Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1035 Strange

Unlike Yuan Shaoqing, Li Qigong, who waited for the departure, and the team heard the team was a face, and did not wait for the other party when he received the notice of Gu Shenghui. Travel, one visit is ready to go to the road to the face. The vast gathering before the transfer channel, like a tour group, which is ready to travel, waiting for the command of the expectation.

After the transfer channel shines, Meisi took the lead in the space channel. After him is a person with accompanying personnel, and in this team, the most eye-catching is that the hands and feet are tired, and "Mo" Ira ", and responsible for the escort, it is the sister of the Yan Yan.

When everyone came out of the space channel, Yuan Shaoqing hurriedly took the front of his old, and Meisi nodded and asked: "It is ready."

"All are ready, you have to be able to coordinate all departments, you can gather in the shortest time, just have no contacts before contact with the vision, explaining a bit trouble." Yuan Shaoqing got together Meisi's ear is low.

"After entering the work explained, then, after this matter is dealt, it will look at the people. If you are willing to stay in the hall." Meisi did no longer talk to Yuan Shaoqing, quickly stepped to Li Gong. I extended my hand in front of him: "Li Lang, you have received the notice."

"Ah, yeah! Just come back, we have passed, the situation is okay." Li Gang held Meisi's hand and said that the prisoner behind him, and some worry: "There is no problem." "

"You can rest assured that we will fully protect your security." Meisi said that he was still in the end: "The current situation has eased a lot while arriving in the beginning of the road, but even if there is still a lot of forces to our hearts. , I know that everyone else to play after the road, this hall has also been arranged, but I want to give an arrangement, I must listen to the arrangement of the players. If you travel, someone will have a special to ensure safety. Don't fall in order to collectively. "

"Know, I know! I have repeatedly approved this discipline before departure, I will never add comrades in the hall." Li Qianlian nodded should always refer to the space channel smiled: "I don't have something to see you." To do, I will not delay you, we will leave. "

"Well, pay attention to safety all the way."

Saving a hand, the figure of Li Gong, disappeared within the space channel, the smile on the face of Meisi gradually disappeared, the expression became serious, he returned to Yuan Shaoqing and the command: "Depart."


After a short exchange, a group walked to the field parking lot, where there was a long-awaited team quietly waiting for this team, one of the thickest explosion-proof trucks is most eye-catching.

Nothing, this truck ushered in its main bearer, and the "Mora" with heavy "Mora" was carried on the truck under the escort, and there was a small episode in the process. From the returning agent who returned to the road, she fell into a few times, all the way, all the people beside the person, and finally took the truck together with everyone.

"Sun, the brother, he is nothing to do?" The New Investigation Department participated in several actions through the special training, and honored Lin Nan, which was enrolled, silently gazing every detail of this escort, sitting After the next car, I rushed my captain to ask myself.

"Don't mention it, Xiao Liu is born in eight generations. When you are responsible for guarding the prisoner, the man wants to escape to attack him, see that the injury is still not recovered yet, now there is a busy focus of the finals that will begin immediately. No time, no one, didn't take care of him, I sent him back. "The team hired while giving the car:" According to the time difference of the two, this evening is to open, and I don't know if I can You can't complete the task to go back to the training space to see the finals in the Hall, how can we take this task today? "

"Yeah, I want to see the champion of this contest that I can't win." There is a voice attached to the car.

"Oh, right! I have just taken the woman just the magic world of the squad, how did she take us from the Taoist world?" Li Nan inserted.

"Hey, you said that it is really her." Other players who have seen the game immediately returned to God to ask: "Captain, how did you give her back?"

"Don't see less, don't ask less! How many days in the team didn't understand?" Opened the car and heard the grandchildren in the rear of the team, heard this face a deep training.

After listening to this, people immediately quietly discussed more about this matter. Only Li Nan's eyes have never left the direction of the previous car.

Until the team drove into the transfer of the transfer to the newly established secret supervisor, this can be said to be a shock, and when all the person responsible for escort after arriving at the destination, only the road is returned to a line. People personally be responsible for escort "Mora" into the Secret Supervision, but when Mora off, Li Nan seems to find another complete strange face under the messy long hair, this discovery Lin Nan is eating a shocking horse to use the abilities to stare at the face and carefully observed.

This "Mora" does not seem to have discovered his own strange. After all the road, he quickly breathed the fresh air outside the car, until it was found that the abnormal used his hand, she had a warner, and she immediately lowered. At the moment of her down, the strange face changed again into the image of Mora 31APP download address.

This amazing discovery allowed Li Nan shocked. He sent this team to the door to go to the secret supervisor. In the car, he went to the cheers in the car, and laugh Mixed it does not tell anyone.

And all changes have been incorporated in the eyes of the grandson observed in the dark mirror. He didn't send a smoke in the mouth and hit the direction of the routine. The rest has not been related to him.

Everything in the cornerstone is in an orderly manner, and returning to the Yiren of Yiren in the road, after being reported to the friends, this is pulling Li Qi's hand. Script of old.

"Oh, I have seen it in your game! I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! I have grown so much in such a short time."

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