Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1423 Clearing the periphery

Grayman, who is full of Grayman, is playing the card in his hand. After a few rounds, he finally lost his wife's residual brand to the table, dissatisfied with anger: "card Where is MAS guy? How to grind? "

"It won't give it to the guy named Yan Yan, huh, huh!" The winner of the same table, Malco laughed and smiled.

"Is this joke very funny?" Grayman is very unpleasant.

Malco heard the smile on his face and turned to ridicit: "I don't know what you are anxious? I heard the prince's unreasonable wind is you, bringing the team to let us return to the family station to watch for a while, now Dissatisfied or you! Hey, I don't believe that the prince will fall! Others don't know if you are a blood family, will not understand what you want to kill the existence of the big thing, what is it? Incredible things! "

He immediately attracted the discussion of other people in the house, and there was a voice to attach: "Yes! I am also very difficult to believe that the prince is falling."

"Yes, I have heard that there is a big man who has just been promoted to the prince level. The two princes' blood family can't escape?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Malco saw most people in the house, I got a bit of hard and gas: "I doubt that the adult is not falling at all! No, it is not doubt! It is certain! The adult must be a fake to confuse each other, now not in the injury is in the arrangement Trap counterattack, and us? Just hear that the wind is scared, even the family does not dare to return! Hiding in such a poor hometown, and after the incident, it will be laughed by the families. ! "

Grayman listened to Malco's sarcasm, he wants to refute but in the heart, he also felt that the other party said, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to believe in the Draki, but he said. The previous record and heard the family a series of abnormal moves, so that he had to be cautious. He told him that returning to the family is a very dangerous thing, although this danger is still strong, but he thinks As long as you hide enough to stay with the outside world, the , Leaving a hint of fire for family revenge and inheritance.

"Well, Malco! Grayman's concerns are not reasonable, how many times we are lucky enough to be lucky, this is the reason we are willing to believe in him?" Martuel on the table The atmosphere in the house is somewhat embarrassed, and the circad will be opened.

"Just because I am willing to believe that he is here, it will not complain to the sky!" In the previous battle, Grayman also saved himself, so Malco retained a respect for him. He is also in the heart of this depressed atmosphere. Here, seeing a friend to persuade the card to grasp the table, shuffling the topic: "What is Camans to do? This time is a bit for a long time? "

"Wait patiently! You still don't know if the guy is estimated to be can't help, where there is a blood to eat blood?" Some people smiled and said.

"That idiot is self-made power! Does Grayman not to say? It is not a scope of family tradition, it is the foundation of the three major councils, don't make hunting moves! Is it not enough to be stared? Also attract the championship of the three councils? "Malco, who is very understandable to Camans, knows this is the truth, and his heart is the same, but said blame.

"Okay! Is that guy is not coming back! If he really violates the regulations, we will punish him again." Marteda said this shortly, downstairs, there was a burst of footsteps, after a short walk. Running, a thin figure is pushed out of the door, after entering the door, he picks up the upper hat, hanging on the cloak frame of the door, just in his eyes, when it is in his body, it is not easy. The person's spotted figure spreads from the shadow of the window to the house in the gap of the house.

"Camans! Is there any status of the family? Do you still return to a family?" Grayman looked at Camans's figure and asked him to see his Parmans away from now. To another place to send information inquiry status to the family.

"Hey ~ ~!" The low head buried the whole face in the shadow of the Camans mouth, and a few people in the shadow, and a few people on the table were not right, and they all stood up. It is not so high at the door of the door. He got up and pushed the other side asked: "Grayman asked you!"

"Be careful!"

After the Granman reminded, he just looked at the lips. After he heard a crisp with a skeleton distortion, the upper body of Camans was like a ragina, with an incredible angle to reverse half of the side and behind two directions. Out of your arm.

Looking at the lower body, I almost twisted a circle Casanus who turned over, and everyone finally discovered the problem. Camans's body did not have a tattoo before the first floor. It is this tattoo control. Holding his body, and twisted him into this model, two arms he tapped in the desperate look of Camans, one of the fingers, thoroughly pierced into the chest of the companion, and another arm Down the people behind him.

The thorns have the case of the chest, and the attenuation of Casanus continues to attack, retreats, Grayman sends out the warning: "Enemy!"

Just as he made a warning, the house has been chaotic, and the shadow is slamming, and the three black giant wolf will sneak into the house. These three black wolves are aiming at their nearest people. The moment and the three have twisted together.

"These three wolves call the goods! There is no blood!" One of the blood people who made a black wolf quickly discovered the problem.

"Withdraw! First withdraw the house and say it!" The house is too narrow this, there is a place that can be returned, Grayman is surrounded by a corner of the wall, raising his hand, follow his palms. Force, half of the outer wall collapsed, he kicked out, he took the lead in jumping out.

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