Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1206 does not listen to people

"Who they are?" The words of the words were very dissatisfied, but asked with low-resistance of the sex.

"The wolf girl is the Directian family of the Fen Ren, the fantasy, who is long, the fox girl who is long, is a Ding Ding Jiu-tajun family, the daughter, the daughter, Tu Mountain, is," Long Jin's small response .

"Nine tail fox?" I heard this myth's legendary famous god beast, it is a sudden soul that I can't sneak back, but I found that the girl named Table Mountain is also peeking at this moment, two After the person's eyes, she was a glimpse of her eyes, then she was ashamed, and she shaken and saw a spirit. The dark road hurriedly recovered her own sight.

"It is! You don't want to be a small family. Although they are not one of the two dragons, they also have a considerable status in their respective face and animal groups. It is the ability to affect the two families to determine their status is second only to Phoenix and gold. The high-level beast group of the Dapeng, which can be said to be the group of groups and the highest ranks in the dog, and only they have the direct blood of the ancestors. "

When I said this Dragon Pantry looked at the two people in the hospital: "How can I don't understand the heart of the two ethnic groups, so when my father is euphemistic to make this request to the teacher, you must take the person from the two families. After the line, the teacher did not refuse only to say by you in their own. "

"The ball kicks me this?" Yan Yan brows and asked: "What is the meaning of the ancestors?"

"I think the teacher's meaning is to hope that the old master will bring them." Long Jin said that this face is more red, but the benefits of the relationship she hesitated or the face continued: "If anyone in the two people can With the child's birth, the young master also has a relationship with our dragon domain. This is not to be deeted as a outroad in our two ethnic groups. I think this result is also the teacher wants to see. "

"Oh ~!" If you think about it, you will be able to go to Longjin Ear. "Then I change the Miss Long Jin hopes that the two people will be the child."

"This this…!"

Looking at Long Jinyi's embarrassing appearance, he smiled and smiled. Just wanted to open a behavior of Mangleng, but didn't want Longjin actually bite his lips and joined his voice: " According to your heart, you must see the young owner's own mean. If you want to pick out our foreigners, you will not be good to cross interference, but people have a selfishness, I am no exception, now the dragon domain is in a wave of wave, I The father is now the moment when you need a solid status. If you can help the nine-tailed fox family to win the relaxation of the young people, it is not only the nine-tailed fox family will give a gift for Mr. Yan, which is me. There will be a gift from the family. Of course, I just said that Mr. Yan is not intentionally suppressed by the Finlier family. If the matter is too obvious, it will also cause the dissatisfaction of the magical family. If it can rain, it is better. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" I heard this, I couldn't help but laugh. Even the rain has been said from Long Jin's mouth. It seems that the two ethnic groups really want to pull the tiger wine this golden turtle. ! I didn't expect this to be thrown in the investigation hall for the seventh year of the seventy-eighth year. Now it has become a lot of profits, and I don't want to be unhappy.

After laughing, I went to the Dragon Express Mystery. After the word of the Dragon Express, he turned to see the smile on the face of the second woman in the hospital. After the cough, nodded: "Since Long Chao is open, The adults have a matter of this, then I have nothing to say, you can do with us! But I am ugly, I will return to the road to the road and next series of trips, not to go to the mountain to play water but go And people fight, everyday life in the weekdays, I don't bind you. How long do you want to stay with Tiger Cinema how long, as long as he is willing to be your freedom! But a mission is coming, you have to listen to me. I will let you stay, let you fight, say that the retreat is retreat, of course, you are .... "

When I said this, he wanted to say that the ancestors gave him a daughter-in-law who gave himself. I would like to say that I don't think so, I said: "After all, it is a girl! When it is the only first place with your own safety, if I will allow you to choose to retreat, but no matter what you do, you can apply for approval before you can actually take action.

"I took the order of Mr. Yushan family." Tangshan is in the time of the time, and all the news of the tiger wine in the time of the time, all of which said with her. This lesson is born, about his character. There are very few income from the past, but this is not a short period of time. About his past is a popular topic of all major airs, from the intelligence, it is not difficult to say that it is a saying that it is not a second. People, now he signs the symbiotic contract with the young main tiger, and what is the Lord is to look forward to the head of Yan Yan Ma, and if you want to be better close to the little master, it is essential, so the smart nine-tail family descendants choose The command of the .

However, her companions, she obviously don't have her soil and smart, or a proud of a wolf to make her dismisive, in the face of the , Harfi Jockey is rushing. I don't humble it: "Mr. Yan Yan, I want you to make a mistake! We will follow the majority of the young master, not you! Even if you want to give me or the will of the Young, I will go back and obey, of course, you are Our most important ally! If you have a need, we can think that we will put forward, and if we consider, I feel that I will be involved. "

"Oh?" Yan Yan listened to the eyebrows and chapted.

I heard this, the dragon boat shook his head and sighed, and the Shan Yushan is a frightened, and she will prevent her to continue to say that she has pushed back by the other side.

Dragon Pocket Surface is angry and surprised. Harbi is not turning his eyes, but the Siyami, and the Since the next side is not sincere and sincere.

Three women have six minds. It is really three women. It is not deceived from a few people. It is said to have a few people in the eyes of a few people. If you are, you will make a choice of tiger wine. He reflects that the Hatti who is bluntably is more suitable for tiger wine, the Table Mountain of the nine-tailed fox is too savvy, I am afraid that this iron is to really choose her in the future.


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