Heterogeneity company

Chapter 117 is eager to force

In the brain, it was a lap in his head. In addition to the lack of its ability, he even didn't understand what this group wants to do?

Self-esclopiced the road from the plane crack escaped, the monks were shrinking to the front of the pond, and the group of geeks also gathered together to stand together on the ice.

In this difficulty, it is a strange and stressful atmosphere, the investigation department, the face of the criminal monk, the geeks, and the three-footed trend show a subtle balance, no one dares to act in the first balance.

The last star did not stop in the two guys and went back and forth, from the situation, the two dials should be not a group, but if the trick is the least as the least number of people, it will not be hit by both parties. That is not good.

Now this situation is not good to use the mustard space. He can force the mustard space to pull the people in the mare, and then solve the battle, but

There is no way to pull the plane cracks in it. What should I do if I have an intrusion? Who will organize? Is it left behind? But now the power has been stretched, and then it is afraid that it will fall into the people who have broken by people.

"Damn, now this situation has long responded, why didn't the reinforcement? What is the problem?" The morning brow hosted the heart and uneasy.

Time passed by one minute, clearly the temperature around the body, the temperature of the drip into ice, but the forehead within the helmet has been highly tensioned and dripped with sweat, so the stalemate has passed for seven or eight minutes, everyone is always movable I am afraid that she causses a new round of evil battles because she is hill.

Just in the righteousness of the line, the weirdo started to quit the quantity of those who arrived in the road, suddenly the squirts of this group of clothes did not cover the body, turned to the face of shining and non-stop. Go.

Seeing their shapes, no matter how many people in the investigation are still a surprise, and they are directly removed from the laptop to the laptop. It is aimed to prevent them to prevent them, and they can follow the next This makes everyone a glimpse, and everyone does not understand what to do in the bureau.

Shangxing didn't immediately answer everyone, but noted that the monks of the other of the pond were after seeing the geeks and kneeling, and immediately became a chaotic move, and the secret moved, and immediately lowered: "Do a good fight to prepare!" "Finished directly back to the pen.

The voice did not fall, the crack of the half-air was once again ray. More than ten black shadows were taking a slightly reduced, and the eyes were slightly opened. This is still a fifteen monsters. However, this time they have a clear lead.

His appearance immediately attracted the eyes of all people. He said that he stared at this geeks of the monsters. The monsters were arched in the central guy. The whole body came from the head to the tail. It couldn't see him in the black cloak. I don't know if his gender doesn't know that he is a normal person or a geek.

However, lightening the respect of the geeks and that, like the internal source of the abilities, the slightly disseminated dark purple gases, so that he has soared in the danger index in the heart.

After this black robe, the eyes were swept away from the group of geeks in front of him, and he turned his head to look at the road monk in the corner of the pond. Focus on him, and the words of his movement. Go, the monk appeared in the black robes, when they appeared, they found that the other people had to look at themselves directly collapsed, and some people were crying. Some people were like a desperate hand speaking weapon. I wanted to rush to a fish dead, but I was hugged by my companion to die and stopped.

What is the calendar of this black robe? If you look at this point?

Just when he was shocking in the heart, the black robes were watching in the monk, and they moved to the direction of the investigation bureau.

Looking at the face of the dark purple, it is clear that the other's eyes can not see, but the heart is inexplicably lifted, and the heart of the murder is staring. The heart that has been turned into a body seems to change back. Quickly beat, breathing urgently led the red ear cold sweat straight to the fingertips.

Just when I thought that my body was blown up, a tall body blocked her sight in front of her.

"Call, call, call!" Yan Yanpisted his helmet as if he fished away from the steaming house, the sweat dripping line took his hair straight down, in just now, then just a short moment, When he didn't consciously, the strength of this black robe was conscious of the body, and the monsters who met the RB bathrobes were contrast. He felt that even if the people of the black robe were lower than that of that person.

Thinking of this is reluctant to restore the right hand to restore the flesh. I put it hard to my face, first gratitude, I grateful to the back of my eyes, and then sneak aiming to others. I don't know if my wolf is not seen by them. It is only that it is not too bad to look at the other side.

But this should not be tight, he is wrong to discover that a few colleagues are more than yourself, and the face is stunned. Liang shallow is standing unstable to rush on the shoulders of Wang Wenze.

This is indeed unexpectedly unexpectedly, until after the event, he learned from the analysis of the things in the analysis. It turns out that the black robes are not the so-called momentum, but to show a secret against spiritual attacks. Similar to the spiritual pressure, it will cause great mental stress to the realm.

And the words may be a disaster. After the night of the night, after the night of the madness, it has a certain degree of tolerance for such spiritual attacks, but it is so far to let him see the black robe. extraordinary.

Rescuing the helmet and giving the system if you have been in the mental state again, it automatically encloses his sight. After the skin, the skin is stimulating his skin, after the normal order, you will take a deep breath, and look at the lake again. Chinese monsters move.

The black robes were blocked in front of the people in front of the people to release the ends of the internal attacks in front of them.

Then, the arm was lifted from the long sleeves, and the darkness of the ink was held on the right hand. He held a black-free spring, and he said that the observation distance on the eye shroud, found that the ball is actually like a human heart, Beat.

He hasn't figured out what this guy is going to do, just see the hand of the black ball in the black ball!

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