Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1178 Saravel

"Oh! I am who is this is not the Mr. Nio, who is abandoned in front of me. How? After the defeat, I'm deeply refurbished? Otherwise, this is a teammate blade that does not meet your work style. "

In the face of the arrival of himself, I can't think about it, Nero smiled and smiled. "How do you say that, a young saying is that you are lucky to make you a robbery, you can continue Cell! But you will remember that good luck will not always be with you, and when you want you to laugh. "

"Hehehe, you are right!" Hehe said to take a hand Tao Lu nuts: "Maybe there will be so late to come to my head, but unfortunately you are definitely can't see!"

The voice just can't just say that there is any action, standing in the place where the Nero is moved, and the moment is flashing from the corner of his cheeks, and there is no short blood to the wound.

"Finally, the first reactibility of the three tyrants is more than that is scared!" Did the innocent body showing. You won't think you can stop me with your current state? "

" ! Don't forget to have me!" The sound of ruthlessness behind him, than this sound is more popular, and the long knife that has quietly swayed.

At the same time, the sound of Fengming suddenly sounded, and the , . ... . . ..

"You don't forget this is the dragon domain!" Jin Feng Yu, who fanned wings, used the claws that were smashed to cut the iron and iron, and she was trying to sneak attack, she is in the child's most revenge. At the age, I just hit a knife to hit a knife, and I stared at this person from which time she stared at this person. The situation was slightly turned to have a chance to go. She can let go, and the target and their homes.

On the other side, the dragon boot and night returned to the night, in addition to the white surpassing of the mortar, there is only a serious injury and being scared by the silence of Niko. The other party has a tiger wine signed a symbiotic contract, and the Tiger is ready to join the battle.

The garden ruins shouted in the ears, and the dragon domains coming in all directions have surrounded by the group, guarding the blood brakes in the periphery and the Darkman and other dark families, although each strength can be smashed. At this point, it has also been revealed that it is precarious, and the hard-working line of the difficulty is still in danger.

"Bai Ze! How long have you been!" Make you decorate the way to die in the way, dying, dragged the righteous Nero, looking at the tiger wine above the ground with the eye angle, standing in the same place There is still a stiff body, and he understands that when it is completely adapted to this human body, it is the moment to completely collapse.

"All right!"


Bai Ze called a good voice and adjust the sound of the broken body! However, the tiger wine that just stepped straight into the whiteze, the next moment, he collided with a huge body of covering the sky, and the body of Tiger and wine was directly hit. After the past, it turned into the loft ruins.

"Mortal! You dare to calculate with me!" Their Saravel in the next time with many dragon domain soldiers, after feeling the space fluctuations in the body, they were inexplicably transferred here, watching the surrounding environment Look at Bai Ze in the crowd, I think of it in the mark when I left, and I don't stand the spatial coordinates of the blood brakes. I actually contained spatial transfer. This guy is ready. When things are not right, pull themselves!

"Salaf! I am not a charity home! I really want to save you because of the same way!" Bai Ze, which was in the case, was also exhausted, and he looked at the angry Sarah Saravel and smiled: " It's time to make you a little return! "

"Hehe, a group of monkeys who returned the hair, what do you think I will listen to your command!" Saravel smashed his eyes and did not precalate.

"I have never expected to show some Xiaoyui to make people convinced, I prefer to do things to control everything!" Bai Ze said that the palm is lifted to Saraff, with its operational gas hosted in Sarav The curse, Saravel is a huge body to cut the whole garden for the ruins from the sky, forcing everyone to stop the fight in the hands.

"What did you do for me!" The Saravese's big faucet revealed the painful expression, the body was struggling to be in the earth, and the dragon was shocked by the dragon and screaming around the dragon.

"If you want to blame you too greed! My blood brake artifact is delicious! Rest assured! If you have your ability, even if you use the teacher, you can use the soul of the artifact, and you can only control you. It can be registered free, but now you temporarily give me a disaster disaster for the time! "

Bai Ze said that Tunilo and others shouted: "What is it!

"I want to go! Not that is not so easy!" The sudden dragon made a slap in hand, and the moment of responded to the moment. This dragon is one of the travel of the Dragon Domain Target. Although I don't understand this How to break the soil from the seal, it can be seen that Bai Ze wants to be delayed by it.

expensive! Sarave roaring, the huge body, the waves set off in the wings, once again chaos the crowds of everyone, face the teams that want to rush to the people in Hehe, Shen Zhi was swallowed by the soul of the artifact in the brain Control, temporarily falling into the Salaf of Chaos, and the dragon tail will repel the people, then open the big mouth to the front of the forefront to spurt the dragon!

! An angry wolf rushed within the attic ruins, followed by a dramatic building, and a giant wolf jumped into the field, Tiger and wine were no longer the same as the previous silver hair. If you sign a contract, you will have a body watch that is a metal-lustrous meter of the machinery beast, which is shining under the sun.



The two fierce beasts on the field felt the threat of the other party. It turned back to the body's tiger wine although it was more than ten times more than the human form, it was more than 20 meters of size. The dragon Sarah is still so small.

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