The curious detective looked at the slightly ups and downs of the feet, but the time of this undulating is very short, almost in the instant earth, the earth has completed the cracking, arches, collapse, leaving the road in deep pit, leaving the process of deep pits. Down to the cracks of the earth's foot, everyone knows why the captain will let yourself leave the ground and seal the hearing, this should be a dramatic explosion in front, and its explosion is strong enough if yourself Contact with the ground, your own internal organs will be exploded to shock the ground.

The seal and heard people heard what the outside world had changed. Everyone will stare at Meimei in front of the camp, waiting for him to declare the order of the seal, until the people see the left hand of Meisi, Dear probes were relieved to relieve the hearing seal. After a short silence, they took the lead in hearing the humming sound of the high temperature roast air, and then the excursions of the occasional sounds and the sound of mourning.

"Attack! Attack! All attack!" Meisi waved his arm loudly, and all members of Moquan walked to fight, heard this order, Qi Sheng should be led to lend the defensive circle under the leadership of each team. .

When the recent person from the defensive circle has not charged forward, I was first tied to the body shape of the hot waves, and I went back to the back of the body, and everyone was shocked by the situation in front of him. On the battlefield, I have insisted that more than ten roundabur fires she bombarded the Frad family castle. At this moment, the front wall was exploded to hit a huge gap, and the front of the defense wall has become a wolf, and the blood is not seeing. The earth is like being hanging from the bottom of the ground. It is scattered in the battlefield with the flying soil. Only there is only one deep pit and pit in the spot, and has not reacted from the explosion. Fla German family survivors.

Taken around the gunfire position in the eyes of Olden, because it is not in the defensive wall defense circle, it is exhausted by the explosion, and the defensive wall under their feet has blocked the impact of the explosion on the front. The burnt red wall and a slitted pop-up slit in a deep depression.

Is this a masterpiece called an explosion witch in the house? Sure enough, there is no one in the elite team, and the horrible scenes of this horrible scene in front of you can't help but feel.

"What is it? I'm going to choose the goal! Facely, in the face of weakening, I don't allow any casualties." Tight, the Mi Si, who has rushed out of the defensive wall, is also seen by the scene of the scene Shock, but he quickly returned to God's order command to urge.

The captains listened to the commanders no longer hesitate to rush into the deep pit, and most of the Frad family members in the pit are still serious injuries, that is, the consciousness of the explosion is still not awake. The state of this support, the sharp turn, the sharp shock, many people swaying standing up and got up, waiting for them to raise the arm to prepare for the last counterattack, the investigation team members have rushed to them. Under the combination of the number of players, almost every team members have passed the lives of a Frad family member every time.

" !" Olding looked at the roar of the grief and indignation from the air, and he now understands a series of moves that have just been defending their own impact, but in advance of them. Ambush.

After finding the target, you can lock the family space from the outside, let the members in the castle can not use space transfer, etc., can only reach the space boundary to break after the seal can only escape, the second step is to the castle launching ceremony Ambush, from the beginning of the other party, I didn't plan to make anyone of my family to rush out.

Just now, the attack from the ground can be described in the world. Olding felt the land of the feet can become so terrible, just like the land of the land containing a flood beast full of explosion energy. The family members of the earth are all inseparable, and everyone will be wrapped in this explosion. All blood self-healing methods in front of the continuous explosion and high temperature impact have become slightly, except for the small number of realm of higher blood. Outside Most people are directly crusable in the explosion into ashes.

"What is it! Are you coming?" He is so embarrassing it? "He said that his ear was slowly dropped from the air. He didn't expect that the ability of Liang's shallow capacity actually played such a good effect. Short-term arrangement such a large range, the impact of the explosion can only have one-third of the effect, it seems that as the liang shallow realm has improved her abilities, it has also increased to a brand new height.

When he fell into the shape, his side fell around Xia, Ye Ruo, Meisi, Wang Wenze, etc., everyone looked at the blood group in the field, and Yan Yan smiled: "I know Dra In that battle, the Frad family lost very much, but I didn't expect that it would be so heavy! The Frad family leveraged three heaven, oh! Duke is strong! "Said that he said The mounting of the mask is boring to his companions: "To tell the truth, this kind of opponent is really hard to let me mention the interest! Who is interested in the end and how they have passed?"

"Don't fight with me! You all have a lot of winds! I also absorb new and powerful! These three are already funeral dogs, let me play with them!" Today, Jiang Feiyang and Liang Ya-shallow performance Let him have a little crisis, Wang Wenze, who is eager to express, look forward to Jiang Donghu in the team, Peng Lang laughs: "Do you have two people don't start? Can't always let the origin of this source exclusively."

Two people named later jumped to listen to Wang Wenze, which is also on the previous step, and the three of the three origins of Xia Yan looked at their friends. They did not stop, they had confidence in their strength, even a little pool What is dangerous from them to sit down.

"Good! Good! Good! One eight-level abilities, two seven-level peaks, we are actually despised this place!" Olding looked at the three people who claimed to be enemies with themselves. He is deeply humiliating, and his sorrow is inexplicably withdrawing.

Although Wang Wenze and others express displeased against the enemy for the absorption of other abilities, these people are also equivalent to the strong people of the nine-level abilities. They see that they have the next stage that wants to fight. Three people still have improved vigilance and prepare for all.

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