Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1058 Blood Brake Problem

Nero's heart did not have Ye Ruo's companion, but he was not a stupid man in this battle. He still understood that he still understood it. He saw it after escaping the scan attack. Emperin on the ground, he also informed that his own behavior is not correct, it is easy to get annoyed, and you will prepare for the emperor.

If Nero and the power gap are separated by the first line, the emperor is a gap between the Di Sin and the , although his physical quality has been multiplied by many of the local origins, but in the Not enough, therefore he is pressed on the ground, he can't turn it down, and he is riding a big hammer.

Such a battle is not called, more like a person's venting, he has many kind of attack method but he is useless, only the most original and most direct method, a punch, a punch, a punch Emperor's cheeks.

Emperor was angry and was afraid. He never thought that his fist is so painful, and he will not think that he will be smashed by his fist. On the power, he can't fight against him. If you want space, you want to escape the space nearby. The opponent blocks, the opposite of the anti-anti-swaying of the squad, the slabs of the ribisy body, and he has seen such a scene with Nero, understand that this is the effect after the advanced defense method I have to make more powerful attacks that may attack his body.

Just as the Di Xin bite his teeth, when Nero's reinforcement finally arrived at a head of overweight whip legs, the head of the whip is coming, it is about to contact the brain spoon in the whip leg, Di Xin only I feel that it is pressed by the mountains, such as the mountains, and the surprise, he hurriedly got up and wanted to jump, the body was just a sudden kick in the middle of the abdomen, a old blood spray again Kick back to the ground.

boom! Sounding the two people, Nerol, I can't pay attention to the emperor who was awkward, looked up, and looked up to the atomization and shadow of myself, and even the Toy. Luo steep anger and a big way: ", where you want to escape!"

After saying that the hand is in the middle of the empty bodies, a large amount of source is poured out to compress the spatial space forcing the entity, followed by a punch, and he will say that he will show up his mouth. Sarma, the next moment of Nero, the people in front of Nero once again disappeared the mechanical fresco three appeared in front of him, and the iron boxing was together with it.

On the other side, Ivan just fought in the organs killed in the spatial crack. Who knows that there is a burst of space to fluctuate up and down, and the In front of.

Ivan's fist offensive has not been able to recover, and a boxing is air hitting in the vain of the words, and the attack is as if the attack is like hitting the cotton, the inertia of the impact makes Ivan can't control itself. The body is not from the autonomy, and waiting for his no friendly hug, only one has already condensed the palm of his head to the palm of his head.

"Dead disease!"

! A iron hand covered his face. With the He is not unfamiliar with a variety of negative emotions, he knows this is the power of the fear of the devil, and the power of this origin is also involved in a large number of death corrosion. Rapid eroding your body accelerates its aging process.

Under the influence of the two effects, Ivan has temporarily falls into a coma. When the body is losing control, he falls rapidly. At this time, after he is exchanged with the , the mechanical body is divided into a boxing. After the fist, the bustic is rapid, and the two figures will be wipped. The three points of the three are in the shape of the body, and the empty one foot is on the abdomen of Ivan, this kick directly accelerates The process of Ivan fell.

Ivan faltered met Nero who wanted to chase after punch, see this situation Nero had to delay the pursuit of the pursuit, and then caught the two people in Ivan again fell back to the ground.

This round of attack seemingly long-lived in electro-optical flames, and the attack of the three origins between the breath, the first round of hand, actually is in the siege, this change makes watching After again, I made a fierce cheers and discussion.

"Hehe, I am a child's tribute to use my magistrate, it is more and more smooth, and the mechanical body is rapidly atomized, and there is a dead fertilizer, and teleclatica. Is this also the result of transformation?" In the field, the demon god looked at the hindles of the court.

"Yes, the father, this deformation machine has also blended my emoticon's alchemist, and this so-called dead, which combines your fear and a large amount of death, after the source, continuous In the opponent. "Xira said to shook his head:" I have a little bit of the poor insects that are hit, and I will have a lot of tricks. "

It is exactly that if the trauma is obviously the most important hits of the emperor, it is only in the case of Nero, but also in the case of Nero.

"I said, I have to use it all my best to deal with me. It seems that you haven't heard it!" In the air, he said in the air, and the three times again hidden, then he fell to a stone column. Looking at the three people who are angry and the three people who are angry.

"Hey! Is there a mistake! This guy is so strong! Our three people teamed up to be suppressed by the first round!" Emperor has started to swell, twisting, seeing the awareness of just recovered, can stand alone Ivan coldly said: "Ivan, a little bit of good time! Don't be sick in a few times like a waste!"

"The people who were smashed with the pigs were not qualified for me!" Ivan shook his head, try to calm down the death of his brain, then the anti-lips.

"what did you say?"

"It's enough!" Looking at the two-person anger, Nero smeared the companion's noise, and the eyes saw that the two people closed their mouths, but the color was still dissatisfied with the face, Nero knew that way, think about a moment After that, he took a deep breath: "This attack failed responsibility is in me, you all do it very well! We must master the rhythm of attack!"

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