"Hehe, I am scared, is it? I didn't disclose anyone with anyone. You are the first to know, so ask you to keep it secret." The ancestors struggled to squand in his own knees. Looking at the shocked appearance in front of him, the mouth of the mouth exposed to the fun of smile.

"You, how can you die?" Yan Yan went back from the loss of attacked, but it was still in a question about this news.

"No one will die, the Lord of the source is the same, that is your guide in your body, she will die! At the beginning, we didn't choose to completely kill her, because the cornerstone also needs her existence to maintain The source of a few big sites and ventilated. "Zu God said that this is straight, and the old wrinkles slowly slowly from this moment, and the whole person seems to become young, with one The gentle source of the gentleness injection into the garbage in the body, and the garbage is a bit nervous in his body. It is slowly easy to easily sleep comfortably.

Gas injection source movement continues, the ancestral god look and then said to Pei said: "For us, in fact, that death is not accurate, as long as our world will not be destroyed, the total still the main source of birth, my death just Consciously dissipate, one day I will also re-condense me, this time may be very long, it is possible to complete within two thousand years, but I am another independent existence, which is dead than death. Use rebirth to describe more appropriate. "

"Then why do you die or rebirth? Is it nature death?" Listening to the explanation of the ancestors, he finally accepted this fact, and continued to ask with confusion in his heart.

"If you don't suffer accidents, our source is not natural death." Lin Jun Zhao, who did not wait for the ancestors, first answered this question, then she took a statement: "Do you predict what?"

The ancestors heard that there was no opening, just nodded. He said that he saw it: "Big sister, are you talking to me, do you predict what you have related?"

"She didn't lie to you, and the main use of our main use of the source will be blocked by the heaven, but you can even feel the uncompromising of the wild, not to mention that we are almost harmful to the world. The main source of the source of a plane! "Zezhu said that this sigh helpless:" I have already felt the warning of the heavens in a few years. At that time, what kind of thing I just died? I can make me like this, I used to be confused until the Armed Conference, I was confirmed, I am very likely to die in this battle. "

"The next battle!" He said that this forehead can not help but seep it out of cold sweat, he squatted to the sound: "Sister, what is your feelings?"

"I felt would not have asked that question out to the ancestral gods, and I'm just about to start World War slightly uneasy, but far from the point of perception to his own death." Lin Junzhao Lengheng soon complete response to the ancestral gods again Ask: "The ancestors, will the situation are so serious? Is there such a perception of other two?"

"I don't know, but I should estimate that there should be, but you should not be too optimistic. Only I have a person who died does not mean that the next war will take the victory of me. I can feel it is Because I compare the world's desire to be very low, I always follow the Tiandao rules to practice, so I can capture this slightly fleeting sky, after the heavens are multi-factor Mask, you want to know what you will be difficult. "

After this, the two people and Lin Joshao were worried about the future of the grand war. Looking at the Predict your death but I also understand the new life, I think my world will not collapse in this battle, although there is still a lot of variables, but this at least represents we have winning hope? "

"The ancestors of the ancestors, tell the truth, see the strengths showing the face when the Jian Jianchang, let me imagine that the blood brakes will fail, I admit that the blood brakes are indeed stronger than any one, but as long as long as Four places are not in the end, I am talking about the blood brakes. I believe that he can't have the power of the hand, but you can shake my awareness and now some intelligence. "Yan Yan said that his head and breathed a breath. : "But I still want to say that we have hope, if you can't escape like you can't escape, I still have any fear, now I can only do my best to live, I just don't understand the ancestors. And I mentioned this, if you only pass this news to the people in my body, don't let me know? Do you have a more secure contact between your host? "

"Well, I will talk to you later. Why don't you remember when you come to your strange place?" Zu God did not answer the question.

"Of course, I remember to get the power of your origin to fill itself." Yan Yan nodded back.

"If I didn't guess your arigin, the big sister should have been there from Lin Ru Snow, I will discuss one of the power of the Taoist's origin, but I have a source of your body, you have not yet. Is it absorbed? "

"Well, yes! The big sister told me that I was still not the time."

"Do you know why?"

In the face of the ancestors, a series of questions, Dao Yan Siki tried to ask: "Is it because of balance?"

The ancestors heard the words and looked at the words: "You are very smart because of balance, you should have six originals, you should have a clear, the six big faces are the existence of accompanying, yin, yang, life, death, Chaos, order, now you have mastered the fear of hell and the power of the cornerstone, if you can master the power of the French world, this means that your body will control the power of three origins, but no The power of a corresponding balance of balances, not only makes you used to use these origins, and more serious is that he will chaos your balance in your own source, and then affect your original source of generosity., heavy, walk around the magic, life! This is the main source of your home does not let you absorb the source of the road, and let me find me. "

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