"How do you feel that you have the strength of a host of this source?" The rooms condensed into the sofa-shaped Lin Jun Zhao scared in the sofa, looked at the pushes and laughed.

Yan Yan's anti-hand closed the door, she sat up in front of Lin Joshao, and she would look up the whole body to look at the ceiling. "Is this not what you want to see? Cultivate me for so long to go to them This day of revenge. "

"Of course, I just didn't think that this day would be so early, I have to say that you have your own sister's accessories, your growth is beyond my expectations, let's talk! In this case you need me how to help You! Directly involved in this battle? "Lin Junzhao said that he had a bottle of cola in front of the body, and screwed the bottle mouth and grabbed a straw and put it in it. He said:" This Not, but I only promise to save your life when you really don't have an enemy! I want to completely defeat the other party. If you can do it, if you can see you have wins I hope, I don't mind, I will help you. "

If you can give you a source of yourself to me. "

"Is this? This is not a difficult thing for me! What do you want to do?" Lin Junzhao did not expect that he made such a request, and the head of the straw beside the head is confused to see the other side. .

In the face of the confusion of the other party, he did not answer directly, but he took a glass bottle from the quite. When I saw the liquid in the bottle, Lin Jun Zhao immediately suddenly realized: "Oh, it is this thing! Hey, this is It is also a way! "

The things that I took out were not something else. When he was fighting with the blood of the blood, a god wine that was seized by its abilities, the people who had no side effects were able to improve the realm of one person, but the people who drink this wine not only Ability to break through the completion of its own boundary, and the source of self-importance after advancement will be based on the source of the advanced pre-body, plus the part of the advanced, and the only disadvantage is to drink. After this wine, the wine will fall into sleep, no matter whether any way can resist this power.

At the beginning, Emperin is the use of this means as a way of attacking the way, and later I wanted to sneak in the final, but I was prepared by the preparation of the prostitute to prevent this batch of wines, I have left today.

"No problem, I can not only borrow my source to give you, but I can borrow a source from the fairy forest, such as the snow, and the ancestors have a tiger wine. I can't make a problem. As for the devil there ... Lin Jun Zhao said that he hesitated the film: "How do you say this? I think he will not completely stand by! The four main points can give you a source, just you Can the body be able to bear? "


I saw that I am saying that Lin Jun Zhaobi brow micro-wrinkle reminded: "You don't have to be too responsible, four of the main owners of this source, plus your own source, if you upgrade the realm, you can't bear your body. It will be burst. "

"I have my way!" He said that he had a little hestructed. "I believe that I can have a way to have a way, and now I am worried about it is that I need to absorb too much power. After drinking wine The time to sleep exceeded expectations. "

"This, you don't have to worry after you will sleep, I will keep it next to you to help you complete the alcohol to absorb the blend of alcohol as soon as possible. If you really can't wake up, I can also find you to delay your conventions. "In order to deal with the supreme K Lin Jun Zhao is also out of this, this is a chance to report today, how can she not actively plan to plan.

"Well! Then I got up and went to the road to the face. After the advanced grace, I can enjoy the effect of the robbery. After the baptism of the baptism, I can be more stable and powerful." Yan Yan said to stand up. I took it back and looked at Lin Jun Zhao. "This time I am actions against the three major parliaments, I will add my friends who cannot complete my friends, so I want ...."

"You want to ask, can I help them improve the strength?" Lin Junzhao went through the .

,, Hard blood? Everyone in your elite team has the least three kinds of abilities, this is the least! In addition to my gift, the core member has the abilities from the criminals of the secret law, as well as their awakened Ability, this is four kinds of abilities! "

"Do you look at the people who have such a whole cornerstone? I have given it to I have given it. I want to improve the two ways. First, I directly instill the source of gas and hard to improve their. The realm, the second is that I will then divide them some of the origin debris that contains abilities. It doesn't say the sequelae that will be generated first. Even if they don't care about their future development, I have to give so many people to improve the strength, and will Let me have a quick turnover again, this is the price I can't pay. "

"Well!" Yan Yan also knew that this matter is a bit strong, but I have to get up and get up.

"You ask for a wrong person!" Looking at the expression of , Lin Jun Zhao smiled and pointed him a bright road: "You should not open up with me, I will listen to the meeting, the two ha willing to Do you say a lot of resources, can you let it help with your friends? "

"Hey, are you talking about the symbiotic contract?" Yan Yan was reminded by this reminder, this is right! Once the contract is signed and the suitable beast, the integration of the two is indeed a general leap.

"Can this?" Yan Yan has already had a heart, but it is still not too much to grasp.

"You still don't understand? From the day you sign the symbiotic contract with Tiger Wine, you will be bound by this chariot with the dragon domain. It has already begun, and everything is too good, you ask Ask your companions, if they are willing to accept this contract and promise that when there is a crisis in the dragon domain, they are willing to guard it like a guardian cornerstone, I want the dragon domain, will be very willing to help you. of."

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