Depeio responded to the eyes of Raudu with a cold look, using extremely solemn tone: "Don't try to provoke that man, he has used strength to prove its status, your brother is in a supreme hand Learning to master the fusion of artifacts and the power of the source, it is still defeated by him, if you provocate him only .... "

"Don't mention me and my brother, he has become a family's abandonment and even a shame!" Ru Du red his face.

"Your brother is paying for the family! You can't see him like this!" Depeho sound became more and more strict, he has looked at the Frad family a bleak price, can't look The second child made the same mistake, he hoped that his strict attitude can cancel the stupid idea in front of this child.

Obviously his wishes fall out of this famous young boy who is called a beautiful man, and lives under the brother's radius. Now his brother is willing to be excluded from the family heirs. It is now the most urgent It is to make a big matter of force brothers prove that you are, and you can't listen is to compare your own and brother.

"Is there a low-order monk called an energy desert again? It is still to become a woman to be a family and relative." Ru Du said that his face was a ridicule. "If it is after So he really made a huge sacrifice! Dedao You know that this is what our family has become a laughter in other bloody mouths! Those low-and-wait blood family dare to use this thing Mock up me! When I control the Frad family, I will definitely pay the price! And Yan Yan! "

Speaking of Rauro stands to look to Depeio: "You are too high to see him. He is just a lucky luck with the power of the supreme level, and people like him will use light by one day. Lucky, the last time he was hidden in the attack at the scene, otherwise my father will shot him, and then the glory of my family today. "

Depeio seeing his own persuasion, there is no role in Rudou, I have to take out the last killer. Warner: "I don't care how you look at it, but I will never allow you to take it now and him, including Any of the son of the source, you must promise me for a while to rescue your brother, we immediately retreat will never be entangled! If you can't do it, I will order this action, any consequence of this trigger I am going to bear! "

"Okay, okay! I didn't say that I had to provoke that madman! You don't want to be so nervous, you are also very worried about my brother is not? This may be the last time to save his chance." Rudu knew this deep The old man who is heavy by the father, if it is determined, it will be said, and the result of the task failure must be punished by his father, so he tangted a soft sigh: "Although I have the relationship with the guy It is not very good from small, but we are brothers. He is insulting is that the Frad family suffers from insults. I still have to be clear! This task is mainly to save him and get off, as for other things. "

"This is good." Depeio took the Du watch, this is loose, then Wu Xiuping once again made a whisper: "The game has been going to the final stage, and Yan Yanqi Anti-eight Eleven Tianshi, our people are fighting with him, in order to ensure the safety of the righteousness, the people in the investigation department must all put it on the game! It is the best moment for the raid. "

"Oh? This I can't help but ridicule.

"Mr. Radu! We have already showing enough respect for you and your family. This time we deliver information and send people aid to save your brothers, please speak polite!" Repeated insults let Wu Xixian again It is also difficult to make anger in the chest, and the cold snorted back.

"Wu! When we are fighting between us, you also said that it is the best time, and the battle of the competition is very changing. We must seize the opportunity, please order to give you a raid! Mission can start." Peio misses the young master who doesn't know the etiquette, seeing the two sides to have a conflict to pluck between the two people.

"Well, Mr. De Peio, I hope you can remember what happened these days and later reported to the Prince of Dracus, and our blood brakes made in this action." Wu Xixing See someone came out to play a round field, and after leaving a single scene, I watched Ru Du and turned to my mini to lay the task.

Three minutes later, the two teams that have been prepared into the group of all sects. According to the information according to the information, according to the intelligence, I will find the Yi Rong water, and then use blood to confirm the target, and rescue The raid task is starting.


A deafening ricker, suddenly fried after the first wave of turned over the wall, looked at the collapsed collisher and flying to the heavens, Wu Xiu's flat face is very ugly, because all this blocking Only one person in front of them is still a woman.

"Call, just in order to protect your attack, I have not been able to see the last final scene, I don't know how I am playing now?" Xia Dang stood in the courtyard. The enemy is all in the eyes, and the twist looks like to mutter in the direction of the game.

Rudou saw this woman, he remembers that this person said that this person is one of the sons of the source. It was once in his own hands, and now she looked at her heroic and cool appearance. Raudou would not be free to rise. One war will conquer the impulse.

I saw his idea Depeo timely a persistent alert: "Marquis! Remember our previous agreement, and the things that fight these people will do it all people! We are in urgent way to rescue the Pethers and then evacuate as soon as possible Here. "

"I know! Don't remind me any more!" Depeio's words were undoubted to pour the basin cold water to the heart of Raudu, so that he was very dissatisfied with a lot of mind, and a team of people whispering and Xiany When he was fighting, he could only sigh, and he went to the book in the buddy of his brother.

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