Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1405 of the overall situation has been fixed

Let the reasons why the de lacu is so popular, there is another reason is that there is a reason to be in the blood of the blood before him!

He was extremely disdainful to Du Guangyuan in the conversation of Du Guangyuan. Half of the trick is in the fact that if the blood poison in his peak is really can't do, He is a little more headache. As long as he can get angry, he can completely resolve it. No matter how much Du Guangyuan is a huge strength gap, let him think that it is carefully prepared in Draki It is worth mentioning at all eyes.

But now the situation is very different from viciousness is that it is difficult to cure, and even if it has used multiple damage to the transfer, he can't take it away, and even the fought, his physical condition is more embarrassing. The blood to be easily suppressed now has been his promise. After using the blood of the blood, it is trapped in the blood of the blood, and he is still suppressed after a serious injury, he still can't suppress blood to explode in its body. .

"Cough! Cough! Vomit ~!" Draki struggled to stand up, but a big mouth was sprayed from his mouth, and when this scarlet liquid was in contact with the ground, he immediately took a red smoke. The ground was burned in the trotting of the sky.

I saw this scene originally prepared to attack tiger wine, and his attack will not have this effect! Is this Draka in the Coats in this? Thinking of this tiger wine twisted through the eyes of the eye to see the words.

"His blood poisonous episodes! Hahaha? Tiger wine, you don't have to take him! If he doesn't move, you will not guard my! If he is trying to attack or run away, you will drag him, I will quickly print from this seal. I was touched. "Yan Yan saw this scene of this velocity, what happened, the blood spoiled, there is such an effect, you can imagine what kind of torment is in Draka now.

Only after the injured breath after the injury in Draka, and the ......


A sound of a blood chain broke the shortcomings, pulling the last chain of his own, and a large number of essence blood came back to the body, and he only felt that there were many people in the middle of the body. Miscellaneous memories, as well as some of the bloody art method, until this time he understands the inheritance between the original blood, it is a bit similar to the legendary top, just the way to keep the inheritance of the idea is the same. The ethnic ceremony is transferred directly from blood.

"Hehehe, I really didn't expect to end. I also got such a big gift from you." He said, holding his own brain, the body is shaking, the tiger wine in this look, hurry up, help, hand In the shoulders of Tiger Wine, I laughed in Draki: "That is to say, if I kill you now, I will take some blood essence, I am equivalent to take over some of your ability, for the loss of family The leader's Frad family has a blood pressure? "

I heard that I said this, Drakuli is pale without a little bit of bloody faces, and I am so fast that I have consumed the message in my blood, and even if I really Can't live in, everything I say, I have it to come true, I have lost this mistake to let the entire Frad family fall into the abyss.

There are countless thoughts in the flash flash in the Frad, how to make the right choice under such a crisis, not much time to think about it, and he quickly found the most suitable Method.

"Don't play these boring tricks! Come! Let's do what you have always want to do! The hatred between us should have an ending." Draki, who made a decision, was suddenly relieved. , Open the red arms actively open the way.

"Do you give up the resistance?" He said that he opened the left and right left and right, slowly went to Draki laughing and tested.

"Abandon resistance? You are thinking about what I am a Frad family, the prince of the blood family! Even if it is dead, it is necessary to die in the battle, not anyone to slaughter!" Said that the figure of Draki is from the original place Disappearing, the radius straight to the culprit to give him the culprit.

Seeing this situation, he smiled slightly. He didn't use any artifact but from the pocket. It was not a fine silver knife, slowly extracting the knife and threw the knife to the ground back to hold the knife.

After a short confrontation, a small blood marked from the shoulder and neck of Dracus. He looked at the wound and looked at the wound and found a smile on the opponent's face. The anger in Drakari has not yet Waiting for him to vent it, there is a slight pain behind him, and the tiger wine is short-lived, and the wolf is left behind.

In this way, there is no such special trick with the tiger wine, just use the super high-speed moving figure to solve the blood-class method of Drakari to the bloody art method on Draki, while using the two knives to constantly in Draki Leave another wound in the body, if it is changed to often such a wounded Draku Ribather, no need for him to control the source of only the talent of the blood family, can be healed instantly, but now the situation falls into the bottom of the valley He also brought blood to virus, such a hurt every knife is great torture, blood poison leads to his wounds can't heal for a long time, and blood from the wound is like a strong acid, it is usually, he just caught him again. Try the skin, let the wound surrounded by a circle of water and break up and break

" ! You this devil! To kill me! Give me a happy! What is the silver knife? What is the blood servant of the lowest level?" Are you humiliating me? "It's only a handful of hand. It is separated from dozens of wounds, and these wounds are still increasing Draki. At this moment, it has become a bloody gourd skin surface pit, and there is no longer and noble look at the first time. In the face of the two words, it is only to use the knife to cut their own two people, and he issued a desperate roar.

"Yeah! I am in humiliating you! If you want to talk about one or two people can not be humiliated? Are you equipped?"

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