Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1003, the two defeats

The dazzling flame will reflect the entire venue. If people can't use their attention, they will take the line of sight, and they will continue to observe the situation on the ring. "Things are just like it, but now If you have a loss, you can't say it. Hey, it is a blood brake this emperor, at least the blood of several recovery power, and is so serious that it is powerful. I don't know if you have such a good life. "

After the flames continued to burn a few species, with the concession of a source of sources, it gradually be blown to the edge of the ring, and the migrant of the center of the ring was located in the explosive center, and he didn't have the beginning of the stage. Casual is not forced, the whole body is also destroyed seriously, after waving the source of the source, he will not support the shake body, and the knees are soft and fell to the ground, and the pendant impact plus the contact with the hot ground, Once again, his wounds made him couldn't help but send a sigh, and the body fell forward until he reached out and supported the body, and he barely stabilled his body.

"Oh! His injured is a lot more than I expected." Seeing this scene is a little unexpected.

"It's normal to have a power of the source of the fire, although this effort has been bonusing with the artifact, the power is not too big, but the core part is not too big, he can still Reduce a part of the source of the source of the source to himself. "Lin Jun Zhao explained his words.

Gu Yishengxia in the side: "The power of the emperor used, is ...."

"Yes, it is one of the blood brakes." Lin Jun Zhao said, sigh, asked: "This is one of the fundamentals of their family, I ask your cornerstone, there is an abilities, and the road law is The magical industry can show magic, and the stupid is brought by their own blood. The Mozu also has a unique movement of the unique, and what is the blood brakes? "

"Hey ~." This question can be asked, he sinking half a little scratching head smirk: "You say that I am really found, they seem to have no special existence, except for special resistance In addition, it seems to be a move of other places. "

"That's it, although our world is called the cornerstone, but in other plane eyes are the same existence, but it is also the civilization that belongs to the characteristics of this garbage, and I am born. By perceive this world, there is a lot of ability to have a lot of abilities. "

Lin Johao said that there is a bit helpless in this tone: "The blood brakes are all in my one, but it is not known for many years, they are chaos can also be said to be, with negative emotions and negative energy In pouring, they have born the most primitive creatures, the time of the candlelon awakening should be almost like me, but the level of civilization in his world is much better than us, plus no one to guide, so He missed the time to build his own special skill, but there was a proficiency in things, because there was no such frame to bind him to the crowd, whether it is an abilities, the skill, or the blood, he uses itself The characteristics of swallowing are absorbed, and the facts prove that so many years of dark development, he has cultivated absorption in all walks of life has reached a considerable point. "

"I understand, the opponents faced by a few big faces are not a blood brake, but one after the merits of the blood brakes, they will be painful and their wrists." Yan Yan said some envy: "Swallowing!" It can be used for surgery, from some degree, it is not much more than our purification, this is not limited to it! "

"Of course, the emperor will not support the most critical moment, but I am not allowed to guess the shortcomings of this source of this source." Lin Jun Zhao is in the rumor Envy the meaning is quite dissatisfied, and the cold snort.

When a few people were discussing, they were surprised, and they were so rushed to the platform. I saw the two seriously injured. After a short break, I used to stand at the same place. .

"Hehe, your artifact is just this, just boasting the Haikou now! Not still broken by me." Emperor Xin took the lead after the body, the leg injury seriously recovered slowly, he now Even the action is a problem, can only stand although he still ridiculous.

"Cough and cough!" Summoned a long sword, a long sword, a long sword, support him, and did not take a blood of the mouth after dry cough, and looked at the other side: "You are broken! But now you still What can I do! I can only stand in the place! "

"You are right, I am now a little bit of powerfulness." Emperin said that his finger flicked, a pistol fell into his hand, he wanted to sway the pistilts: " But your situation is better than me! I can't show anything else, but I will use the pistol to inspire the firearm. I still have this source. Now you can ignore this explosion when I start. ? Hehe, lost on the low-end alchemine that you look down on, I really want to see the expression you lost. "

Emperi Xin said that he lifted his hand to the power of the power. The shot was a shot. When the bullet screamed, he went on the fight against the battlefield. He failed to hit the target, and the injury of the adountain was more than him. At the critical moment, he took out a hand to hit the hand, and the use of space jumped to avoid this shot.

It can also be further excited by the injury of the adherence, and the end of the space jumped, and the chances of Emperin see the opportunity to raise the pistol and play another trigger again.

This adountain chose a sharp explosion of hard anti-fierration, and he was highly fried, and he was in the moment of his body. The long sword in his hand was angry under him.

"Hey ~ Ah!" Emperor sorrowful, with a flow of flowers, the long sword, straight to his throat, he could only consciously lift the gun's arm to block, swords and scratches lost the source The controlled long sword slipped with the palm of the hand.

"This is what you are looking for, fight to this extent, I am not killing you!" Emperor Xin was fell to the ground, slammed his right hand, angry, he was open, put together and pick up the pistol and then put it again. It is aimed at the rather who is still trying to climb up.


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