With the death of the Fla's family, the death of today's encirclement, today's encirclement, can be declared successfully, and the whole mission is benefited from strong fire support, so in addition to a few of the probes, there is no one. Died.

"Your enemies are already dead! This hatred is also reported. Do you want to achieve it?" Yan Yan walked to Lei Yuting whispered.

Lei Yuting shook his head to support her life. The beloved belief is to revenge. Now all the pillars who have died her lives will collapse. She obviously feels that their soul dissipated speed is accelerating, just at this time Aiming at the body lying on the ground Mora, suddenly I want to see the words: "Dad, I can finally ask you?"

"You said! As long as I can do it!" ...

"Is there a part of the wicked person in your body?" Lei Yuting raised his hand asked to Zile,

He said that she finished her, she immediately understood that she would like to hurry: "Yes! The blood of the Frad family has been squeezed by me."

"That is the end of my body, I hope that you can hurt her back to my hometown, can I be buried with my family?" Lei Yuting asked.

"Call! It is worth considering! No problem! This inclusion is in me, I must do it for you!" He said that he was thrown into the blood in his blood, could not help but

"Thank you! , I don't know what you have experienced, but I know that you won't turn into the devil you said, you are a good person! Really! Thank you!" In Lei Yuting, machinery, machinery In the case, I gently kissed my forehead, I feel the cold touch of the mechanical body, but the heart is a warm this moment. He feels worth it.

"She is gone." Ye Ruo looked at the words that were not moving in place when they were kissed, and whispered.

"I know!" He said that when he didn't pay attention, he wiped the tears of the eye. He raised his hand to take it back on the body. He turned to see Meisi just to open the other side to hold his shoulders. I laughed: "I know! These things are handed over to me! I will definitely handle it."

"Well! After buried, tell me the address to send a bunch of flowers."

"Well!" Meisi said to turn around to hear people in the body of Mora into the quite, ready to bring back to arrange the matter.

After all of this, the elite group players, you will see you, do not agree with you, and a big stone that is in the heart has been put down.

"Old leaves, you nowotham your brother's state, if there is no problem, after solving the three escaped guys, I will let him release the seal." Said the active activity of the active activity, in his opinion Things have been completely solved, so it is only to make yourself more peace of mind.

"Good!" Ye Ruo should have a smile, he smiled and took out the copper coins from the old man, and squatted to the ground. He looked at the bronze losing on the ground. The eyes have fallen into the illusion.

All members surrounded by the curiosity of the curios, just started to take out the juice of the quarter to guide the work of the surrounding probes while drinking, but more and longer Ye Ruo's smile gradually disappeared, and he would not be nervous.

"Is there a problem?" Yan Yan looked up to open his eyes and opened his eyes.

"Well!" Ye Ruo said in a difficult point: "In his future, there is a touch with the Frad family, although it is weak but if you don't deal with breakfast."

Ye Ruo, let the surroundings have opened the pot, and everyone is tongue.

"This Frad family family is dead! How can I also contact? Is it the three people who escaped?" Jiang Feiyang touched the head.

"It's impossible! Don't you say it! Those people have no conditions for stimulating the blood curse." Wang Wenze directly spent.

"Is that the son that is said to the Draklut?" Summer is another possibility.

"The body of the person has been discovered in the castle. The Frad family directly sacrificed the blood in his body before the breakthrough in the magic array, and he was despite the information and blood of him. He is Draku. The eldest son. "Meisi said that the situation of the castle has just reported.

"Perhaps because of the blood of the Vlad family elite, it affected the result of divination! After all, it is dine, it is not something that will happen, but it is like a possibility?" Liang Shallow shrugs don't think it is.

This statement has been agreed with most people in the field, including Ye Ruo, who also booked a consent, and everyone saw the words and still look forward to the appearance of the place. Wang Wenze pushed the promotion. "Don't think Oh! We will not think that you will happen in the future. "

"No one can say it in the future! But I don't think I will fall to the end of the enemy." Yan Yan said to raise his head and frown: "So I am thinking about another thing, dreamer Memory is still a touch with the Frad family, and it is therefore possible to suffer in the future! Frad family! Frad family! "


"Still alive! How can this be he not already confident?" Wang Wenze is incredible, just witnessing this scene together.

Ye Ruo did not have so many questions, when he made this question, he suddenly realized that it was immediately picked up the copper money and started a new round of divination. This time he dressed the time longer and repeatedly divided many times. Until his face began to become paleble, he finally ended this divination.

"The result is the same as I expected?" He said in the gods before, and the spirit of the spirit is somewhat, and it is actually known to the answer.

"Yes! He is still alive!"

This answer is better than the previous answer, and Ye Ruo's answer is not ambiguous, but it is very certain. The face of everyone will only feel the cold back, and once with The eyes are shocked: "How is this possible? He is surrounded by us! The two are quite impossible at the time!"

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