Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1203 Dragon Past

Seeing that Longjin said that the emotions were somewhat excited. He hesitorked it and took a shot and took the other side back to show comfort. After a moment, Longjin sentiment gradually stabilized and sketched: "I am fine." "

"Oh!" Yan Yan received his hand and returned to the palm: "If you feel that it is difficult to say, in fact, you don't say that I also guessed it, is they used to refine this manager with your admiration? "

"Yes, the dragon hospital has always wanted a top artifact as a treasure of Zhenzong. In order to not only destroy the rules of this treaty, but also brought the hand to the contract our ancestors, At the long years, the Longyuan, the dragon hospital in the Linling, with a variety of phenomenan, and the ethnic group of the top poultry families of the Nine Dragon Dragon, with the help of the top refiner, with them at the top of the top refiner During the refining process, finally extracted the soul of this eighteen gods into the instrument of the soul of the monk, taking this nine-turn dragon Fengpei! Hey, you can understand this artifact How important is we? He is the blood of our family is a shame! This thing can never let him fall in the outsider! "

After listening to Longjin's story, I understand the importance of this artifact on the plane of the law, and I also heard that his family's dissatisfaction with Lin Ru Xue's decision, he nodded and said: "Probably understand! Just me I didn't expect this now that the Eighth Hospital of the Today has actually have such a powerful strength. The nine dragon people have nine gold-winged Dapeng family. Can you win such a strong person a parade is so powerful? "

"Hehehe! Mr. Yan Yan, are you in the case of the situation you have seen during the war?" Long Jin listed himself so much and asked.

"Yeah!" That day Jin Feng Yu and her grandfather Jinhe Xuan have left a deep impression, and the fastest three in the array, except that he and tiger wine are this Jinhe Xuan, other nursery Although it didn't find all its strength but it was not a pan-ranging, such a lineup was a survey department that had not been expanded from the previous period.

"Mr. Yan Yan, you have to know that the dragon and now don't have the same day. In that year, the Zongmen of the Taoist Fair in that year before we didn't make my ethnic growth as too high-level existence, Needless to say that my people want to have artifacts. In such a condition, a zone has accumulated through a long time, secretly organizing people's hand, and I am doing a lot of things. "

Long Jin's answer released the doubts of the righteousness. After understanding this past, he asked again: "That is to say that the dragon hospital is in the blood brakes, in order to please the blood brakes will The artifact is dedicated to the candlelong, and finally fell to Bai Ze. "

"It should be like this, but there is doubt in our family."

I took the words Rong Jin continued: "About this artifact, my big dragon people can only bear the sound in that case, but maybe the heavens turn back to the ancestors for us to scatter in the two major districts of the beasts. The reason why we have to take a loss from the kind of territory, over time is the occurrence of the large-scale penetrated yam, and then because of the consequences caused by this, the Tunnean Garden has been like a snow. In this case, we waited until the time of revenge. At that time, after the long and the ancestors of the ancestors, I trip's 20th national masters, and the Xianyou, who took the group of Xianyuan, participated in the encirclement The battle of the dragon house, that battle, our family finally came out of the grievances of these thousand years. The whole servant of the Blood Washing Dragon House almost all the army, and the important people in the door are not still returned. The handling method is inheriting, but it is precisely because this battle is too complete and bloody, coupled with the relationship between the road to alliance with our dragon domain, so that the road is not a climate. The beast gate exists, but although this battle is a big hatred, we have failed to find the artifact of our relationship with our tribute. "

When I said that this dragon champion is sorry: "After this, we have never broken the findings for this artifact, we firmly believe that such an artifact will not disappear so silently, during which we also explore the group Xianyuan's scattered organization formed the news of the Eighteen Hospital of the Garden, and sent people to explore how many years did not find the addition of the residual forces in this organization, so this is no new clue It was shelved until it saw that Bai Ze used this artifact, by observing that we can determine that Bai Ze is only holding the artifact and does not fuse with it. "

"The original Jade is actually such a story!" I know the moment of the whole thing, I am scratching the head and thinking about a moment: "Miss Long Jin, not what I said! I have a hatred with the white Zoom In the body, just let me find the opportunity to find him, depending on my current strength, I want to kill him may encounter some obstacles, but I think there is not much problem, I can promise you! But I want to It is too much to grab the things in his hand. What should I do after absorbing the artifact after this war? He also brought the artifact to the blood brakes and did not take it around? What should I do? How do he ruined it when the key is the key? This variant is too big. I don't dare to make a ticket! "

"Mr. Yan is modest! With your strength of the tiger and wine, this dragon domain has never doubted this dragon domain, as for what you said, if this artifact is not He is going on, his life and death is disposed of, and Mr. Yan Yan can bring him back and ask the jade drop and better. If we can't kill us, there is no complaint! If he combines this artifact or destroyed, then Mr. invite him to kill our monks to perform a commitment to give Mr., in short, if this artifact cannot return to my family, it is destroyed and can't fall in the hands of others! "

Seeing this copy, I thought about this matter, I didn't think that this is a Baili, and then nodded. "Okay! I promise you! As long as I look for Bai Ze, you Just take this artifact, then I will think that your family will take this artifact as a priority choice. As for this artifact, how is this artifact falling into his hands and the drops of the dragon garden, I will also pay attention to you. The news will be translated to you, thank you for your arrival of the two people with Jin Feng Yu. "

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