Just as the pond, the situation in the pond has changed again. After the colleague of the investigation bureau retreated, the thirty models who have been rushed out from the cracks were also fighting. Climb the pond side.

These people seem to have a warming of the geeks, and they are eager to take out this compassion. When they come into contact with the fog that they come into the pond, they were blocked by the invisible wall. .

After several trips, this group of guys glanced at the words and others. In the end, he had no choice but to go to the pond. The other corner will be a group. .

And the geeks in the pond found that all people were not moving, they didn't initiate a chasing, and the stupid stood was still moving. There was still time to jump out of the ice. When the number of weirders reached twenty-four people In the pond, the big ice cave began to continue to flourish, and the geeks who have been in the water in the water will finally take off the ice.

I saw that the geeks drums their eyes without God, and I can't hold it. After I saw the squad, I didn't see his mouth, I saw his throat and my belly. Just send a similar frog, but it is more difficult to listen to several times.

Then the arms stretched the secret claws, they have to rush, and they are waiting for the war to prepare, then the monsters just take a step, but the other geeks who have been by their body are stretched out to stop the body shape, two geeks After the end of the face, the furious geeks actually compromised that the old man was really returned to the crowd, but the pair of dead fish eyes were still in the shore.

After the words, I didn't think about the two middle fingers, one step, I moved to Ye Longju, I asked: "What is this thing? What is your previous experience? Their I have seen it? I didn't translate it? "

"The translation" is very normal, because this group of monsters are also ahead! MD sees the ghosts! "Ye Jiuju reached out and spurt the blood of the blood and spit his blood on the ground. He said that he was three The name of the monsters were accidentally smashed, and the other sharp fingertips were directly broken. Although the wounds have gradually healed this redness, this will not be able to go.

On the side of Wang Wenze took out a smoke threw the side of the mouth and asked: "Head, what do we do?"

When he didn't pay attention to the roommate with himself in this investigation, he did not dare to talk to him when he gooked in the shore.

This is a good gentleman, warm man, team adhesive, now short hair roots, the original sun showed the face of a mouthful of the mouth of the right cheek, the left cheek is only The whistle is covered, and the tattoo is just in the left eye of the tattoo, and the eyes are in the left and closing the wolf head as if they live, and the fierce wolf is ready to choose people.

The upper body looks like a slight body before, now the muscles, eight abdomen muscles, with his breath, the whole upper body, the whole upper body, including two arms dense numbness, full of all kinds Tattoo.

If you change the previous yourself, Wang Wenze, who met such a state in the bathhouse, I am afraid I don't dare to enter a pool and take a bath, but I stand next to Wang Wenze, but the two eyes are straightforward. Sign, from the quite of the lighter, silently igniting the smoke in the mouth.

Hey ... .. Who is the girl around you! I didn't expect this usual text quiet little girl, and the taste is still heavy.

"No matter what these things come from, seeing them before the violent look, we are fighting for life and can't let them escape from this cage, escapeing a consequence will be imagined."

The rocking of the upper star throwing a voice, and the squatting of the scorpion is reality. The captain said that the captain said, and the Diansheng and Jiangnan Town Town, if the monster ran out!

Dang said that his fist. He first practically felt what kind of burden on his body, this time he is no longer only for himself, thinking that this will feel that the blood is full of strength.

But didn't wait for how long the blood, the next discourse, just like a pot of cool water.

" , I will fight yourself for remote support! It is not allowed to go to ... .." Say this star looked at the laptop where the pond was hung in half-air: "Then keep the contact with the headquarters waiting for support! "

"However, the captain ...!" He said that he would not be able to fight.

The upper star turned back to the crucifidal command: "Nothing, this is a command! If you don't listen to the command this time, then I will propose for the upper place to take the qualification for the task!"

"Yes!" He said that he lowered his eyes. The annoyed refunded to the notebook hanging in the air, lifting the left hand, and lifted the notebook to the notebook.

After Summer, the group of geeks did not move on the ice. After receiving his eyes, I came to the eye to say that I came to say to the saying: "Don't be annoyed, the head does not let you go there. of."

"But I can't always fight, but I am here a charger! Then I am here!"

Xia Zuo took the shoulders of the squatting "" The current combat ability is hard to give them substantive damage. "

"Do you say that they have a third-order awaken?" He said that he is not a little less than a little less. Although the face is different from his own world, but after all, there have been exchanges and have been Imprered the world, so some of their cultural terms also exist in the current classics, and three corpses, it is the name of the corpse is Peng Shu, the neighborhood is named Peng Qi, the lower corpse is named Peng Zheng, according to Wang Wenze gave him the explanation only after the realm of this, the Taoist industry was really entered the threshold of cultivation.

Xia Yan shakes his head: "Will not, our abilities have a great advantage in the war warriors, and the three-neat monks under normal levels are equal to our second-order unwaken ordinary abilities, and this The strength evaluation may be lower only on the body of the three corpses, and the strength evaluation may be lower if they can apply the law. "

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