Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1190 Sarah

"Tiger wine, these people will give you a solution! Can you live to ask for a reluctance to catch up with the dragon domain." He said that he is still fighting in the battle. After a sentence, it will no longer pay for the loss of these blood brakes, and then, add the escape opportunity to see the escape opportunity to disappear in front of his eyes, such an opponent, the righteousness, I will be able to join the battle in Tiger and wine. End this melee.

After saying that these long-term director have yawned, from the fusion of a variety of the blood of the gamma, he spent most of the patient's bed and wheelchair, and the symptom contract with Tiger Wine is coma for several days, and I wake up It was forced to invest in the battle, until this time, although he had completely mastered his body and ability, he had a confrontation with the candlelon. He himself has a lot of pressures, and he needs the activity of the activity. Let you find the state of the battle.

"Now everything is solved, the rest is you, my business!" Yan Yan moved his neck and stepped on the wrist, and the Laff huge dragon's head continued: "You have to use this Is the state and me? I don't matter if you are too big, you seem to be quite losses among the battle! "

When I raided, I hit my punches and the move that just gave the blood poisonous giants, so that Sarave had further understanding for this young people, and he also changed his own form. It can occupy an advantage when combat and with the same family, but in the face of the human strong, the body will only become the target of the other four attacks. For the cautious Sarahoids that fight this battle, the final transition is to human shape. appearance.

Even if it is converted into a human body, the muscles full of explosive are covered by dark red dragon scales, and the two sides of the head are explored, and there is a smog, and the smog, the smog, and still give it. Powerful oppression.

"You are really interesting young people, are you really true? As long as I beat your dragon domain, I will do not chase me again? Who is it? I believe in your commitment Will people in the dragon domain abide by? And you mix with the bloody blood of the dragon and even other planes and the source of breath, and the parties have such a thing? What happened to this world? I was sealed So big changes in these years? "As soon as I came out, I was besieged, and I was used to use the Sarava who came down all the way. I finally found the opportunity to ask questions about my heart.

For Saravel's doubts, he can understand that he is scratching his head hesitate to: "If you want to explain it to you, it is too much trouble. In general, there is a big man, the time has changed! If you Want to know more detailed information, you can live with you after you fight, live to kill, I have the opportunity to escape from here, then there will be someone to tell you! As for your question, I will ask my promise dragon domain. People will not be observed, I have seen it with the ancestors of the ancestors, and the relationship between us should not usually feel, and he sees no! "Talking this will work hard in the tiger wine Under the intervention, it has entered an end. He said that he finished the tiger wine in the sky, he continued: "He is the straight blood of the ancestors attached to the body of the animal, and the only straight blood and I am his Symbiosis contractor, how do you think I am not enough? Do you not hate the ancestors! Kill me, he is also dead! You regain freedom and returns a ancestors of the ancestors, see me more than you! "

Nowadays are not like a warrior who is about to fight with people. It is an enthusiastic salesman to sell products to his customers. It can only be Dragon Jin knows that if the other party accepts the recommendations given by this devil, it will fall What a tragic result is because this scene has seen more than once in the conference.

Unfortunately, Sarah did not have this experience that was sealed for many years. The information was lagged behind. After hearing the words, he looked up at the stupid tiger wine in the sky, and he had just warned with tiger wine when he was controlled by Bai Ze. Let him feel the threat of the other person until he lifted him, and he carefully felt the breath of the tiger wine.

"Hahahahaha, he is really the future generation of the old guy, the old thing did not choose Dragon, not! He didn't even select any of the two major animal groups, but chose a kind of not wisdom. The open animal is used as a media inherited future generation, hahahaha! The descendants of the Lord of the Tang Dynasty actually fell to the point where the symbiotic contract is really laughing! This is the best laugh, I have heard the best laugh. ! "

Looking at Saravel laughed from the scream of the tiger wine, the face of his face was now gloomy. Nowadays, the tiger wine has already used human awareness, and Sarave is obviously in the mother of humiliation, and the two signed the symbiotic contract. Tiger wine felt the anger, and the words can also feel the same as him step forward. "Is it funny? Is it a smile? Can you die?"

"Hehe, you just said with Zu God to fight with me, I am afraid to hurt me. Well, let me see how much strength you can support you!" Sarah saw The anger of words, lifting the hand, rushing, hook the patriotic.


After the voice arrived in a light and shadow, the vocal sound of the two objects collided with the sound of the two objects collided with the whole field, the battlefield center hit the two figure in the smoke.

"Oh! Dao Yan actually did not take the wind!" Longjin saw that the retreat distance seems to breathe some disturbances.

"When Sarah was in the style of a strong body, it was able to fight against the ancestors for seven days and seven nights. It has such a force that is not enough!" Longtai out of this results did not feel unexpected opening explained.

Dragon Thai is not surprising, I feel a little accident, and I'm looking at my fists and somewhat numbers in the depressed, the power of Sarave is overstick than before, if Nero is close to your opponent with your own battle. The predecessor of the release of the seal is the most powerful opponent on the power, compared to the various indicators, Nero, Sarave is in power, Self-healing and defensive power are the strongest existence that is currently encountered so far. This finding instantly ignited the good heart.

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