Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1481 Model Assembly

Flying, Yan Yan and Jiang Feiyang took a short-foggy, and found a secluded place to explain that Xia said that this did not have a problem for her, and then the three will return from the fairy palace. In the investigation department, Yu Yan was found to find Yu Zhongmin, signed the three major warehouse resource materials he requested by the other person.

If you do this, you need to say three major warehouses, just to absorb the materials of this warehouse, it takes for a long time, and Yu Zhongmin is also worried that the matter is enough to ask if he is enough. The smile of his mouth, he didn't even personally absorb it but split twelve mechanical points from his own body, and these points were set with three warehouses four-pointed, and they started to disturb the interior space of the stretched arms. At the bottom of the three warehouses, it is like a giant mouth, massive resources are swallowed in it, and the whole process is not in ten minutes, the original installed warehouse is being robbed. .

Looking at the warehouse who came out of the empty mouse, I could cry, Yu Zhongmin's five-taste of the five flavors, and took his shoulders and took his shoulders: "I hope that these materials can show their should have the value. "

"Yu Huxi, you can rest assured that I will make them value." Yan Yan, Yu Zhongmin, in the heart, laughing and promised. "

The three people sent away from Yu Zhongmin, did not leave within this empty warehouse, starting the three-person research in the warehouse door, this fashion model said that simple and complex, the key points are Jiang Feiyang. Using the self-contained weapons, although it seems to have many weapons, the actual combat power is very low.

Let those soldiers mount the weapons to demonstrate their truly power, it is necessary to support the abilities of the righteousness. This avoids the low shortages of the number of rumors of Jiang Feiyang's strength, but the words are just Some weapons mechanization don't have to manage these scorpion awareness, so that the quantity limit of manipulating the soldiers saves the consumption of their own source.

What kind of war can be made to combine these two needs, but also guarantee that it has a high combat power, and this is the summer, but also the summer of the 3D printer. Language, there is not much speech on this matter, only sitting on the ground to watch two people arguing, etc. They arguing a final result, and agreed to the prototype, she started to coagulate assembly.

I don't know how long the two are quarreling. This is one of the programs that have been fined by another prototype and by the two people. When she is bored by the hundreds of boredons, she feels that her shoulders are pushed a few times. I opened some confused eyes and looked at the three sets of mechanical fresses in front of them and the mechanical parts filled with a place. She was angry with the headache. "You finally negotiated."

"Ah! It's better to discuss! This is our final type of war." The state of being slightly willed in the summer is completely opposite, just completed a psychological expected masterpiece and Jiang Feiyang is still in a very excited state. Jiang Feiyang's excited response: "You can make a part of this to build a part, you should pay attention to what I will tell you in your condensation process."

Xia Yan heard his hand and took his own cheeks. After letting him restore it, she turned around the three prototypes around this, and looked at the open body hatch and this. The part, finally picking up a radiometer like a bow, and gently touching the purely mechanical machine war horse in his hand, and finally look at the two people. "You Determine this is the final agreement? "

"Yes, this is the strongest warner combined with modern technology and ancient times. This is a romantic man!" Jiang Feiyang said that he walked to the mechanical war horse strokes it to exude metal shiny horses.

This summer can only report the weapon of the white eyes to raise the weapons of the hand: "This thing is also condensed? Can you directly condense into one? Why do you have so much part?"

"I don't say it! The higher the simulation of the flywear model, the stronger the spirituality and combat power, these condensation, after I mounted, as long as the model of these weapons is used to use these weapons It is also possible to disassemble it, or you do you directly engraved a weapon in your hands like a stalls? The resurrection is a disabled product that is put down, all the flesh It is necessary to be disassembled like the original product! "Jiang Feiyang's ignorant attitude towards the summer is very angry.

"Okay! You said something! Then we start condensed it! Let me build the raw materials?" Xia Zuo's compromise raised his hands, watching the empty warehouse, asked, because these fierce events Putting into Jiang Feiyang's quite for use in the war, so she can build the existing material, but can not be generated from the source.

"Use these!" Yan Yan said that he raised his row of black iron ingot with mysterious metallic metal, and stretched with the iron ingredients, he was proud: "These materials are I am from hell, Dao law, dragon domain, And our world's various rare metals are mixed, but not only the rigidity is quite good to the role of source gas resistance. Don't surely in the coacerous model, the key body casting all use this material to use this material, so After launching a couple, I am using my abilities to make modifications, and the fighting power of the fierce will become stronger. "

" ! I really love you!" Jiang Feiyang saw the bloodbook, and his eyes did not wait to rush to the opponent.

Everything is ready to finish the work of Xia Xia, what she wants is to convert some metals into metal models corresponding to mechanical avatars, which seems to be very relaxed in Xiany, but really do it really It is difficult to start to be an error in the proportion of conversion. After the proportional problem is solved, the part and the pocal assembly is a problem. It is not a size of the size. It is not to put it in the parts. In the process, the three people were busy together for more than an hour, and the first perfection can be dismantled.

Looking at this finished three people tired, Jiang Feiyang couldn't wait to use the power to catalyze it into a real size, looked at the inner losses of the people, and then slammed himself with him. After the loyalty, the two only felt that everything was busy.

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