Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1095 of the artifact requirements

This may be a bit cruel to Sifer, but it is better to have a short pain, this is just a little worship, she will always find her more suitable partner in the family, and I think this is two The most suitable choice is because he has been dealing with the feelings of feelings, let him miss the last side of Xifer, so that a series of shocking a few big faces after triggering, even a little bit Change the big event of the battle.

Now, I can't put it out of the wooden box. At the end of the people, I have ended the meeting after the game, and after the meeting, he did not return to his room. In order to go home and family, he said Decided to finalize the artifact forging as soon as possible.

For this reason, he is inquir to know that Li Qi and others are still in the artifact. They only came to the artifact space. They saw his big seats in the space in the space, and the alchemist warfare came over. It has been embarrassed to the performance of his stadium, and some people have not shown their own techniques to install their own technology.

After someone else, Li Qi took the lead in being a whisper: "Hey, have you come to the so-called what?"

Looking at the book and this old antique, I have been a long time, and I also become a smile: "Two things! One is for my body transformation, and one is the Lord's adults, I will promise me for me. Tailor-made two pieces of artifact. "

"I know that you come for this!" Mumen Chang Yu Tian and smiled with his hand to finish, saying that it was complaining that almost his face sticker, and then very rudely reached out and pressed his head. He opened his left eye and stared at the mechanical eyes that he stared in it.

For such a move, he has already happened, and the people here are from all walks of people belong to the camps, which are high and low, and their temper is different. If there is anything in common, it is what they have learned. The pride and enthusiasm of the director, at this point, there is very admired.

"Ah! How perfect! It is the same as the same art!" Feng Tian and slowly recovered his palm: "Before giving you a renovation check, we found that your eyes are the core of this body, only For the final transformation, it can make it perfectly integrated with your current body, and inspire all the combat power you mechanized! But if you want to do this, why! "

In the sky, I said that I have shaken my eyes, but I am like a child who is the most loved toy. I am murmured: "Don't say that this perfect mechanical structure is more upstairs. How difficult is to, the extent of this mechanical eye and your body is a difficult gate, it is born when you have a big awakening, now you have fully integrated, you want to do it. Each step is a difficult crisis. It is difficult to make a practical device! So this is an urgent! We need to discuss research. "

After listening to this, I said, "Well! Well! I understand my life, the masters are cautious is responsible for me! I will not urge you to felt when I don't know how to inform me!" "

"We can't let you talk, don't you have two artifacts need forging? Tell you ask for your request to listen to us." A sides of the Almond Games.

"Well? What is the requirements?" He said that he would like to ask for him. When these days, he will repeatedly think about the conditions of the artifact in your mind in your mind.

"You should talk about it! We can't agree with you, just talk about what type of artifact you want!" Feng Tian and cry launched.

"Gun!" .

"Gun? Long gun?"

"No! Pistol! Left round gun!"

"What gun? Left round gun?" In addition to Li Chang and others in the house, the other people did not understand: "What is the left rifle?"

I saw a few people who didn't solve the riffness of the left wheel, and after the scene, Feng Tian and took a pistol and a few people. I felt that the corner of his mouth was unable to convulsted, and he lifted his pistol. Words: "You, you, let us make such a low-level organ weapon?"

Seeing the sky and one accidentally pulled the trigger, the impulse, Azu specially said that this old opponent is said: "We didn't look at the level of low-yards in this aspect, through this time Understand! We also know that you are almost unlimited at the machine, but this thing is ~! It is the pistol in your mouth, the power doesn't seem bigle! I am in the game at the scene, I have used it. Adding its power is far from the point of artifact. "

Seeing a few people mistakenly explained: "I mean to make the weapon's appearance into this look, I use it! As for how it is forging, I am not a hipster, I have rely on the master to say! Hey, this Don't you? "

"Row!" Feng Tian and squeezed a word from the teeth, looked up and stared at the words: "You said that this artifact do you have any specific needs."

"I want it to be perfect to show my abilities, and expand its power! More importantly, I hope to use it to show my origin of my body, such as the bullets that I am buckled. The power of my origination! "Yan Yan Li said his own idea and said that the last depressed said:" I have done such an attempt, but my own bullets are shot from the bullets, although bullets are condensed. The power of the origination, but the bullets have been dissipated, and there is no difference between the destruction caused by the goal of the spot, I re-got my friend's livelihood from Emperor Xin. One of them can increase the combat power of the firearms, so I want to forge so artifacts. "

"Well! It turns out!" After listening to this explanation, the expression and the expression eased. He looked at the hand in his hand and touched the squad: "Your requirements seem simple, but you want a combat amplifier. arms."

"But actually is not easy." Azo set up to pick up the phone: "When the usual person we will regard this requirement as a joke, but ask you to ask you! Then ask this weapon to withstand a lot of powerful power. The abilities, but also to adapt to the source of the six-headed face, and the output of the future of the six-bit sources should be made very difficult. "

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