Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1331, is concerned, Jiang Feiyang

The words of Olind let the people in the house are not worthless, and now the enemy is not worthy, the strong people who really sit in the town have not yet been chaos, and the people have stable emotions. Oldin will continue to send : "Gerard! Is there any loss in the castle?"

After a while, Jerald heard the call from the conference hall, in a hurry, and transcribed the message to the House of Control Acting Act.

"The attack did not cause any substantive damage to the castle building entity. Most of the impact was absorbed by the defense of the defense." Gerard said that a single finger is hovering on the long table, the image is automatically converted. Above the exterior wall of the castle.

See also saved the full defense architecture. Everyone in the house is slightly relieved. It seems that the family builds the defense system built so many years is still very effective, so violent attacks cannot be damaged.

"How long can I persist in the face of such an attack?" Hap asked.

"The same level of attack defense can still maintain 20 to 30 rounds. If the family sent people to continue to rotate to the law, the number of blood veins and the source can be extended, and after the defense is complete. We can only rely on the castle's own buildings to attack, according to our estimation, if you lose the law, this castle can only stick to two rounds of attacks, and it will make a rubble. " Serious Gerard did not conceal, and the results obtained just now have announced.

Twenty to 30 rounds! It is not easy to resist for this long time. Hap thought for a while, and the other two Du Duke were decided to say: "All the Earlists in the tribe went to the magic defense law, and the turntable maintenance of the Factors extended the defense French to maintain time. "

"Yes! Hey ~!" Gerald did not hurry, watching him standing in the same way, Hope is not angro: "Don't you hear my order? Not Go to execute? "

"The Duke adult, there is another magic array hosted to ask me to attack you again, whether it will use the French counterattack to counterattack again." Gerard carefully asked.

"Hey ~!" This time I changed Hoop, I don't know how to answer him. I have the other two people. Today, this situation is absolutely not win, and the power of the Frad family is now in the face of several princes. The Survey Office dispatched a group of Benyuan's sister and the morckbech helper, there is no possibility of turning over! The result of the battle is only a small loss to the other party. It is now a little in the heart. Now there is a hopes in the hearts. If the counterattack is made to cause casualties to the other party, it will not have an impact on the negotiation of the next negotiation. I said it.

"Don't fight back, wait for my order!" For those who worried Oldine or did not have a counterattack.

In the city, it is still a war, it is hesitant. The city is not so much concern, staring at the wall of the informant, non-destructive city wall, ignores the embarrassing expressions on the side of the face smiles: "Old Jiang! Is this the effect after you said?"

The moment of explosion becomes like a soft mud, not only to resolve most of the explosion, but also recover after the end of the explosion, it returns to the original appearance.

"See the ghost! This east thing is evil! Force to do the world's rebellion, the 10 rounds of the castle are gone." Jiang Feiyang muttered complained: "Or this is too Small! I can also press more than 20 grenaders! If you give me open, I also get a row of guns, I can't die! "

"Get! Get! Don't take this! You can do it for a long time! If you can't change me! Don't say that I didn't give you a chance!"

"Pulling! Who said that I can't!" Jiang Feiyang's neck was stopped, and the vehicle was slowly supported in the jungle.

Even if the summer is not very understanding, I can't help but calm the scene: "It's not too exaggerated by this."

"It's not exaggerated! It is just right here!" He said that this is a happy smile.

boom! boom! boom!

Among the rockets that have a unique roar, a rocket is empty, and the dragon that has been ejaculated as a volcano, scratching the heavens and blending the shells shot from the grenade, and flutes on the target position.

Such a strong and intensive firepower blowing, instantly made the Frad family castle in a fire sea, every explosion, all the walls of the city wall, have not yet been waiting to completely absorb the next round of bombards, no I know that it is not the defense method to get near to withstand the limit. Now the whole castle is like a red light that is suddenly dark.

"This, this, who is this person?" Feng Tian and pointed out that Jiang Feiyang lost his breath, just asked him a round of artillery shells, they widely believed that this artillery volume Although it seems that the electromagnet can be larger than the electromagnet, it is necessary to have a big turn, but the power is weak! In this speech, I still haven't finished the ear, and the eleven rockets that Jiang Feyang summoned the deafening roar, looked at the terror energy generated when the ban was launched. In addition to the scenes of similar scenes. They all shocked the mouth.

The sealing and the reason why it is so lost is not surprised to have the power of this thing, but the surprised grasshite plane actually likes to show the abilities of such weapons in the ectile face, there will be three There are four, how much is the abilities investigation hall? If there is a lot of people, when the future is in a large-scale conflict, several of the low-order monks can have such a blow.

"This person is not the source of this source! He has never participated in the Jianjian group team before, and it should not have such strength!" Lin Dao looked at Jiang Feiyang and continued to say: "But I have repeatedly Seeing him in the team team, he is very good to the relationship between the words and others, and should be one of the core members of its team. "

"This important figure, we haven't lived before, it is clear that he is his ability! And what he summoned!"

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