Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1413 Evil

"Is it over?" Xia said that the blood is exuded in the air, solving a few flustered in the person, after the Frad family who escaping from her, looking at Ye Ruo from the town. Ask.

Ye Ruo shook his head and looked back to the town: "I don't know! This is your question." I said that two people looked in the town. I didn't have to see Yan Yan and Gu Jingsheng's gods. I came out.

"Is there any problem? Someone escaped under your surroundment?" Look at the expression of this expression, if you don't understand, according to the strength of the two! Even if someone really escapes, it will be chasing it, why bother to show such an indignant look.

The words of the release of the surface have a pair of hand to put a pair, and Gu Yisheng sighs, is it? "There is no running in the town, but there are many Frad family blood at the town but obviously not this family. "

"What does this mean?" Ye Ruo took a look at Xia Dang and was confused by this completely opposite.

"You will see it yourself." Yan Yan said that he took a smoke and wanted to calm down. Ye Ruo gave the child of the shoulder to Xia Yan, and I saw the children of the child. Also follow, Gu Sheng Hui reached out and stopped him to persuade: "You don't want to go!"

In the blocked, Xia said, at this time, the few people have already left out of the small town, no longer have ambushing, Zheng Jiaru and Du Guangyuan, who hid in the perimeter, also surrounded, Zheng Jiaru Children in Xia Yan asked: "Is this the child?"

I have a little bit to answer the summary, and then look at Du Guangyuan, a slight trembling, slightly trembled, saying: "This is your son, I see your emotions and excitement, I will comply with him again. ! After returning, I will also eradicate all kinds of bloody artificial methods in the body, and it is estimated that at least two or three years will be returned to normal. "

"Good! Good!" Du Guangyuan lived in a lot of big winds, the big waves have never seen it. At this moment, I don't know how to express my emotions in front of my dreams.

At this time, Ye Ruo, Ye Ruo, who was in the town, was also overjoyed, and he saw that he was asked: "Do you determine that these people are also a Frad family?"

"I have to sure they are dead!" Yan Yan spit out the smoke playing the smoke to play the smoke expression: "They stayed at the blood of the Frad family, if not seeing their physical condition and living environment The goal does not match, I am alive, I will kill them. "

"What happened?" Xia Qi did not ask for a curiosity.

Ye Ruo responded after the film: "In addition to the Vlad family in this town, many civilians have a large part of civilians have the blood of the Frad family."

"Hey ~!" I heard that Xia Yan didn't know how to respond, in accordance with the regular non-practitioners' blood, it is not included in the chasing target, but the blood family is special, even if he is now ordinary people, it is also possible. Awakening self-contraging the inheritance of hidden in the blood and became a high-level blood family, plus the Frad family consistently style, so the investigation department has long determined the decision of all the Frad family cleaning.

Thinking of this summer is late: "Are you hesitant to kill them?"

"It's not this! The goal has been fixed for the future of our family, I will not be soft! People who die in my hand are more enough. I don't care about the life of several different people." When I got, I was very told that he was a little thing: "It's just that these people are really hard to let them connect them with the Frad family, they are like ...."

When I said this, if I took his words, I continued to say: "Just like the lambs that have no soul without the soul."

"Yun!" He nodded and nodded that Ye Ruo said helpless: "Their living environment is very poor in physical fitness, the place where living is better than the pigsty! Some people have a little better But the mental condition is very bad, just like a walking dead, when we see that we have a member of the Frad family members, they don't have a little excited or fear, that is, it is so numb to look at us, for me The revealed killing did not escape and even a little expectation. It seems that I will kill like it is a general. "Say that this is said to throw the cigarette butt and step on the foot:" I think I have been twisted. " , Let me kill such a person, I still can't help it. What is the thing? Is the Frad home be a madman! Is it so embarrassed to his family? "

"They are not necessarily the people of the Frad family!" After the entry, they stared at the children's Du Guangyuan, and listened to the narrative of the : "I can see Look at their state? "

"Go!" Yan Yan waved his arm, he also wants to figure out what is going on.

After a moment, I walked back to the town of Du Guangyuan after the town, and facing the eyes of several people to responded: "That's right, they are the lowest blood servant, these people are not the Frad family In order to eat in their body, you can rest assured that these lowest printers will not be awakened to become a blood family. After all, in their eyes, they will not let the food become their own. similar."

"Edible?" Summer is thinking about it. "Do you say that the blood family must be a bloody to live?"

Du Guangyuan swayed and said: "No, that only the lowest blood family will need timing to breathe blood to maintain his blood activity, and the bloody art of the blood is not allowed to have this necessary, they are more More is the essential for life as a life, oh! How to say, like alcohol's wine, blood is always tempting for blood students, which will make them full of blood. Vitality, and more vast blood, the more bloody blood, the more you can meet their needs, so some ordinary people will be a source of ordinary people as their own blood, and the characteristics given to their families are to improve their physical quality. Prevent them from dying too early, because ordinary people can not stand a few such blood collection. "

Said that Du Guangyuan's face resentful color reached out and touched his son and angry: "They also inject this imprint in my son!"

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