Chang Sun Ze said that this time after again, Ge Yongshou glared, and whispered: "Don't want a few friends to admit mistake, ask people to understand!"

"Mei Xu, Yuan Xuan! You are a gift that I have lost a gift, I also hope that I can forgive sin." Ge Yongshou said that he did not argue to deepen a gift.

Good old man! If you have a lot of people, I have said that I have been in the past two hours, and my words are very clear. It is not that people don't talk about blisters but your group does not understand the rules. Take a few words to buckle the hat. Back to the head of the investigation team.

"Ge Chang said, it is that we have come to see the time of the elder, and the development of the Qing Dynasty is a sin." I know that the two are in the spring, Meisi has to Follow the opponent, return to the gift again.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, then don't mention it again! Mei Xu, you have known the matter of this time I have known, although Fang Caigui said, although it is also the practice of the actual existence of my Tianshou, this is the plug, you Since I have been here for so long, I can't let you return, you have to ask for a record record for Hongyu sword furnaces, I will let the two brothers come to you. You go back and slowly check that you don't have to return, as long as you have the original copy of the paper, you can see it, you can see this. "

Chang Sun Zhize came forward to this kind of cordial speech. If you don't know the other day, you have a good way to act, others are really grateful to be ignorant, and they will take the next paper. Leaving, in fact, I really fall in the past few times, I will give a slap in the heart of a sweet date. You just don't want to meet.

Unfortunately, the other person went wrong with the panel, it was to find , and he will not give up! Therefore, after the long-term Sun Ze said, Meisi hesitated to take a moment as a hard sigh: "The grand grandmaster is not the same for the late generation, and now we have been written by those hidden words. Slowly the progress of the investigation, if you don't send people to help translate interpretation, then give us a lot of texts are also helpless, and the elder generation of the elders is personally supervised by the Lord's adult. If it is late, I don't give an answer, I will ask, we It is not good to say something, and there is no such thing as this. It's just that this is just drilling this porcelain activity. If it delayed the big things in the fairy, I'm not good at the predecessors, so still I hope that the predecessor can be introduced. "

"Oh! ~." Mei Si's soft threat means full, and Chang Sun Zhizai wondered after a moment, the long face was full, and it was a pity: "Meyu said that it should be That is not a problem for you to interpret people, it is not a problem for you, but it is true that our brother said that our Tianshun Court is really a person's hand, and the people of Tianshuge have a copy of the people. I can't take it. Human hand! If you really don't have good people from the Fairy Palace, please ask, then you ask the Linglian to send a few people to replace my waiting for a few days, the old man will help you. "

"Long grandchildren, you should know that the Yinxue Lord is behind the Jian Jianchang, there is no matter what the blood brakes have been deflated, and travels to the hell and other sects to agree with the other faces, and don't say we go back to hell. I have to see the Linglian, I can't help but delay, I really do this, I have been in this critical moment, with this small thing to let the Linglong people will be awarded God, will only let the two places are laughing in front of the outside. I can't make peace, so that the spirit is very embarrassing! "

"You look at this, it is not! Oops ...!" This big hat is buckled, and the long and grandchildren, the long and grandchildren, and even the eyes of even the tongue sweep away from the Lavenam who is responsible for guarding away, and laughed: "Oh He is here, then this is good! Mei Xu, Lin Daozi Nah Lantian loves it to stay here for a few days, I will go to the text. "

Chang Sun Zhize understood that I would like to compromise this matter later, Tian Shougong delayed so many days, it is also necessary for the fairy Palace, and now he picks up the pot to Lindang. It is what he intervene, Xian If you can't blame your head, if you don't pick up this matter, you will have a speech.

How can Lin Dao does not understand the other's meaning? I have a good life in my hands, I think that this Lin Daozi will apologize after a gift: "Long grandchildren, I really want to help this busy, but the teacher is a letter, I want to ensure the safety of the investigation team. Don't leave, I am really love! "

"Meyu, you can't see this! The old man is also unbeatable for this matter. You can only apply for people to send people to the Xianchai, or please awarded the Lord."

Chang Sun Zhizhu saw Lin Daozi to take the heart, but he just said that he sounded a voice in the group.

"Nothing has no way to solve!"

The sound of this voice is looking forward, and the speaker is in the presence of Wang Wenze, listening to the two sides, I have been in the past, I can't help but speak.

Upper and down, a long-lasting, Sun Zhizi's eyes are full of doubts. Looking back to Ge Yongshou to see the opponent to shook his head, saying that this person is not recognized. The little generation, the elders talk free to get you in question, palm! "

It is said that Ge Yongshou has to execute it, but he was stopped by Meisi. "Ge predecessor is angry, many young people in the hall have not seen the world, I will go back, I will punish and punish him. Just now solve the difficult thing in front of you, you may wish to listen to what opinions he has, and blame it. "

Ge Yongshou saw a look to Chang Sun Zhizai, and the opponent's eyeball was turned back. "Yes, the young people are widely thoughtful, let him think about the place, let him say that there is nothing, my little friend, what do you have any way? Come listen. "

"Since several old predecessors can't leave here, then leave the text in this predecessor. We have a shed in this courtyard." He said that he is wide in front of the sky. Air floor, smile and explain.

"Hey ~! This ..." Long Sun Ze did not expect the other party to come to this hand, the look is awkward and the two brothers don't know how to answer.

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