Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1143 Chapter Cursive Contract

"Why is it less? Is this the process is dangerous?" Anyway, now I can't get down the blood pool, standing is also boring to know more detail, the rumor side knock on the side.

"Danger is second, more mainly reason is that such a contract is too difficult to achieve, most people can't find the beasts that match themselves, and they are not willing to pay their lives than their own lives than themselves. The strength of the beast is not willing to sign this contract with it. It will be more expensive than the cause of this, so this contract is powerful, but in these years, I only heard that two people have successfully achieved, they also It is indeed a strong combat power that is far beyond the same as monks, but it is not a farther that these two have not been able to go, and they have not yet grown to the peak. I have been in the encirclement. The contract is also called the cursed contract. "

"Ming, Ming, Ming!" You can't transfer the source of the cold, know how to tremble in front of the blood pool in front: "I, I am still waiting for how long I can go in."

"Don't use your source to resist this medicine." Long Jin saw that he must transfer the source and resolve the medicine, and hurriedly stop explaining: "This medicine is temporarily suppressed in your body's blood, for a while After jumping into the blood supply, you rely on the blood of the absorption of blood, slowly open this medicine, during which you will transfer the source and integrate your own blood. "

"What is this?" I have a question in the mouth, but I didn't stop the medicine pill and threw it into my mouth. The medicine pill entered into the body, and a cool feeling was immediately opened. He Yan said comfortable. Spit out of the mouth, the cool breath is suddenly dropped, and the rapid spread of cold flows, with him half of the cold, the hely of ice.

Say this dragon boot from the neck storage necklace neck, put the wax pills inside the tanheries inside the ceremonial skin, and he handed it to his words: "Take this."

"Do you still have a bloody blood?" Dragon Jin heard that this is strange and then nodded: "You are really unexpected, ok! You also know how complicated the blood in your body now, and you There is no blood to swallow all blood, if you absorb so many bloods, you will inevitably cause the existing blood of your existing blood, although I believe this kind of blood in your current physical fitness The struggle finally completed the integration ....

"I also learned some blood veins, but I have been hidden in my body, I have never been used in my body." Yan Yan remembered that Lei Yue Ting was injected from Xiaoflad to pick it into her body. Unlike Longjin said to have a speech.

"Oh, there is another thing that is about your blood in your body, compared to the small master pure blood, your blood fused is too bad, your own sentimental blood of the blood. "

"General! Long Chao is awkward, in addition to this, is there anything I need to pay?" Seeing her appearance of this embarrassment, he did not speak again, and then transferring the topic.

"Oh! Oh ..., I am just, just, Mr. Yu, I don't see you in a few days, I have a lot of the law." Being called the god of the god, hurriedly put the head to do anything else. The hairdresses between the horns.

"Miss Long Chao, you are staring at me, I am a bit ...." Dang Yan looked at the dragon boot to hook his body, and scratched his head helplessly reminded.

There is no objection to this, if it is often in the face of Longjin, I have seen that I have seen this move, until I finally discovered that the key part of the body was stripping, A naturally formed fog is covered with outsiders.

"Oh! Then I am going to go?" Yan Yan said to go to the pool, and then stopped to the road by Longjin and only listened to her: "You can't worry about you, this will hinder you. The process of absorption of blood and the number of resonances will also be affected. "

"Then I also hope that this symbiotic contract that you said is really a big upgrade." Yan Yan said to look at the blood pool in front of him, seeing the plasma in the blood pool began to swim, not long time In the center of the blood pool, a small whirlpool is formed. It doesn't wait for him to ask the Long Jinxian Xian Xiangxiang: "The blood pool has been started, and the two blood pools have now been run. I want to come to the teacher. In another secret room, soon the Legend will enter the blood pool. "

Longjin said sigh: "At the end of the final, we are too weak. The teacher believes that only the three disciples are not enough to maintain the benefits of all ethnic groups throughout the dragon domain, they have to summon it back to its blood and tied you. On top of the chariot, we are also betting. For you, now the little master may be too weak, but we sign a symbiotic contract with you, with the same danger of the situation in your face, after all, you die The young master can not be spared, but I believe that your strength hopes that you can break this "curse". "

"Anyway, you will know this in the outside of the outside, it is better to tell you how to tell you how much we deliberately conceal the tricks, and then say that I don't say anything about your future? The moment of famous, um, wrong! It should be said that you become the first source of the true meaning, your fate is destined to face more challenges and crises than the usual monks, and become the signator of the symbiotic contract. It is in this dangerous journey, which is slightly more difficult, but it is not worth mentioning compared to your revenue. "

"Hey, I have to sign this contract right away from your family. You don't tell this is the confirmation of the curse is really good?" Long Jin said that he can't help but smile.

Dragon Charm didn't immediately answer him but stared at the beast head on the wall. When the first animal head of the cliff wall, the speed of the blood column was slow, and the dragon boat said: "Yes, now it is The best time to the blood pool! "

The words behind Dragon Charm did not hear it. After heard three words, he couldn't wait to jump into the blood pool. If you look forward to the blood, you have not happened, Yan Yan, but felt that the body was more cold. This remembered that the dragon booth of the dragon booth, let himself sit in the center of the blood pool, and start mobilizing the source of the blood.

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