Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1166 is broken

"Well!" I heard Celtic answered Longtai out: "That is based on the rules of the ancestors, when the current Dragon King cannot fulfill the responsibility, it will be temporarily connected by another Dragon. Since you have already recognized this fact, then I am now the Lord of the dragon. "

In this way, the dragon Thai immediately took back to the dragon domain. As he took his hands on a generous armrest, the four-side of the Dragon Palace, the family of each family, the people of the family, and the magic circles are all in the heart. If there is dissatisfaction but there is no choice but to express your respect and loyalty to the new Dragon King.

"Listen to me, if you feel that there is no reason, you have no reason, but therefore, the consequences will have you are responsible." Telling Longtai out of the dragon chair, standing upside down, while walking: " You think that this is a dragon domain, even if the other party has ambush, as long as the dragon army is in front of the powerful strength, will any conspiracy tricks disintegrate the land? But have you ever thought that the blood brakes are not idiot, they dare to make a clear look And stay in the same place to attract us, it must be prepared for Wanquan, and the reinforcement will be less. It will be a drop in the aircraft. The aircraft will be more, if you are used to drag you, let you I can't take it from it for a while. Do you think about what consequences? "

Longtai has finished speaking, the big hand of the Taoist community, although the governments of the respective tribes will have the conflict, but the generations of the doctors have to be executed, and when they are flourishing, they will take the magical tribute, see this situation. Sarafha He looks at the dragon chair: "Adult, what do you mean by this."

"If you haven't come to me, I will be privately rescued. It is your own question. Since I found me is a common question, I must now consider the common security of the entire dragon domain. "

"Adult, what else is it?" I heard the command of Longtai, and Phoenix stopped and asked.

"Slow! Listen to me."

After saying Celtic and others turned out to go out.

When the face poked in the heart, the magical magic of the magic of each family is a red, Celtic is sarcasm to this heart, the blood is ridiculous: "If Longtai is so good to see me, then our family really doesn't have to use the adult for me. The family co-assumes this responsibility, we will go back to rescue my family's long, just after the incident, the ancestors will not say that I don't know the rules. "

When I said that this Longtai hooks to interrupted Phoenix to justice, continue: "I know how you think, nothing more than a bigger thing, the dragon king will come back like this. This is a small matter. However, even you understand that the other party is late after you succeed? Ten ** is a trap! You come to me to say that it is observing the rules of the dragon domain, saying that it is what you want to find. Responsible people are responsible for this action, there is a problem with the two people! "

I haven't been angry with this Longtai, I haven't been angry: "Phoenix is ​​long, do you say that the small matter is done? Do you think that the dragon domain is a little thing?"

"Longtai out of adults, can I ask why?" Phoenix is ​​also very welcome, once again called Longtai to adult, if he can't give a satisfactory answer, then this dragon king will not Approve

This is a full-time, not only in the field of the magic world, the ethnicity of the ethnicity of the family, but the color of the national family is always an outbreak, but it is also a long face of the national family of the road. Even if you want to take this opportunity to fight The magic family must also master the inch, don't you push the two sides again? How to steadily stimulate the nervous nervous nervousness of the magic family without a steady family.

"Then I tell you, I can't do it! Now anyone is not allowed to leave the dragon domain. The entire dragon domain enters the highest warning state. If there is any violation, it will be regarded as a Passage of Trunteen, and the dragon domain has become a foreigner forever. Do not return to the dragon domain. "

"Yes." Celtic didn't shout himself.

Longtai saw a Phoenix, because some of the facts between the two elements He had to politely politely polite, and the silence of the film, he asked: "If you look for me, I want to make me decide. Excellent people's family members of your family! "

"Your Majesty, you didn't have some small questions, things didn't come to the endless step, so that the ancestors of the ancestors, if you broke his old people, you can't afford this responsibility." Longtai This kind of performance of the stone underground is angered, I can't help but come out.

"That also contacts! If you do everything, if the secret connection is invalid, then notify the same as the Taoist community to go directly to the Fairy Palace to see the ancestors." Longtai strictly.

"Your Majesty, the ancestors of the ancestors have been going to the road, and Miss, the day of the day tries to contact it once, but it seems that the ancestors are looking forward to some quite a matter of serious things, and they are not in contact with them." Let's make a small whisper in the ear of Longtai.

"Stupid! You only consider the honor safety of our family, have you thought about the whole dragon domain?" Longtai out of the Kelt's post-turn to see himself to order: "immediately put this matter The ancestors of the ancestors will report. "

"Adults, oh! No, Dragon King." Celtic shouted the acoustic adult, but he was sitting in the dragon chair, the king of the road, the king of the road, that is enough to kill the eyes, immediately change the mouth continues Said: "The Dragon King, I received the urgentity now to rescue our tribute, waiting until the ancestors reported it is not too late."

"Now, everything is sudden from Jane, the first thing after this king is to deal with the rotten stalls left." The dragon gate of the dragon domain is very unfair, but can become more likely to become the magic world. After the hair, Longtai is completely disregarded: "If I have not guess such a big thing, you have not reported to the ancestors."

Said that Longtai glanced from the long face of each family of magic circles, asked: "You have never thought of them after catching the dragon king, what is the cause of a dragon king? , Is it worthwhile to have the goal of the risk? "

"Dragon, Dragon, Dragon Domain!" Longtai out of his words wake up in the dream, Sarafam forehead cold sweat straight to the Baba offset.

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