Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1445 a good play

"Conscience?" Draki said disdainful smiles and turned to look at the body of the three sons.

"Learn!" Looking at the sarcasm of the opponent's eyes nodded, fighting to this extent no one, ,,,,, : "Since you don't want to trade with me, I know why you will die after you have exposed it, why not let Du Guangyuan kill you directly?"

"He doesn't match! I have to kill me too!" Draki stretched his finger and said his own face. "It is optimistic about this face, he will always appear in your nightmare! You I have to remember whether you look for what kind of excuse you give yourself, you have killed an innocent child for your own interests! Let's take a gun! "

"Do you think such a moral kidnapping, can you make my conscience unconceive you?" He said that he pressed him with the head of Du Pingan.

"Just like you said, it doesn't matter! Let's shoot!" The soul of Du Ping's Philharda is coming.

"Good! I satisfy you!"


A gun ring! The bullet opened the flower in Du Ping, everyone or not to hold his head or horror, and this gunfall was particularly long in Dracus, before the slanting movement Endless fear occupied his heart, now he is the most weak moment in life. He doesn't have a point of retaliation, this child is too weak, even if you want to launch a blood curse, kill it. Colleagues who have paid attention cannot be done. He can do it like him to say that he will leave his heart in the opponent's heart.

Can you really do this? Is it a little too high to estimate the moral standard? Is this guy ethical? He really shot! It is really a little hesitation, he really wants to kill himself! I feel that the bullet is exposed to the scalp, I feel the sound of the skull, once the bullet goes through the body and the soul of this child, I have to die, is it really seen? Is it really willing?

Do not! Do not! Do not! I don't want to die like this!

After the gunshots, the blood flowers were splashing. A close soul is not easy to notice from the Du Ping's body to close the ground to the far away from the body, but there is a long ready to wait for him. .

Ye Ruo! Looking at the incense burner in his hand, I watched the darkness, turning around, it was like a fold back to Du Pingan's body, but when I was in the late red light, I have weakened it to the pole Draki. Any resistance, which is easily increasingly incorporated.

"Caution?" Yan Yan asked anxiously.

"Capture! You go check that child." Ye Ruo hurriedly urged it.

I turned to Du Ping, I crouched and took the hand in my chest. After a while, I won't find any strange in my body before, and now the artifact lost Draku. After the control, the blood of Du Ping'an was controlled. He used the bloody art method to slowly urging this artifact slowly spit out of Du Ping'an mouth. He holds the goddess of the blood jade carving. I feel that the artifacts that are contained are, and this is loose.

"Let him come out! Let me see him!" Busy, a total of the merits of the merits, the tiredness of the goal, smiled and looked at the leaves.

Ye Ruo smiled and drumped in the incense burner in his hand, as a caverned smoke rose from the incense burner, the roaring sound of Drakar was also passed out.

"! You murderers! Robbery! Devil! Shameless! ....

"Yun! Yun! As a loser lost all, it is the right to retain the victory, so let's go! Waiting for you, I will send you a road! This is, you finally sent me a artifact. The reward. "Yan Yan said that he shakes his goddess in his hand smiling.

"You kill the sin of innocent people! You will be punished in this life!" Draki is still roaring, because the words of the words are poked in his pain, he is now in addition to pain and curse can't be Words have any effect.

I still kept a smile and responded: "Maybe there are many innocent people to die in my hand, but not today." Yan Yan said that Du Ping, who finished his fingers, continued: "If you said innocent people Is his words, I am afraid that you will be disappointed. "

As the , ,.,

Looking at the breath of breathe, Du Guangyuan, who has fallen into pain, can't believe his eyes, even rolling to climb to Du Pingan, one will take him, carefully check it carefully. Determine his excitement, his excited tears said: "Alive! Alive! My son is still alive!"

His excitement and the sharp contrast of the anger in Drakari, Draki first understood what happened, he looked to the : " ! You dare to tease me! No, this is What did you do? I obviously feeling that he is dead! "

"From I know that you may live in Du Ping An, I know that I have no way to clean you, and you will not be so good to automatically get out of this child." There is no hiding between I have to sway my head to show off: "So I found Ye Ruo, helping me with Tiger Wine, I have a symbiotic contract with Tiger wine, and he learned from the nine-tailed fox and I have artifacts, so I will use illusion when I attack you. If you are normal, you will not be serious, but you can't deal with a soul, you are not a problem, let alone I have used hell. The power of the local origin is fear! Enlarge your fear of death, let you have a true and false of illusion, and then add the leaves if the soul is dark, huh! "

It is said that he said that it is difficult to look at the face. It's hard to see the extreme Draki to continue satirical: "You also lose it, don't let you see the flaw in order to play this play, I have not told the present. Their reactions you see are true, so I really worried that Du Guangyuan is out of control, how to do this child, but fortunately, you will be able to play him, or I may really want to Shooting and then editing a set, saying, telling you, but also benefited from Du Guangyuan's performance, you confirm that I really want to kill you. "


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