Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1487 sincerity

If the words, let me feel shocked.

"In addition, I will have the magician who participated in this incident, witnessing all the magic energy sources in the body, and became the mortal, the mortal, the disappearance city Demonstration. "

Alestet has been surprised, and the sharp findings have exposed a surprised expression on the four faces of the four people after their body. Obviously this decision is not within the scope of their previous discussion.

A holy tutor is equivalent to the master of Tiandao, self-destruction of the Self-exiled self-exiled this punishment than killing him, and if it is almost equivalent to the death penalty for himself, there is no new Magic source gas input support. People like his age have in just a few years in the future. It will be exhausted all of the body's potential all magic elements to get rid of the age, that is, his enemy will not let such a good opportunity to retaliate with him, to know that every person who can advance into this realm. There will be no enemies in the long practicing years, and the true good gentleman is unable to be in the practice world, even if this looks like the old magic marty who looks like it.

"Why?" Yan Yan looked at the true eyes of Alice.

"This is the price that made mistakes should pay." Alice is tempered and responded.

"For Flamel worth it? Is your Supreme ask you to do this?" Yan Yan is really difficult to believe in a master of such a realm will make such choices, only for a despicable little person in mind.

In the face of the question, Alice sighed, then revealed the laughter, in fact, he had a fair to accuse himself, that is, in Flameir to mobilize the magician to encircle this. On the matter, it is not that he intends to convote, but he is really unique in advance.

When the Austrian silk said, he said that he is the leader of all the Master. This sentence is not right. It is a relatively loose organization with the Witch Association of the Master's Level and Witch. There is also a corresponding position and system, but except for the mission of the Supreme and Very Important Master Tower, the exchange and operation between the Magic Master is expected to be driven by the respective benefits.

With the interests, there is a fair, like Alice, etc. Alexande, they are only the research and advancement of the magic, and the management of the outside world is not very strong, and only his talents are easier. The higher realm is achieved, it is considered to be the object of all Magic.

However, the world is not all people like Alice, or there is no such outstanding talent to walk in the magic, and most of the magical teachers can only stop in the magician. Some magical teachers are better than the regular people, but they don't reach the highest, and they will stay in the big tutor. Since these people know that they cannot hit the higher realm to meet themselves.

For example, more superior life, such as the chase of rights, care for future generations, they or serve an imperial service for a magical place to exchange the capital needs of the above life, and Vlameore One of the goals of these people, although he is moving at the Jianjian Conference, this changed that he is the fact that he is the Supreme disciple, and from the time of the game, he seems to see him from the attitude of marriage with the Holy City. Not abandoned by the Supreme, there are many people who have stood behind Flamel, and to provide resources and help when they have achieved their future. This time, this time, the person who is moving to Sifer is mobilized. This group of people is.

For these people's behavior, Alice doesn't like to support it, but they can't say deep and bad. He doesn't involve it. It also knows the complexity and difficulties of the world, but this time these Vlameore and his body have been too late, before He didn't do this kind of behavior to knock on the side of the other side, I hope they can put more minds into the practice of drilling and researching the magic, and others have shown that the words of the jokes, this is Alester also does not work, and this big brew is more or less related to his controversy, so he will be determined before traveling, and he will accept the punishment with the relevant people of this incident. Avoiding the disaster is that the future generations of the Master Tower should not make such stupid mistakes.

The above inner idea is not necessary with the need to explain with the , so he is in a smile: "I am not Flamel but to avoid conflicts! This event is already a tragedy, there is too Many people are killed in this tragedy, there is no need to increase their injuries. "

Alester's statement made the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Look at Alaste Co-Co-Cocompt: "Okay! Alice, your sincerity touched me! According to you said, except for Flamel and the Bishop of the Bang Ming Church, all the people who have related to this whole abolished The realm rushes out of the parliament, I will not pursue their responsibilities. "

This way, Alaster is slightly relieved and the Urban behind him is a brow, and the attitude of is obviously not ready to let these two yuan.

"Ah! The remaining objection between us is on the issue of Vlameier and Bolkian Bishop." The way to speak out of the large magic sponge, rubbish The cold sweat of the forehead is also the most difficult thing for this discussion. Everything before a little careless will abandon.

Bolkia should be the big bishop that started to purify the Sovier's body and the soul.

"For the punishment of Flamel and Bolkian Bishop, the result of our discussion is ..." "Alaster's speech, the eyes of the calm eyes gradually began to glitter, some are aiming to whispering:" The result of our discussion is to imprison the crime of the crime committed by the Master Tower Dungeon and the Bright Church Trial. "

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