The dialogue between Yan Yan and Meisi made the people in the house to think, all people think about how to find the truth, Lin Jun Zhao lazy voice suddenly remembered: "How do you be so stupid? The answer directly to Linru Xue to ask if it is good. "

"Hey ~" The people in the house are staring in the words, and the words are handped in the forehead. He doesn't expect this most direct and the easier. However, this can not say that he can only let the forest Jun Zhaom himself said, see the purpose has reached the : "People are Lin Lingwei, the respect of the side is not talking to people!"

"OK, I see that you are not very young to talk to people, don't be very intimate!" Lin Junzhao didn't speak good.

"Is this not borrowing your light? Otherwise, her Lin Ru Xue knows that I am the garlic onion! Sister, since you agree, let's go, ask! I am really afraid that the gang will start with it. In order to force the Tianjian Mountain Villa to completely extends, then I can't find it. "Yan Yan said that he had a good words.

"Sit back, indiscriminately put it in a few big faces in your strength, it is enough to sit in the town. How can I still have such a grief?" Lin Jun Zhao returned and let the Just got it. After she repel the road: "If there is a heart killing the sword hill, then it will die for 10,000 times, you go now to do it! Say this is a family affairs of the Xueli, you are, what do you do? ? You will be more active, it will be counterproductive, or the sentence doesn't have to be more urgent! Wait! I said that I have to go to the door, I will ask you. "

Since Lin Johao is so confident that other people have no words, she said, wait, wait!

This is really hard to say, and the next morning, I've also discussed the second day of the intelligence, I saw the words of the pool to brush your teeth, I saw that I was sitting on the rock and swaying the calf and looking to my own. Little Loli.

Lin Xue, when she used the first time to see the first time, the seven-eight-year-old girl was in the picture, but she didn't have a relaxing mood when she met her, and her mouth paste the bubble. The rumor of the tank, looked at the blinds of the forest, a smile smile.

"It's a violent taste!" Lin Ru Xue said with the ripple on the rockery, and went to the front of the prostitute: "My pool has emitted the pond of the heaven and earth, and gives it. When did you brush your teeth? At the beginning, I saw that you were ambush, and I thought you were in the pond that cremit the static, it was also deliberately, I didn't expect to give you so bad. "

"Hey ~" Some reprimands let the words are somewhat self-contrary, he lows looks at the pool in front of you, then look at Lin Ru Xue silk: "I don't see how much dirty water in this pool, will not be affected and still clear. , I thought this was the function of this pool. It turned out that I said how I said that I am refreshing every day! "

"Okay, we are a small place, he didn't know you." Lin Jun Zhao's voice came from the body, and the energy body was brought into bounds between the two. Adult shape, or Lin Jo Zhao's first thousand miles of transmissive and praise, condensed into Lin Jun Zhao Zhao to Linru Xue, stretched with the nose and smelled the nose: "Hey, great suffocation and bloody, what What is going to make you so angry! Can you attract you personally? "

In the face of Lin Joshao, Lin Xunzhao's rumor is directly reached, and the other's nose is not good. "What happened? The whole road circle is boiling, your long-distance walking and my East, the east is busy. Don't tell you in the part of the contact feeling? "

Seeing that two women who are not good, they will prevent the city gate from being lost and the pool, and the words decided to choose the escape. When the two talk, he took the water tank, and his hand slipped to the promenade, just in him. It is believed that God does not know that the ghost can take it away, and the tender but no majesty sounds call him: "Not allowed! Today's things are related to you!"

"Oh!" Request to step into the long feet of the promenade, and Yan Yan turned into a white eye and changed a smile and walked back. Seeing that the sample of this model is like a snow: "Collap you Let's go while brushing your teeth, rubbing you. "


After a moment, I rushed to the toothbrush and threw it on a bonsai. I took the towel and wiped my mouth. I was waiting to stand in the same place. I was waiting for my own main source. I smiled and smiled. "Two sisters, don't Standing! Either go to the house to talk, either I will give you two chairs in a tea? "

"No! There is a very good in the house, and I don't want to meet too much." Said that Lin Ru Xue has waved the side of the pond, and it is more than an eight-year-old table three Tai Shi Chair at the same time. The pool is murdered with a tree scene, and the call to the three people extended a root long strip. It didn't have a lot of shades of Yun Ying, the shade of Yunyu umbrella, just in the top of the triple. Blocking the sunlight expressed in the first liter of the sun and the look at the attic.

The changes in the courtyard have long attracted the attention of the people in the house, but no one comes out. It is not that they don't care about the safety of the words, but when Lin Ru Xue appears, the Xuelong Director Cao Jiuzhou is also visiting the door, it is him. Sands who want to come to see the probes, indicating that the two Linglands want to privately hope that others should not bother, according to the relationship between the two faces, Gu Yisheng's imperial thing will not make a harm to the scorpion, this ordered other People stay alert to the courtyard half a step.

Lin Ru Xue, in the shade of the courtyard, took the first to the top, Lin Junzhao is also welcome to see the Yan Yan standing on the side, Lin Jun Zhao said: "Since people give three chairs, she explains that she recognizes you and Let's fall together, so don't sit down. "

"Yes!" He said that he loud his voice. He taught his brother, but he knew that some things should be noted. It is so long to get together. He is aware of these origins. Personality, the first second is also intimate, there is a possibility that it is possible to turn his face, and he sometimes feels that he has a little bit of a little longer.

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