Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1439 Manufacturing Magic

When the last Frad family member fell, this siege for the Frad family castle finally declared the end. At the end of this wrestling, the residual Frad member has been absorbed by the blood of the blood and despends, Some have made the same choice to detour itself.

Looking at the .

"Don't be here! Take a look at the battlefield to go, go to the ten team people to see if there is any more embarily hidden in the castle, be careful to hide the enemy's sneak attack! Don't be over the task When there is something wrong! "Meisi patted his hand to stand after the battle, there were some fascinating players. After receiving the new order, everyone immediately act in accordance with the order, and Meisi scored the top ten when they set the plan. The captain nodded.

According to the agreement, the trophy of the Frad family is selected by the three major councils, and the eight-eight-in-eight councils will be selected after the two eight-year-old parliamentary selection. This conditional investigation has agreed, so the Church of the Church has not yet. Before you officially set out this place, this ten team people can search for something, anything, anyway, the Frad family has no living port, you have no account of the three major councils!

Of course, this matter can not be done too much to leave a handle, so the ten teams who choose Meisi is a savvy person. With the development of the work of the battlefield, the last blood essence of the air is squeezed. After dry, I am in love. I am not reluctant to go to the target, there is the most important thing waiting for him to deal with.

Once again, I came to Lei Yue Ting in the mechanical furnace. I apologize to the other side with a slightly brought the mouth: "Sorry, there are three people to run away, but I can guarantee you, I can't use it for a few days. You can catch three of them to eliminate the Frad family. "

Lei Yuting controlled the mechanical fraction and smiled and said: "I believe you! You say that you will do it, you will do it, you will do it for me! If you are not you me Can only leave this world in the endless remorse, thank you! . "

"You don't have to thank you! And your last three enemies are not eliminated!" Yan Yan said in front of Mora two, looked at the two brothers who have been born. "How? Look at your family What do you think in front of you? "

"It's enough! , from the grabbing, you have not let go of any chance to humiliate us! Do you think I will react to your sarcasm now? Come! Want to use what means Come! Want to get us to death, or you have a good heart to give us a quick casual. "Moira lying on the ground with his eyes with his eyes, there is no angry, say this. A look of anywhere.

Yan Yan nodded the big land, finally tortured, this Mora is also seen! He didn't have the life of the two.

This is one of the artifacts borrowed to the investigation hall of the Xianchai, the gathering furnace is in this artifact, and the soul of Drakar is re-condensed. Since then, until today, this incense burner has been strictly guarded in the survey.

In the More condensed, I wanted to break free, I wanted to push the artifact, and Ye Ruo rushed to the artifact. When Ye Ruo's power and the power of the artifact, the soul quickly was controlled. Until the

The spirit of the soul did not struggle. He first looked around to see the people around. After seeing the two sons who did not get into the ground, he sighed, and he sighed, and the indifferent, I didn't see the affection. The old face flashed, and then he looked at the distant castle in front of him, he linked with the manor who had lived in.

After all of these conditions, he saw that he would like to calm down: "You are finally done! You have succeeded! My family is covered in your hands! You will now let me go out, let me see All this, is it good to leave this world with remorse and humiliation? "

"Yes! You haven't thought about killing people like you as an antity, there will be a day to destroy your family! You can say that I am a small person to report, but I don't care because I feel like this. Very comfortable! I am very satisfied! "Yan Yan looked at the soul of Draka without hiding his heart, and the thrill of the throne was reported.

"No! I won't think you so! I understand your mood! Because I have done the same thing as you have done." Draki swayed the Toutu: "This is in my opinion It is normal, but this time I am destroyed! , people can't predict the fate, just like me and you can know that you can know that you are so strong, then I am then If you don't hesitate to use you, if you can't do it, you will kill me, I will choose not to provoke you, but I can't predict the future, you are the same! Think! Do you want to fight today? Damn in your hands like you? Is there a little antite? Do you dare to be innocent? You dare to affirm that there is no friends in these people, there will hate you a lifetime, from here to a strong day Is a certain moment you can't notice to make you revenge? "

Draki said that he has spread his hands and looked hard to smile. "You are uncertain! Everything I said is likely to happen, this is not my curse but you must become a strong Everything to face, I was also here, so I took your pride and my assurance and then spent your life in the fear of unknown threats! I hope you can always be strong, no one dares to revenge you. Otherwise, in the morning, one day happened in me, it will reproduce it in you! "

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