The two major part of the master of the masters did not scare the alchemist of the hell session, but instead aroused his great victory, he also added this to the "advertising" competition for the squad.

Three people are unhappy, and the protagonist of this matter has become irrelevant, and there is nothing to stand on the side, and there is a fierce debate that is not understanding.

Only three groups of this problem have argued that nearly a day, until Li Gong will wake up in the perseverance, this matter is a result.

"Dao Yan, they decided to engrave three major faces of defense in your body." I don't know much about Li Qi, Li Qi, who is still surpassing, and I have listened to the whole side of the opponent, and keep it The state of excitement is in the rumor.

"Oh!" Seeing Li Changshi is so exciting, and he is in a state of waking up in the state of waking up, standing and happy. "To start transformation?"

"No, I just want to inform you, you have to blend the three-face defense method, you will not work hard to work properly and have complement each other, the power multiplied effect This is also A new problem, so after I finalized this new program, the three-party opinion was invested in the plan of the new way to you, and now you need to take care of your body, so it is reasonable to use every time. Medical table. "

After listening to Li Qi's explanation, he did not retreat to the center of the venue. The sea and others waited from the disciples under the doors, and once again, he took a full bottom inspection record. Not only that, they also recorded the body of the normal state after the mechanization, asked the most high changes after mechanization and the minimum height change, what state is the most comfortable battle state, etc. problem.

Have a good thing that is not occupied by a little cheap, falling on his head, if he really did not dare to accept it.

So he did not have a doctor who had no doctor in this inquiry. It told the answer to all the questions. After getting the data information they wanted, this group of people once again gathered the brain. Start new research.

The time of this study exceeded the expectations of the righteousness, he was bored to stand on the side, watching the three gangs to paint a good drawing, painting, throwing, can still be unsatisfactory, three people can't At some issues, the comrades of Li Gong and Equipment Department are, and each abandoned drawings are labeled, and each abandoned drawings are treated.

Such an argument lasted for four days. During this period, the Taoist the sky and had to send people a time space. Go to the outside of Lin Ru Snow application to adjust the flow rate of the day, and the initial three-month renovation time is now not enough. , It is a year, and it is time to increase the speed of the space after half a year after the expansion of the expansion is long, and it is not almost negligible.

After these four days of countless quarrels and modifications, the Three people were constantly striving, compromising, and balanced, and finally draws the programs that combine the tripartite characteristics.

At this time, even the seal of the old success is not extensive, and the incident of the priest is a matter of alchemist of the drilling organs in the scene. It is an opportunity to break the obedience of the study law, and several people are in this. The controversy has benefited a lot, sealed and more, I feel that I have a bottleneck in the surgeon in the organization, and there is a sign of breakthrough at this time.

"Can you start?" Feng Tian and walked to the inner joy asking in front of him.

"You can, I will wait for it! Do you need me to do?" Finally ushered in the renovation of .

"We specially specialize in the inside and outside of the inside and outside, because we know that after you change, the body's height is actually increased, and after our study, you will be in the form of the normal state, and mechanized the body with you. The form of the table is not conflict, so we must engrave on you in your two states, so when you mechanize, the two layers of law will be superimposed together to play a powerful effect. "

"But I heard that this law can only be engaged on the equipment. Is it possible to withstand its power?" Yan Yan thought that Yao Xuefang did not understand when it was originally portrayed.

"Do you think your current body is still a normal person? Even if your body has been transformed with multiple bloods? You can use the stimulating dye, you will use you. The body is absolutely able to bear. "

I am listening to the sealing and interpretation point to remove the mechanized state, and the disciple of the shoulders and the disciples who are ready to portray. "Then start."

"Hey, you have to prepare, this process will ..."

I have a little bit and say that I have a slight smile. I don't care. "Will it be very painful, I have experienced it once before, this kind of thing doesn't have to say that I live!" "" This should be the last time, I don't want to wait for me to reach the nine-order awakening, then I will change it again. The body is too crime. "

"You can safely be the last time, we give you the three highest level of defense, I know that you are now very strong and can even resist ordinary nine-order monks, but even so we design. This set of factions are also exceeded in the scope of your current capabilities. It is not intensive than strength! Today, you can only play a part of the effect, you want to completely activate the only waiting for you to break through the nine-order awakening It is possible. "The Magic Refining Master Azola 's Experience Pride.

"This is best to come!" Yan Yan said quite satisfied, took off his top, sitting in the table to open his hand and cheered.

"Take your pants."

"Ah?" Feng Tian and this let's say the words, the last texture fault can not take off the pants! He doesn't understand: "Pants must take off?"

"Of course! We must ensure that your body is not covered by the body, and there is a defense method without the defense." Feng Tian and the way.

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