Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1193 Investigation Hall

Although Sarava wants to break your head, I can't think of this. I can't help but continue helplessness. He has to take the clumsy approach to set all the attention again. No matter what you have. Where to attack yourself only defend this way.

The strong crisis is accompanied by the back of the fairy, and the Sarave bow tightly, pay attention to this time!


"Hey!" The dull impact is accompanied by the sound of the bone discovery, and the sudden spike of the sudden spikes is hit by the back dragon scales. After that, the whole person was sprayed out of the hammer.

This time, the other party is really!

Under the body, the Sarave continues to maintain the body shape, which avoids the ugly phase of the dog's mud, but this hit is also completely irritated, maintaining the slightly smashing the body shape: " Sign with the old things like the ancestors, you will sign a symbiotic contract. Will you use this way of fighting? Give me out! There are books and I am fighting! "

The words of Sarave were extremely difficult to listen to it, plus it against the ancestors, and immediately attracted the long-awaited trend of the dragon domain, and these people at this time, the leader of Longtai was attracted by the move of the rumor, and couldn't help but muttered To praise: "It turned out that the person finally did something that he didn't do, and passed it down."

"Father, how did you do it? That person? Who is the person you said?" The father of his father said this seems to have the hidden feelings that he didn't know.

Longtai listened to her daughter asked someone to fall into memories, said: "I don't know who is that person, that is, I will come from your grandfather, I have encountered it in the cornerstone. A person such as such a means, a dragon person remaining in the Daofa plane wanted to break the position of the Ben Long domain, and the result was in the Taoist Zongmen, and the road to escape the cornerstone, after the investigation hall The victims of the Dragon are more popular in the Dragon Domain, and therefore, when the Dao Fair is sent to the Dragon, the father will give it to deal with the team, and it is necessary to be in the hands of the road. The name of the name is brought back to the family. "

When I said this dragon, I took a look at the rudeness in the field: "At that time, the survey department was unlimited. At the time, the investigation department was still in the grass-stricken stage of the universal level, so Organization naturally will not enter the mental eye of our people sent by the Daofa, so no one listened from their opinions, the results of the event were only controversible between our two sides, and the results of this matter have no relationship with today. There is a relationship to handle this process, and a young man at the time of the investigation is not much bigger than that, if I didn't remember, he was a five-order magical energy, and the number of people in the investigation hall, this Since the scornful attitude of the road circles caused a dissatisfaction, the two sides have created a conflict with the other party's compassion, and there is a similar means to the now. "

"Is that person wins?" Jin Feng Yu, who heard the story from the god, was curious to ask.

"Loss!" Longtai shook his head helpless: "The gap between the two is too big, and when his hidden source releases the breath, the means, it is too inconsistent, it is only to make the opponent to make the opponent can't be defeated. After several attacks, then I was defeated after a counterattack, but the move is too amazing, I'm impressive, so I immediately thought of the person, it seems so many years. That person finally entered the trick and passed on the words. "

"The father will be to take over the Long family, it is a few years ago. It should be a decades! The person in the father's mouth should be the initial person of the survey, did not expect the investigation hall There is such a person. "Long Jin said that he would move his attention to the battlefield.

I didn't know that my predecessors had such a sad history of my predecessors. At this moment, I was present in the style of the fighting method to reach the roaring Saravel.

He released the murderous simulation of the boxing, behind the Salah, the Saravel, who has been attacked, and the mistake turned and turned to make a counterattack, but then he once again gave him a sneak attack from the front. After several times, when Sarah was again focused on When he defeated him, he was returned to the back of the body and fought, and a fighting force came down and fell. The virtual real ghost did not, and the Saravel was retracted to reach the passive beat.

"Give me death!"

Since judging, it is true that it is true that it is, let himself all become a forbidden place, cut the chance to say to the melee! This is the best choice for Sarava is also the most shameful choice! For Saravel, which has always been proud of his strength and body, it is forced to have a shame that he embarrassed him, and he has anger and anger.

As this roar released the dragon's own unique Long Wei, powerful and unique Longwei wrapped in the source of the Sarajf body, and he was able to simulate the source of the release, but there is no Sala. He imitated the Dragon Weight of the Blood, as long as there is any different source of strangeness with your own breath, Sarave can be aware of.

Here! The source of origin is different from the Sarava and the Salaf is showled! This is a trial of ! Sarave immediately recovered his fist to make a defensive posture, and the source of his surroundings was all boiled. It seems that there are countless rumors in the scope of their own exploration.

For all this Sarah is not moving, he stands in the same place, as long as there is any source of breath to enter his attack range, he immediately made a defensive counterattack.

"Nothing!" After several trials, I found that I had a risk of gotten the risk, and I was quite disappointed by the void. After a lot of figure, he made a look now in the front of Saravel. .

"Ah! Tiger wine! Hello! That guy you can't help you half a day! Let's solve this battle as soon as possible, this opponent can't afford me." Recently There is no self ordered in the air, I can't intervene in the battlefield, I have been shouting.

"Oh!" Tiger wine should have a body conversion into the shape of an adult shape. Side of the air, a pair is a pair of beasts like a desert, and the Sarah is firmly locked.

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