Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1411 Save

"Hey ~! Ah! Ah ~!" The tragic scream of the pain caused the attention of several supporters who were about to leave, several long old eyes went to the grass and fell back to the body. Two hostages of blood exudation, finally fell on the mans of managing all the happening, and saw him showing such a scream, and the expression is often like a fun experiment, and the eyes focused on the front. Two mice continue to put the blood in the hand.

Seeing this scene of the old rivers and lakes, they did not agree with the sweat. It is the so-called wicked self-witted. Draki has four major faces for so many years. Taking the evil name finally, it is better than him. In this wicked, it is still reasonable, but I don't know if he can continue to be rational as the years of erosion.

I have seen a few people who have fallen than this, naturally, I will naturally get sympathy with the Frad home descendants who don't have no meluo. Several foreign aids will be regarded as this regards and talking to Gu Yishui. , Turn into the space channel to return to each place to live again.

These people left the parties in the wilderness, seeing the outsiders left, but also stopped the movements in his hand. He was tortured these two brothers. In addition to the depression of his heart, he also One reason is that I want to try it, devour myself in the blood of the Dracus, is really effective for other members of the Frad family, in accordance with the memory of a family in the ceremony, inheriting the blood, for this family The blood family has absolute control power, from now on the results of this memory should be correct, I only divide some of the blood atmosphere of Drakari, excited, Frad family two brothers are difficult to resist pain Inexplicably, the blood of the body is like a broken body.

In the heart, I understand that there is such a Qi Siki, in addition to the blood of Drakin, there is still a little too weak in front of it. After doing the trick, I have returned the blood essence, and the hand is another recovery. To the mechanical state, look at the two people who are about to fall into the cold: "If you are lucky! You still have time to die, you still have a few days of life, I want to eat something for a while and to see you. Let's talk! As long as I can meet, I will try to satisfy, no matter what to say, you can't let you starve, enjoy this last time. "

"What do you want to do? Do you have reached it! Kill us! Complete your revenge!" When I saw the blood, Ira is completely collapsed, it seems to be forever The father who can't be surpassing is really dead in this person. She is now having a good time to see a quick death.

"What do I want? You won't know what I want? I have to do what you have not claimed to do and want to do to me! Don't worry! I said very fast! All this will happen soon. It's just not today! "Yan Yan said with a colleague that waved his hand and was responsible for the immeo, and the brothers who were about to fall into the edge of the madness were dragged from their own sight.

"Are you ready! Is it also used to connect people from the hall?" Gu Yisheng, who sent foreign aid, came to the front of his face.

"No! Guard, you will go back! I am always worried about what conspiracy is done again. You go back to sit in the town. I can feel anything."

"No! I have to take the room with Lin consultant to sit in the town. I really have a matter of playing. I have to prevent this is a bloody set of blood brakes. Now I can't rule out the child. The location is the possibility of a trap. "Gu Shenghui did not obey the wish of his wife.

I did this like this, I really have this possibility. With the ability of Mei Fu dust through his own character and past acts, it is not difficult to speculate that he will make such actions after the victory of Draku, if they Really in the place where the child is located, it is really possible to turn over the ditch after a weakest.

After considering the pros and cons, he nodded with Gu Yisheng's suggestion. Seeing that he did not refute Gu Yishui and asked: "Where is the child to hold you?"

"This doesn't have to worry that the child is in Draki before the action, ordered the housekeeper to move to the Frad family, the Subject point, this is the memory of the residual memory in the blood of Drakin, just I confirmed by blood tracking, confirmed this memory. "

"Well! Then you will take the way! Remember to make investigations beforehand to be careful." Gu Shenghui listened to the narrative, the big hand swings all the nine-order universal energy outside the sake of the source, the rest of the person Du Guangyuan went to the rescue.

After several space jumped to the target, a whole team was in the dark, and the last round of investigation machinery, the final round of investigation, the team. Only Du Guangyuan's face is miserable, and he can have some people in this squad, and now he is the weakest one in this team, but now he is just a long distance. There is no response to several space jumping, but it is almost to have his old life.

"There is no problem on the surface, I have found the child's location! These people have not received the information that their family has died." Dai Yan felt the message slowed back to open his eyes: "But this is the surface Investigating, I am also not sure if they are just like we are in the actuated food, and it is not easy to let us notice the trap. "

"This is not an independent space, it is difficult to make a trap that is difficult to escape as Draki, but we still can't make great ideas, Du Guangyuan, Zheng Jiaru You stay outside if we encounter attacks, you first evacuate the choice Lin consulting, the leaflets and me as the first echelon raid, Xia Yan maintains a certain distance behind us, regarding the task situation. "Gu Shenghui quickly analyzed the situation of the task.


In the last second, everyone responded, and the three people responsible for rescuing the hostages were directly instantaneous. They didn't have to lurking directly. I went straight to the goal first.

Dedio is sitting in the chair and the children in front of the chair seem to be exchanged. In the face of the three people who suddenly appear in front of them, Depeo first, he will recognize the three people. !

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