Heterogeneity company

Chapter 135 Mystery Little Girl

Yang Xiu, who was still in anger, heard Gu Sheng Hui, this sentence is first, like it is not asked, it's like I didn't understand, "What do you say?"

"I said that you took their reasons." Gu Shenghui did not change color, still revealed his mouth and smile and repeated.

This young monk is like a laugh, the rocker can't hold the jitter. The words standing in the distance have seen a half-day glimpse, I don't know if he is going to laugh or want to be angry.

In this way, he looked at the other person for a long time, Yang Xiu was told that he couldn't help but laughed: "What is the reason why our fairy belt the legal body still need?"

"Of course, these people are now more than those who have a plane, they have invaded the world and have caused great losses to us. What happened tonight? I don't think you will not Do you know? "Gu Sheng Hui said that smile gradually put together his face and hung frost.

"I don't understand what you mean?" Yang Xiuzhen saw his eyes stared at Gu Yisheng's eyes, and asked a word.

"Tonight, the big and small plane attack has occurred 24, except that there are six locations in this place and the Taoist industry for travel, the immortal law enforcement makes it true, or the fairy wants to tear the agreement to prepare Does the invade me? "

"What do you say?" Yang Xiu fell into the face of Gu Yishui stepped into his face, and he looked back to see the other party and his face was shocked and shocked. He shook his head.

It seems that after he accepts orders, there have been other things, and there is still no way to notify yourself. Think of this Yang Xiu asked Qisheng Hui, "Gu Qun, what do you have to question my fairy? What is the status of the situation like this to sneak touch, if you don't worry that the space barrier is not stable, do you think that you can resist the Tianwei in the anneaveri of your small cornerstone? "

The voice is just falling. After Yang Xiu, the long sword came from the sword, more than ten kinds of the same door sword at the hands of the sword, no matter whether it was wrong in the eyes of others, they must take the first to maintain the immortality. , Let alone the things that the fairy will have no mistakes, if the wrong person is poor, it must be someone!

Seeing the other party, after Gu Jingsheng, the endogenous endogenous sudden steadyness is standing behind him, the tiger is not retired, and the people who have prepared to eat melon are all in the case, and the situation has been released.

This can be bitter, this is good, how can it be played again, and he is now exhausted by its own source. If you really want to start, you are really only in the fist.

On the occasion of the two sides of the swords, a light from the other side of the pond, and the vibration of the Thunder did not have the face of Yang Xiu 's face.

This paste actually shredded Yang Xiu's body's body of the body, pumping on his face, and then his little face in the face of Zhu Yan is gradually swollen in his eyes.

"Hey!" In an environment where everyone is stunned to the needle, a large squid that is squeezed from the ice is in front of Yang Xiu.

This leaves have not seen the traces of the fish in a long time, but they have given Yang Xiu, a big mouth, watching the frozen, whitening, whitening squid, looked on the ground. .

This Yang Xiu is not a good!

Yang Xiu went on the scene of the fish, and he didn't catch his mouth. He bowed his head and looked up and looked at Gu Yishui. He shocked in his heart. He didn't see where he came to attack, how to Breaking your own protective law Relying on a squid? What extent is that this squid is hard?

"Talk to! Don't fight!" Justang Yang Xiu has turned over from the shocking and emotion, gradually turned into anger, and the sound of a milk is from the shore of the pond.

Everyone he wedd from the three people in the investigation, and the eyes were looking forward to the sound. I saw a little girl sitting on the pond and smashed the squad.

Yang Xiu furious sentiment After seeing this person, immediately poured a bucket of cold water quickly and calm down, slamming his own low voice: "You violate the regulations! You promise not to get her incorporated In the district dispute! "

"I can guarantee that we absolutely obey the promise, today is that she personally finds us to participate, you should understand that we can't reject her, even if the fairy does not dare to refuse." Gu Sheng Hui low sighing a good answer Tao.

After more than 20, more than 20 news attacks did not let the new torrential hall long, but after getting the ancestor without eating snacks, it is noticeable to have a notice of the task, but let the headache have a whole investigation. The high school is flustered on the hall.

Finally, after the exchange of three cases, after confirming the other party's opinion, Yan Xiaoran had no choice but to agree with her request, let the left fairy take her with the third wave of support team.

Gu Yishui is a little bit of little girl, saying that the truth is not because her shots can be seriously hung, but it is difficult to be bleak it like this, but he is not for this. In reality, the two worlds in the Daofa are the existence of taboos. Who can't think about what she thinks, her move is good for the investigation hall.

Yang Xiu went to see the other party's attitude. It didn't seem to have false. It is indeed that this adult is at willing to listen to the owner of the people. I think that he can't help but margin, you will be unlucky today.

Then no longer have to turn around to raise a hand, and then close the weapon. Look at Gu Yishang, asked: "What about what this is going to finish today!"

"They are indeed the people of the Taoist world, and it should be accompanied by you, but the original agreement shows that if the monk in the French World is criminalized in the cornerstone, it is necessary to accept our law. This person has passed by expensive. The fairy defended, came here to destroy the serious injury. I have a lot of people in the investigation, and then I will have a punishment that we will have a suspicion?

Is it unreasonable? Is it unreasonable? Gu Jingshui filed his finger refers to the destroyed scene around him, but also refers to the back of the long-term injuries.

Yang Xiu went around and shook his head. After rushing up, he tried his monk. After a monk stepped forward, the two people were whispered, and the monks took out the hundred treasses. When they waved, they waved a picture of Guanghua. Everyone is in front of everyone.

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