Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1067 Hard antiyan robbery

The audience of the audience has a constantly changing color of the sky, and a piece of falling meteorite is no longer as big as a big surprise, the area of ​​the competition is constantly expanding, the audience is constantly retreating, as for the center of the venue is now no longer People can see his figure.

When it was righteous by blue and red, the red change was purified, and the frequency of falling thunder and meteorite gradually slowed down, but the power was getting bigger and bigger, the result of this wheel attack, A black hole that braves a black smoke.

"Call! The guy, still, still alive?" Ning Yichen once again repaired the defensive law array that was shocked, quietly wiped the sweat of the forehead.

Lin Daozi looked up at the robbery of the end. The eyes were free to hesitate: "According to the common sense, the robbery is still going to continue the robbery, but the hard pause is so many next time, he is now What is the condition I can't be determined. "

"Do you have 31App to download the number of people a total of how many roads have been robbed?" A fairy palace of a guard against the gods and fell.

"Seven, seventy-seven?" "Ning Shizhen bowed his head to return.

"It is seventy-nine way, there are two days before we join the French and maintain the maintenance!" Lin Xuo Song made a speech.

"Isn't that there are two ways to have a ninety-nine people?" The elder words just looked at the lips, and he hurriedly turned his head and smashed him. Hey: "80! How many years! The old man seemed to see the first time in the eyes, is it really people who can lead to the 998th Treasury! "

As if to achieve the dream of this old man, it may be that after such a long time, there is a little impatient to end. After the eighty-day Tianlei falls, it is a huge thunder. Sound came.

This laundry did not fall quickly, and the sound of rolling thundering was constantly accumulated in the black cloud. All black clouds gathered in the heart of the thunder, and when the clouds were completely compressed into the small lightning light ball, A thunderstorm situation that is comparable to the size of the venue is comparable.

"Fast! Fast expansion, the area is full of defense, teacher, master!" Lin Daozi changed his face when seeing the black cloud contraction, hurriedly shouting everyone to strengthen the defense, when one hand passed through the crowd and fluttering in the defense On the abundance, the people who shot is the main forestry of the road.

"Remember to maintain the abilities, don't take me!"

"I will honor your life!"

In the end, I finally dropped there. There was no earth-shattering, that is, the momentum is so amazing, then drifting to dissipate it in the half-air before falling to the target, seeing this result, let the Lin Ru Xue brow, wrinkled, after a moment Out of the sound: "I didn't expect that she got such a powerful force in this battle, but because of the disaster!"

In addition to the forests outside the snow, the main Lord of the country also induced, eliminating the end of the day, the power of the horrible origination, the candlelon in the private room and the magic world to the magic world becomes instantly It is ugly to the extreme.

These people can induce but three are forced to the edge of the ring, and the wolf is not necessarily, feel the rain in the ring, and the rain is falling in the rain, and then look at the destroy in the distance. The crater that is deeply deep, and the three people don't have the guts, and they are dead.

Nero is the leader of the three people. The face without the five senses will re-condense his original appearance. After deep breathing, he breathed a breath, and smiled and said: "You all have seen the power of this day." In the past, even if you support the past, you must be seriously injured. We must completely eradicate him, even if you can't kill him, you must force it to withdraw from the game, or let the experience you have resumed such that he recovered the Yuanqi, then We can not deal with the combat power, it is an unknown. "

"You are right, I think he is very likely already dead, you didn't see the last Tianlei drop to half, did you have a halfway, this is the performance of the world, the time of robbery!" Emperin self-comfort Tao.

"I think he may not die yet!"

"What are you talking about? How do you ... Ivan said, let the emperor have jumped like a thunder. I just want to export to refute, I saw him stretching out of his finger. He pointed to a direction. His directions pointing in his fingertips.


Due in the mouth of the Emperor, I found a rough language that I found out, but most of the audience at this time, one iron hand took the edge of the deep pit, and the iron hand is supported by the iron hand The shadow of the white smoke is slowly released from the pit.

"Call! Call! , he is still alive! Also alive!" Seeing this figure Zhao Yuanhu smashed the prayer hand, it was weak, and there was a soft tone, and bowed his words.

"But he was also filled enough! Since entering the hell, I still saw him so much like this!" Wang Wenze is not turned to the ring.

On the ring, I was really like Nero and others guess. After the hard-resistant, the body has become broken, the glossy machine has masked the black burning, and the damaged machine has a large amount of relief. Outside the line and internal facilities, the most shocking is the face of the squad, and the face has long been destroyed. It is unware of the long-term burns of the end half of the face, exposes the traces of the intraocular mechanical eye and bone fusion.

"That is now! Don't give him a chance to breathe!" When everyone has already returned from , ,

In this sentence, it is reminded that Di Xin and Ivan have known the second after the two, and the process should be hidden immediately after it!

"Hey! If you can't let people recover more? True ..." Yan Yan looked at the three people who were murdered and rushed, and sighed with nearly spoiled tone, said the first half of the words, said half of the words and sudden turns The moment it becomes cold and is incompatible: "I am bothering!"

The voice just raised the raining in the day, and a thick thunder was scratched.

" , less than the equipment, do you think I will retreat under such an attack!" The burning and paralysis of the hard-resistant thunder strikes in the body, Nero rushed through the mine I laughed before speaking.

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