Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1134, Reception

"Sorry, I am too excited! Because in my hometown, I have been circulating about this creature, so I first saw the extraordinary kindness of it." Looking at the leader, she is standing in front of himself. The blonde strange man, and there is a little bit of exciting mood.

"First? Will n't, Mr. Yan Yan, are you not seen in Miss Longchain in the group competition?" Ask this question, he did not wait for the question, and the blonde man wakes up: "Oh, I remembered that Miss Long Jin, Miss Dragon, has not revealed true. "

I have long heard that the dragon booth of the game with Sarava is a high-level dragon, but I have never seen it since the real body, I have determined this news from the other mouth, I am busy smiling: "Yes, yes!" Sorry, I still don't know if you have been so long? "

"Well, you have never seen me but there is still a good time, I have been stationed in your investigation hall for about two months, and I have also fighting with Mr. Gu, Mr. Lin Lao. My brother, my sister has been heard of your help. "

Listening to the other party said such a big paragraph, I immediately jumped out of my name and suddenly realized: "Oh! Oh! I remembered, I have listened to you, you are the son of Dragon King Sarafha?"

"It is under!"

As he said that this Sarafam is also a dragon king. For the sister's things, he participated in the battle for the investigation department headquarters and the gods of the artifact, and the two things did not live in the scene. So just after the event, I didn't see anyone, today I saw that he said that he laughed: "Your sister, I know your brother is not Saravel?"

"It is because you have saved his life in the group competition. Although you also humiliated him but in the finals, you defeated Nero, it is also for him, so he thinks you The grievances are flat, if you can not ask him, he is willing to pay you this friend. "

"Willing to certainly, many friends have many roads! There is no great hatred between us, but it is a young people's integration." Now the strong enemy is rumored, it can be a good thing, he Asked while I should be under: "How is the Sarave's physical condition? At the time, I didn't look very well."

"The life is to keep the self-care ability, but I am afraid that it is very difficult to returning to the peak to bear the name of Saravel, but we are not preparing to give up the father and the ancestors will always come to him, I want to help him. You can come here to this matter. "Sarafam sighed for his own younger brother, he did not have any joy of his brother, and he did not have any ethical expression. From the evolution of the beast, there are unimaganded part of each ethnic group, but more attention to the relationship between the heavy blood, this is undoubtedly the best ironic.

"Do you mean that the name of Saravel is? Is Saravel not a name but a honorary title?" Listening to the problem, he is confused.

"Yes, in our family, I only have the best of the Dragon who has the power of the world, even if I am strong, because of my father, although he is the current dragon domain, there is no power to crown. ! But Sarah has! This is a very rare millennium in our family. My brother is the second to awaken this bloody dragon, and the pride of the entire dragon is now .... "Said this Sara Mason is getting more and more low.

"Oh, this is like the existence of the gene mutation." Yan Yan said that he couldn't help but disappear.


See Sarafam to tell himself to the color, Yan Yan haha ​​smiles the topic: "Well, Mr. Sarafam, I said this may have a little officer but no malicious, I am just curious about you The power of the world, I used to spend my hand with Sarave, I admit that he is very strong, but it is only the strength of the source of the source. In addition, I didn't feel his special, relative, my father The oppression brought to me when I am angry, I have to be big. "

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you have a saying that you can ask us to ask us to be friends, um, it is no wonder that you will have this idea." Sarafam said this sky waved, four giant Dragon has fallen from the sky from the sky, and the four dragons have become more smaller until it has changed to a few people.

Waiting for the dragon stopped Sarafam light holding the ring and then rushing again, a carriage appeared in the source of the source of the source, and then dozens of reins extends directly under the carriage. The four giant dragons are linked together.

"Mr. Yan Yan, though there are also levels in our dragons, but we will not drive their own similarity as tools, this Silong Trough will only be used when receiving foreign national VIPs, and today you and In your body, the supreme adults and. "Sarafam used the finger to the luxurious luxury carriage, introduced to the pride of the pride, and looked down at the feet lazy face. Rubbish.

Prior to the past, Sarafha heard the origin of this goddess. Nowadays, the whole fitch is not much, and all the people who know is very embarrassed about the existence of garbage, strictly say this dog position. It is the only blood of the ancestors, and all the Ethnic groups in this world have passed the two dragons. As long as the ancestors are willing to contribute the most beautiful people, they have no future generations, but the ancestors are not Select any one in these ethnic groups, reverse it to the cornerstone, a low-level beast that does not have any source of gas, and even the low-level beast that has not opened his blood.

The two dragons have made such choices for the ancestors, and it is because the two ethnic rules from the road and the magic circles are continuously promoted. The ancestors have maintained their efforts and patience for their sight. Peace, if he chooses to leave a descendancy in any group, it will arouse the dissatisfaction and worry of another ethnic group, which makes this blessing countless ethnic group deeply, the old ancestors of the two, have to try and have both parties. Both unrelated ethnic groups of age.

At the same time that the two dragons are embarrassed, they also complicated this kind of mood, with such a mood, Sarafam, see this garbage means deep long-distance: ", and this adult It is a VIP worthy of such a reception. "

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