Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1041 under transformation

Praise these masters Li Qi, inform the shortcomings of the remodeling, the delegation of the remarks: "It is because of the more closeness of your body, so when all the defense measures are broken, only the body's own defense is left, when it suffers To fatality destruction, you will no longer feel painful as before, until the body can reveal the sequelae, but it will feel like a practical blow. "

"Is this?" Yan Yan recovered the wavy arms.

"Yes, it is now looking at this is where you are more lacking before!" Li Mong stalls helpless.

"Hey! What is wrong with this!" Yan Yan waved uncomfortable: "It will suffer from pain. It's just that there is a difference in the evening. If I was knocked down all the peripheral defense, then I explained the life and death crisis. At that time, the physical pain has nothing to do, I believe I can overcome this pain to continue to fight. "

After saying that I want to reach out to take Li Qian, but I am afraid that I can't control myself, and I will take it back to half again, and I will laugh and laugh. "I can now help Did I control the new body? "

"sure, no problem!"

During the next month, the rumor was in the past one month, and he learned a detailed process of his new body transformation at a point. Every day he has a new surprise! During this time, he also re-completed the new body. It has been sent and received for physical strength and all kinds of movements. The only regret is that this space is too small, and it has limited capacity to make him for each new body. The new feature is the most functional test, which makes the excessive physical strength unable to vent, which is less than a hearty evil battle.

During this period, the masters of these Zongmen were not idle. In addition to the first few days, they were very concerned about the state of the words, and the next day they almost left a person responsible for answering the doubts of the words, and others were divided into two. Wave Yapo's transformation of the Mechanical Frames of the Paleo Yan, and the other wave continued to invest in the research and development of new drawings.

After training, I have become a person who has nothing to do. Only when you eat the box, Li Qigong will chat with the same needs to eat, watching the Zongmen, who is still studying, he is a little indise Ask: "Li Qi, is my transformation have been completed? What are they studying?"

"Who says your transformation is completed?" Li Qigong eaten the best meals customized by the investigation hall from the city, showing happiness on the face, heard that this is coming back to God, holding chopsticks The hand pushed the glasses and asked.

"Where else does it need to be transformed?" Yan Yan looked at Li Changxun.

"Here!" Li Qi looked up his finger to say the left eye.

"My mechanical eye?" He said that he was shocked.

"It's drip!" Li Gong said with the chopsticks in his hand, reached your forehead, and the eyes did not turn his eyes and stared at the rock. It's just that it is born when you have hit hard, save your life, and you can say that you have completed it yourself, you can say that this part is the most perfect place to combine your body. If you have a life, you will die. ! "

Remove the arm to renew the chopsticks and clipped the mouth, Li Geng Bian chewed and woven: "It is because it is too important to contact you too close, so every step of the transformation requires cautious, because here It is the core of your command control, including the highest-level equipment, so these Zongmen Masters also encountered bottlenecks, need to negotiate with us to develop a perfect transformation plan. "

They did not put this team in their eyes, but in the process of transformation, this team showed the quality, but won the respect of these masters, more scientific planning and strict computing, and the comprehension of the organ Learning capabilities, and completing these organs with various instruments, you can't make every fine installation work every time.

These changes allow the three major amenities, alchemists, truly face the power of the cornerstone, because through the inspection of these instruments, their depressed discovery of the personnel of the cornerstone, as long as they allow them to pass Learning to preliminate the essentials of the organs in more than a dozen years, and in more than 100 years, the perfect integration of this method is perfect to their own technology, and the other three planes are longer, and also It is difficult to learn the civilization of the cornerstone.

This finding let them completely break the idea of ​​collecting these equipment disciples, they know that these people learn the agency, on this road on this road will no longer have any advantage to the cornerstone.

"How long does it take?" Yan Yan thought of the transformation of his most critical part, that is, excited and worried about touching his left eye.

"You don't have to think, this will last for a long time without results, you must not complete the transformation before the game, after which you are tailored to you, you will be able to do artifacts. With the addition of the time flow rate, the initial design work is completed, and there is no four or five years. "Said Li Qi and a lazy tang:" Hey, this legal is a magical place! Save here In the past two or five years, the outside world may only be one or two months, and in turn of our cornerstone two days! If so many of our studies will break through the other departments! "

"But your life is more consumed than they accelerated, essentially no difference!" He said to Li Quanzhi: "Do you still have to study? Originally, you can consume more than three months more than the outside world The life is already very uneasy. "

"You are not to stop the invasion, have you spent the six or seven years of light?" Li Gong did not think about it.

"I am not the same, I am a possible person! Long life! And I am still young."

See Yan Yan explained that Li Qigong said: "You don't have to worry about us, it is voluntarily decided here!" Said Li Qi smiled: "And I don't have your live time. Long, but if you don't accidentally, I will have a longer than the average people! "

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