Heterogeneity company

Chapter 133 Fighting

The speed of Yan Yan machine plus the blessings of the summer mean, making his two iron fists like two accelerated pile drivers crazy on the face of Li Tao.

After three minutes, after three minutes, the other party was finally made of flowers, and the blood could not flow out from its mouth and nostrils and eyelids.

Just as a question, a big hand is on his shoulders when he is preparing to chase, and the voice of Gu Yishui came from him: "It's enough, so don't continue to go!"


"Why! He can't die?" He asked in a madness.

"He will die, you can't die, in accordance with his strength, he will be the highest grade captive captured in our in-plane intrusion, and many internal news about this incident we need to know from him." Gu Yisheng's left fairy is difficult to explain to the teacher.

The fist who heard the words and waved finally stopped and continued to ask: "How do he will? Will he be put away?"

"This is not your concern, but I can guarantee that we will handle this matter properly, let's take a look at your teammates, the rest is given to us" Gu Yisheng took the pat Shoulder ordered.

I wanted to stand up from Li Songtao, I watched the three people who officially took over: "I want to know how much gap and he, what kind of strength I need to really face this way Strong enemy. "

I heard the words, three people were a glimpse. Gu Yishui silently sighed; "You least reach the five-order awakening peak can be one of the capitals, I want to take the victory, I am afraid to go to the sixth order awakening This is still a good ability to be awakened after you. "

"Sixth order, sixth order, this is the gap between us." Yan Yan looked at Li Songtao whispered to lying on the ground, and then muttered in Xiaoxiao, and then left the two people. The center of the pool climbed up.

"Now there are us, what are you going to say?" After seeing two people, he turned and looked at the drums of the dramatic translation.

"Mortal, what do you want to know?" Until now Li Tao still did not let go of his arrogant body, disdainful looking at this self-righteous man who won the victory.

"What can I say from your name?"

"Don't be exhausted, I will not disclose a word!"

Gu Yishui nodded himself to understand, and he did not speak two old people to make a color, and the three gathered to the quench of their hands.

"Ah, ah!" The screams of the scream came from Yan Yan, and his heart was shocked and looked back. He saw the original alarming black robes. Nowadays, the feet are respectively sized, respectively, the right silver stick. After passing through, a huge disc adsorbed behind him in his shoulder blade, seeing his pain, this disk seems to be in his body.

Seeing this scene, he said that the cruel and gratifying smile, licked the dried lips and climbed the pond after step by step.

Just came to the pond, he saw the old Lin owned on the end of the morning, and the whole battle Lin did not participate in it. After coming to the scene, he went to the ruins in the first time. The people who will unconsciously wake up the investigation bureau, one by one to heal according to the seriousness of the injury.

Looking at the rest of the people, although the whole body was touched, it was awake, and the heart of the rumor was put down, and I walked to the old man and asked: "Lin is old, our team leader he is nothing!"

"How can there be too much inner consumption, and forcibly exit, it is impressed that the body is hurt, I am afraid it is ..." Lin Lao said with a non-shocked voice to let Yan Yan.

When I said this Lin, I looked at the pupil, I said: "I am afraid it is going to be lying on the bed for more than one or two months to recover."

When I heard this, I got a tightness of a tightness, and the old guy, the old guy, I had a thought to take him to show that the last star team leader will not have something.

"But you, your eyes need me to treat?" After he was sitting next to himself, Lin Lou looked at the mechanical eyes of the blue rays.


After talking to the old conversation with Lin, the Yan Yan stood up and came to the friends. She didn't care about Wang Wenze, and the butt was sitting in the middle of the two. I was shallow to the side: "With you, Everyone is born to death. If you have finished being finished, there is a beautiful man. "

"Still not brother, ah! I thought you were bravely sacrificed crying, really TM white eyes!" Wang Wenze looked at this light bulb in front of him, and pulled out two cigarettes and threw it. He handed a good voice. Say.

Yan Yan Xie was gave a cigarette sent by Wang Wenze. From the quite, I took out the cigar to him, and took a way to go back and fell back and forth.

"Well, the team gave you this thing, the grade of the smoother is higher!" Ye Long lies in the mattress that is converted from his own photo. He looked at Xia Dian's own invitation: "Summer, come here."

Xia Yan didn't care about him, sitting in the middle of Liang and Zhao Yuanbo, looked at the leaves lying on the mattress to put a pair of enchanting posture, did not understand: "You have nothing to store the photo of the mattress? "

"Hey, who knows what bursts will encounter? Don't you use it now!" Ye Long saw Xia Duan to refuse his invitation, lie down on the big mattress on the big mattress. Bottom a bit of star.

Just when everyone chatted and restored, Yan Yan finally took a good cigar, closed his eyes and experienced the wonder of the cigar in the oral cavity. After half-hearted, it slowly spit his eyes in the smoke, he as if he was in the smoke. I saw a slight jitter on the ice cockpipe on the other corner of the pond.

Pulling the eyes, I watched the fingers, I couldn't hit the rules of the upper star. I was pulled down the cigar in my own iron. The lunable helmet face quickly recovered, and the eyes were shouting in the eyes of everyone. A sound: "When you are in the trough, they are still alive!"

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