looked away as I wiped a tear on my right cheek. I sighed. Being in her situation was really difficult.

Mom's fire faded and also my sword turned to its normal appearance.

I sat down. Now, I could feel myself trembling. Damn it.

We all fell silent.

Aunt Wart and Tita Heta came back.

"Let's return all of these to normal," the three goddesses said in unison. The three looked at me and gave me a meaningful look. "We need the Hetar sword."

The four of us walked towards the center. They ordered me to stand at the middle and raised my sword. Then, they formed a circle around me as they raised their right hands. Red, blue, and yellow lights came out from their hands to the sword. Its crystal glowed and it's too blinding.

I closed my eyes and I saw visions again.

The Underworld was gone. And the Earth and Hetarnia came back to normal. The memories about this huge chaos of all humans, and other creatures on Earth were cleared. The time had reversed.

When I opened my eyes, I smiled to see again the enchanting place of Hetarnia.

Finally, the war had ended.

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