The state of the ancestors and K made a word in the body, and he knew that he did not speak in such an occasion, and forced ahead would only attract it.

Lin Ru Snow is obviously dissatisfied with such response, but it has no choice but to compare his anger cold and indifferent: "Then I will listen to today's things how do you solve?"

"The competition is retained. I promise that the next game will no longer use any very means to participate in the competition." The candlelon retreats for its own conditions.

"Ha?" Lin Ru Xue willow eyebrows face the most beautiful laugh, I can't help but laugh, and K and the ancestral face on both sides are embarrassed and dissatisfied. Bright ridiculated: "Listen, this is his sincerity? Is this humiliation me? It is clear that your disciples have won the game, I don't punish him! You dare to let me default the results of this game. My disciples have been eliminated! You don't use very means after you will use it! "

"What do you want?" Candlelon asked.

"This game is invalid. Your disciples cancel the competition eligibility! Blood brakes will be disgraced, and the third place will compete for a game by the magic world and the strange position." Lin Ru Xue can say that the enemy can be said to fight the enemy Pulling the allies, this condition makes the two major faces of the last game will never say, if the candlelon is still alone, these two big faces have no rooms whose words.

"It's impossible!" The three words of the candlelong mouth are spiked, so that other big one of the main points of this source is unsangled. When I see Lin Xue, I will take the opportunity to launch the opportunity, and the candlelon is saying: "I have chosen The adventure violation is for victory. If you can't win the victory, I will do it. I know that you feel unhappy for this matter. As a compensation, I can give your disciples a handleman as a return. "

"Hehehehe!" The candlelon has been out, not just Lin Ru Xue and other parties of the Lord of the origin, it is the Going, winning an additional five-handed artifacts and three son names of the three origins, this abacus will not be wrong.

If you don't have, you don't want to have a quietness of this condition: "Do you think that my way is bad?"

"Not bad, if you join the three new disciples, I have to give the power of the source, I promise is not the source of the origin of natural elements, but the core of my blood brake, this The condition is ok! "I have already expected that the other party will return to the candlelon slowly to give the bottom card in advance to be in advance of Lin Ru Snow.

This condition allows the forest that stands in the air, which is hesitant. As a large number of leadership boss, the deep bottom converging is not like the fraud of the foundation, this is her and Disciples say that if Lin Jun Zhao is willing to completely attachment with himself, the road can put water to make the first reason and the bottom gas.

Those who threw the third place of the artifact, the Taoist community has stabilized in the hands of the hard work, and the disciples of the disciples can make their own disciples more than one level, through this The combat power of the subordinates of the second game is obvious. With their elite disciples, there is no matter whether they are war and the roads will occupy the wind.

"Six of my disciples one person." Lin Ru Xue gave his condition after deep thinking: "There is also your blood brakes to get and rank out from the prizes."

"Four originals of the source! A place can not be more!" The candlelon bite his teeth.

Lin Ru Xue saw this just nod to promise, and suddenly there were two sounds in the mind: "I want one for the source of this source."

I heard the two sounds, such as the snow, I saw the ancestors who didn't have to fight in the eyes, and I stood up and looked up in the same place. I didn't help but have a long sigh, when my eyes When she opened, she stretched out a hand and said: "Five of the source of origin, one less!"

The candlelon stared at Lin, and then looked at the two next to her, and immediately understood the reason. Shake his head.

Once the matter, I didn't close my eyes. I didn't close my eyes. I opened my eyes on my face. I raised a smile and good way to Mu Chunfei: "Then this thing is a successful ending, we ...."

The ancestral myth has not yet been finished, and I have interrupted his opening: "Wait! I still have a condition before the last solvement."

"Lin Lord, suitable for it! I think the candlelon has already expressed enough sincerity!" In this matter, the benefits did not get the best, see Lin Ru Snow got such a rich compensation and not still ignored. Can't help but dissatisfaction in your heart.

Lin Ru Xue swept a glimpse of the glory, but he looked at the candle dragon to seriously: "Tell me the name of the ghost and his Zongmen, don't try to scate me, don't expect to point out A small fish is a small fish, I want to pass the customs, I want information about everyone related to this matter. "

I heard this condition, I just complained, I closed my mouth, no longer inserted him, he knew that this condition Lin Ri is reasonable, and it is nothing to do if he is inserted. It is not fast.

The candlelon is frowned. "Lin Lord, people can't pay back, I gave me the price I copened! You are still so aggressive!"

"Over? Yes you will go straight to my site!" Lin Ru Xue picked away: "The condition just saves you violating the regulations, let you have the eligibility of the competition! Unlike this! The name of your apprentices can be left today, the name of the inner ghost and the life of your apprentice! You look at the election! "

Lin Ru Xue said that the long sword was out of the long sword, and the haze was blooming in his hand. It was a lot of jade swords that gave a lot of money. At the same time, a god of smoke was down from the sky. Let her look holy such as angels, solemn, solemn, no loss.

Her movement directly demonstrated her firm attitude. There was no room for bargaining on this issue. When she saw her gesture, the candlelon was alone, and then picked up the coma of Nero turned.

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