Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1426 Bright Judgment

From the memory of the Drakar, I know the secret of the Frad family. The independent space where the family gathering place has been randomly transmitted in several locations. Every time after passing to a new location, they will stay at least two days to recover. Pass the required energy, then you can carry out the next delivery, where there is a pair of pictures, some places are a statue, and some may be above a seaside lighthouse, these locations Every year in Draki will be replaced once, so, in addition to the family members pray to the family, they are tested in the absence of not mistaken, and the outsiders want to find the location where the base is located. It can be said to be difficult. Bad.

Just like this in front of the orchard of the Church of the Church of the Bright Church, now the Frad family's family space has just passed here, and disguised as an apple on this fruit tree, this is to master Draku The blood of the blood is used to track the blood, and the words are to break the head and I can't think of the other party will hide such a place.

"This is the so-called light under black?" Yan Yan smiled and smiled at the accompanying people, and the team of Guangming Church in the team was sent to surveillance, obviously accommodated the blood group in his own church. I feel that the face is light, so my face is gloomy.

The family space is located in this area, and the rest is easy to have more than eliminating a blood family, and the bright church is not feeling distressed. For this reason, it is very straightforward to pay the whole orchard. When the entire orchard ignited the raging fire, the independent space hidden on the fruit tree is not burned to the fruit, and it is directly presented in front of everyone.

After discovering that the final goal, he was not impatched. According to the original planned aid, the independent space was carefully examined, and after the lap was checked, it was constructed in the outside of the internal law. Once an emergency is within an internal emergency, it can be hooked in the outside world, so that the internal defense seal can be retreated from the inner defense seal.

After completing all the precautions, he said to his sister, and Zheng Jiaru left outside and left 50 people and all the nine-level abilities from the hall. These people represent their own The retreat will be returned to the outper.

In addition to the remaining survey of all members of the remaining survey, the Daofa is accompanied by Liu Wei, and the magical plane sent a witch and the Bishop, and the dragon domain sent Jinhe Xuan and Yushan Moon. Such a lineup guarantees that everyone in each forces have entered the independent space. If any of the problems, no one forces will not hold by withstand, this kind of thing does not have to say that everyone is not asked. .

It is easy to discover the space with the strength of everyone, and the Frad family seems to be self-knowledge, it is not used, so it is not in space to defense, and may be based on the same reason. After everyone entered the space, did not encounter any effective counterattack.

This independent space covers an area than the family member of the investigation department, it is much more much, and there is a lake with the hills. There is a jungle in the sky, and the sky is rumored to send a large town, from the place of land. In view of the information that the detection drone is coming, the city is ready to say that there should be doing things, not doing it, but I really have lived here.

The reason why it was once because of the three towns in this three towns, oh! wrong! I am looking at the message from the newly known brow, there is still someone in the town!

After the rumor leaving a place where the origin is waiting, it will enter the town to come to an iconic building as a city collection. The pushed the door and went to see the people who curled together. And a pair of pair of frightening inexplicably looks to their eyes.

Sighing, there is no more saying, there is no more to quit the room, and the companions who come outside the house say: "As before, we have encountered in the town, all can not fight the blood, imprisoned by the Frad family. It is estimated that these people are getting a cumbersome thing so they are abandoned here. "

"This is the bishop of the bright church is not here! This is the direct transfer to them directly to them." Xia Dynasty aimed at the room.

is also the meaning of this meaning and look at the accompanying Meisi, the bright church and ourselves do not deal with the task of this task, and the mandate of the other party will be handled by the plum, and the other party also led the god. When he walked in him, after he and the Guangming bishop met, the bright bishop glanced at the eyes, and then walked to see the interest in seeing a bit, no hand The parliamentary hall that has dodge the ordinary people is a finger, but not waiting for a dazzling, a dazzling holy light is straight from the sky.

"Hey ~ Ah ~ Ah!"

"My body! My body! Ah ~!"

"Mom ~! Help! Mom!"

A tear-hearted scream came out from the city council, and the shocked Yan Yan saw that someone wanted to escape this holy window, but because the window is too narrow and seven or eight people who are stacked together. The window frame is not asphyxia, the door of the city council is flushed out of the most peripheral people, there are several figures ran out from the inner, but they run away from the building but do not win the god of their hunting. These people just rushed out a few steps, and they were poured in front of him. They struggled to grabbed their throat and chest, so that the skin was taken away by the skin, then the body of these people The speed of visible to the human eye quickly dried down.

This is the reason why this is a specially sensitive to the blood is purified by the Frad family infected with blood.

"This, this, this ..." Xia Zi looked at everything in front of his mouth, she did not expect my suggestion that she would actually attract such results. She wants to see the situation in the hall, Yan Yan rushing In the eyes of the opponent's heart, I stopped the summer.

And the rumors suddenly across the body of the dead to the parliament hall, pushed the door to the door, I saw a look, just at this point, he immediately closed the door of the parliament hall, turning to the people, Meisi, said The words are not to stop the front of the top before, "! Don't impulsive! This is nothing to do with us!"


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