when! The brittle golden iron friction came from the battlefield, and when Jin Feng Yu looked at the Dragon Championship, Yutang Dragon Dragon Dragonfly seized the opportunity to attack the front knife.

"Damn! Is these monsters of these monsters are steel iron bones!" When I just entered the dragon domain, I once pulled Longtai under pressure to open a gap in the mountain, and looked at my long knife over Jin Feng Yu. A elongated bloody, can't help but complain.

The back and hurting Jin Feng Yu is a big angry to go to the attack, but he listens to Longjin who is kicked into the ruins and shouted: "Don't take them to stop the people who enter the attic!"

Jin Fengyu heard that this suddenly realized that turned to the building, but chased the Bai Ze, the night, and the night had stopped her to go, plus a tiger's Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragonfly, and was under the triple bag Jin Feng Yu wants to break through it is a delusion.

At this time, Ivan, who was unattended slightly, opened some strength to open the ban on the basement. He also can't manage the excitement. He will not be ambush, and the big base is separated. Opened three dark rooms, Ivan quickly raised his foot and opened a door to open an empty sky, followed by the second or empty, withdrawing from the room forced him to hit the third door .


Two big beds in the third door are empty bed, and the other bed is lying in the bed, it is the so-called enemy to see the red eyes! Ivan looked at the breath and fell into the sleeping, and took out his own artifact rights to the one-end side of the long out of the sharp blade, jumped to the sky: " ! Ready to die!" "

The roar of the resentment and grievances of many days, passed through the surface of the ground, and the crowd in the fight in the game was stopped, and the chest wanted to join the battle again. Dao Yao said, a fell is in the bottom of the eye is a desperate color, and the expression of Jinfeng Yu's face is shocked and confused in the face of the game. It is curious about the direction of the attic. .

Not only, he connects the origin of the blood brake, and Fayuan and others in the periphery and arrival of the fighting army, it will focus on the attic, which is particularly long.

"There is a problem!" After watching the roar, he fell into a quiet loft. Bai Ze and Nero were in the same sound. Even if Ivan immersed in the excitement of the enemy, it was not self-extricted. Some reactions are!

boom! Just when two people wanted to see, the ground was first born, and then collapsed above the earth's dramatic shake, and a human shadow of the scattered building wreck and broke the sky.

"Ivan!" Always pays attention to the attic, and immediately recognizes the trend of the bloody people. It is just entering the companion in the attic. It fleszes him to take him with him when it has not fallen. Looking at the flesh of the upper body along with the face of the flesh and blood, the fleshy, Nero couldn't help but cruel: "What happened!"

He, he, he opened, eyes, eyes! Vomit ~! "Ivan took this sentence after Nero, and then inhibited the injury in the body.

"What do you say? Are you saying that Yan Yan woke up?" Nerol can't get a blood stain, listened to the one sentence that Ivan did not end.

Ivan did not talk to the injury, he responded. Recalling that he was still having a sense of ingress in the basement, just when he jumped into a shot, he was lying in bed. Yan Yan suddenly opened his eyes, then the sideline that contained play abuse and killing, Ivan's hands in Ivan almost didn't take off your hands!

Despite this, it is also a source of this source. The arrow has to send it to this time, he has a back force! If you gambling, you just completed the contract and fuse the body, I have not recovered that I'm biting my hands and holding the south.

However, the next scene made him shocked!

Battle! A series of hits! I don't know where to blow! Obviously, he was lying in front of him, and he looked at himself with the eyes of the teasing. He even did not send a source of origin! However, I can't thoroughly pierce the condition in my hand, Ivan actually suspended in the sky of the big bed, and was hidden in the middle of the calendar, that is, I can't enter the wound. Blood, dropped on the big bed until the rumor rushed to extend a finger, was taken away by a giant force to fly to the surface.

"Is there a failure?" Bai Ze looked at the wolf, it was unable to close his eyes.

" ! He is still alive! He came out!" Jin Feng Yu's cheers re-locked the hope of Longjin, and looked up to see a familiar figure in the ruins.

"Is this a destiny? Is it true that it is not as good as a day!" He said with a slap in the fracture column, I remembered the hardships of this calculation to pay for the last level. The long knife that is holding a high prize is falling, and a feeling of weakness is in your heart.


Bai Ze curse a low shout: "One by one is a big enemy, but now I can't even have a true and false! Have a good look at the people in front of you?"

"What?" Bai Ze, there is not only a blood brake, even if there is also a shock color on the face of Longjin and others, and then look at the people, yes! Just a good fortune! Sample, breath, even in the body's unique source of origin is exactly the same!

Ok? wrong! Everyone in the scene is a Chinese dragon and phoenix. After the Bai Zeyi language broke down, it quickly found a flaw. Although this person is very similar to the righteousness, it is a bit more than the meaning. Tearing a little bit, there is still a significant difference between the treacherous and killing decisions brought by the world when they fight.

At this time, Long Jin and Jin Feng Yu have guess who this person is, and the heart of Dragon Expansion is then letting down. Now that two are born to die, he is still alive, and it is said that he has no serious problem.

"Xiao Tiger, I said that you still don't have a family, but I'm hit Ivan, who is eager to kill me, and I have been poked in a glance, I'm being poked!" That is familiar The sound came out from the broken ruins, and a figure slowly appeared from the entrance of the authentic fault.

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