Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1186 Angry Master

"It's ancestor! It is a ancestor!"

"Hey, the old ancestors come back!"

"The ancestors are coming back!"

As the first person who saws the people of the dragon dance, the dragon dance is shouting, and the dragon domain battlefield is immediately caught in a cheering ocean. Some people have long lived over and over again. Some people The people who have joked and weeping have a knife, Huo Hu, who is going to be prepared to be prepared to counter a revenge.

It can't run for half a month. If he still has anything, it is difficult to make it. Nowadays, the ancestancy returns to him, after winning a breath, the first thing he think is to revenge!

"Hehe, I turned out that the ancestors have been driving, you are correct, this is really your site, but soon, it will be easy to be the Lord!" It was used to cut the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm. After the ancestors returned, the dragon domain of the ancient gods waited for a while, and the silence was laughed and said.

"Then you have to see if you can live to be at that time, I will first furnish it today!" I didn't take a step in the margin of the spatial crack.

"The ancestors of the ancestors don't have to be bluff in front of me. It seems that you are really tricky by Lin Jo Zhao's gimmick. You actually use a difference to see each other. How do you hurt me? "The candlelon went on the opponent's anti-lip-sideway.

"Hey, let's try it!" The ancestors said that the words were on the way. "Hey, today I will work hard for you, is there anything?"

"See what you said, this is not doing! Just a little life is almost lost!" Restore some spiritual .

"Less to poverty is not helpful to take the enemy of the invasion!"

"Get!" Go up.


"The old ancestors, the younger generation!" The ancestors Thai went out of the lips, Longtai people got the gods in the people, and after the past, he turned and turned to the ancestors: "Two Dollar Dollars have kill the enemy , Remember that the space around the spatial crack is not involved in it! "

More than a few top masters, the remaining people can do not dare to use the space jump directly, and jump to the area that is covered with a mess, it is slightly inadvertently involved. It can be died in a teacher, and the disappearance of the

At this moment, Drakari and the remaining two masters who have been invested by Bai Ze. With its own strength, I have already traveled to the spatial crack opened by the changing chaos, and the blood brakes Although the strength is different, it is the leading position of the surrounding source of gas flow by the strength and the body of the surrounding source. The location of the surrounding source is the leading position in the team. The location of the distance spatial crack is already close at hand.

The most worse than the overall team is the masters of the Diablo and the blood brakes from the peripherals. These people have followed the front of Bai Ze and others, and the pace of the former is struggling forward, but it is just a candle. Under the collision of Dragon, the strength of the strength was blown up to dozens of meters, and the strength of the power was directly blown out of a few hundred meters. At this time, I want to follow the pace of Bai Ze and others. It is impossible, obviously the other party has not stopped waiting for them. In this way, I can only rely on my own chaos that once again interrupted, and the fear is full of faster.

"Ah ~!"

A scream of screams from the team, everyone recalls that I only see a sudden tiger wine that suddenly appears, bites the shoulder, comparable to the artifact-like wolf deeply penetration into the other body In its full-mind biting, the blood blurred blood blurred in a blurred, the tiger wine under the white wolf.

"The guy who has no interest is destined to run! Take them to the back people to solve, let's go to the front: culprit!" He said that the tiger wine saw a goal and shot directly, gas After turning over a white-eyed source gas line, I dare to block my blood brakes, pulling the space of the next to the sake of the source, and the tiger and wine after the bones were killed. Iron is not a steel.

"Hey!" Tiger and wine stretched the half of the birtless birtly, the opponent was thrown away, and the long hacks rushed forward.

" , this is still not going to you!"

"Your opponent is me!"

Looking at the candlelon in the fierce gap, he can't see it.


"! Pay attention to the person! He is one of the presidents of this incident. It is that he combined with the blood brakes and captures the dragon Wang Zhuozhen, which has triggered the outbreak of this series of events." Dragon Thai is looking at the French, the French, who is in front of the team, is anxious to burn the sound.

"Damn, a big guy!" Funner who was directly poked to the identity of the identity, the face is about to catch up with his own, and then the liver and gentle curse, seeing the Bai Ze shouted within the moment. Road: "Mr. Bai Ze! Save me!"

I heard this shot, Bai Ze stopped, standing in the same place hesitating, to say that I want to go back to save him, Bai Ze definitely there is no such awareness, but I will give him to give him a cost-effective In order to make a huge contribution, this incident will inevitably fall.

Bai Ze gazing in the air and quickly found a solution to the problem. I saw that he didn't take the rescue but rushed to the ground: "Mr. Sarave, I believe you now. There are a lot dissatisfaction, but things have developed to this point now, and their own life seems to be more important than the so-called dignity. Do you really don't want to take this opportunity? "

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