Looking at the slow closing space crack is just when everyone thinks this war is about to end, suddenly, he is a crisis that is a crisis, he doesn't know where the crisis is, but it is still Self-defense is mentioned to the limit, then the shape is quickly evacuated in the opposite direction of the spatial crack.

! The front of the feet just evacuated from the original place. After the feet, Huaguang passed from his body, and felt the energy contained in the Huaguang, and the rumor finally knew that the sense of the crisis came, and in the attack It contains three power of the main point of origin. It seems that the ancestors and Lin Jo Zhao, Lin Ru Xue, I have issued it. I only had the ancestors to make two women have been hidden in the dark. For this moment, when it is, the sudden counterattack!

This three-bit source is really clever, because this hit is not going to stick to the candlelon. Its goal is just gathered at the blood brakes in the channel, if this hit the main main source The attack issued by the hand is that the five sons and Draki are all three dark masters, and there will be uncommon casualties. For a few blood brakes, they will not be able to steal the beige.

puff! The fierce scene is not in front of the preparation of the prostitute, and he has made a good attacker to generate impact defense, but he looked at this attack in Bai Ze and others. It is not invisible. After the last spatial crack was completely closed, the air came to the cold voice of the ancestors: "It is a decisiveness of the main shot of a face, and she will save her own subordinates."

I suddenly realized this sentence, it seems that I should have a coming of the candlelon's face to pick up this attack. When he thinks about him, he will definitely be better, and the moment is instantly balanced. Many faces also showed a smile of a smile.

expensive! A high-spirited dragon voice interrupted the good mood of the righteousness, and the Saravel who was unfaithful to defend the prostitute, and woke up from half-jeopardizes.

"Hey, I have to deal with your things. The rest is handed over to you, doing things you should do!" The ancestors sweeped a look of the Saravel on the battlefield, turn And look at the words.

"The ancestors of the ancestors, I didn't have this agreement! We said that this guy is in the case of being weakened in the seal, you personally hosted the seal method to open a small gap and put it in, where to defeat him After using you to give me a special capture tool, let him confirm and bring out the seal by you, and take out his blood and use his body. "

It's now in this point, and there is nothing such thing as a good thing. When I speaking the people's plans, after I finished the Sarah, the Sarah was: "But now ...?"

"For you, I will leave the dragon domain. As a result, I will bring this to the dragon domain! How can you still put three blocks in the three blocks now?" The ancestors heard the brow wrinkled.

"No! Absolutely no!" Yan Yan looked at this, although this is a plan, he is not the first goal of the other party's action, but because the other party changed the plan to cause such a big damage to the dragon domain. In order to maintain himself, the dragon people is not the kind of people who don't report, but some things need to be tangible, so he will say: "Beard him even killed me. No problem, even if it is hard to fight, I will do this. I also do it. Commitment is that it will not change because there is a change, but I want to explain! "

Said that Yan Yan once again pointed to the awareness of the Tiger, but also afraid that the power of the ancestors did not start the attack and did not escape the Sarava continued: "With his current strength and state, I want it. In the case of loss of its body, he won his possibility. Once you move his hand, even if you live and die, even if I wins, he is not dead, it is seriously injured, and can you accept? "

"Hey, this is the fate! I have to fight against the role, but the result caught the peep acrylic all over the enemy, because my move will give the other party, the dragon domain has caused this ruil!" "Said that the ancestors of the ancestors, when they turned their heads, they came to the space cracks." Remember that they can definitely can't let them leave the dragon domain, if possible, if you can't do it, you will change yours. "

"The younger generations understand! Gong to the ancestors!"

"Gong to send a ancestors!"

In the head of the dragon domain, Zhongzhong people, who were willing to be closed, and the gods were sent to the closure. After the figure of the ancestors completely disappeared, everyone's sight on the battlefield was concentrated in being commissioned by the ancestors. .

", what do you prepare? Want to support what supported my dragon domain fully supported." Although the ancestors did not tell, Longtai is still speaking, and I take the initiative to help.

"No, since the ancestors got to give me the whole right of the matter, I have to handle it. There are two things to say that this first triump is ready to give this guidth." Yan Yan greeted the dragon Thai is so good to ask.

"It is ready, I originally prepared for the ancestors of the ancestors to catch actions from the road to the road, time and today didn't have a few days, so this thing was ready early, put it in me." Dragon Poetled forward Tao.

"OK! The rest is the second question, I will be destroyed for a while, I am destroyed, the dragon domain is not distressed!"

"Hahahaha!" He said that Dragon Tail was a big laugh, followed by his finger's finger on the face: "The land of this dragon is so unspeakable in battle. I didn't matter if I have packed it all. My family is best to move the way to the sea. I want to restore this Ling Mountain. It is much easier than other places. "

"Then I don't have any problems, I have to pay back after a step!" I don't have a problem with my worried things. I am not awkward and the surroundings will be bid, and I jumped to the battlefield. Among them.

I have heard the first person in the young generation. After the Jianjian Conference, he was talented to the Supreme. Although there were some top figures that hidden in the world to touch the trustee. Most of the Dragon Domains are still full of curiosity, and they can pursue war, and they will have their strengths and Saravel. They immediately attract the long faces of each family.

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