She is the Moist, even if she is a death, I want to return to the embrace of the Devil, and Vlameore killed West Fer, and the Big Bishop knows that this has purified her soul, which is equal to the second The murder is even better than this! You should not take the same guidelines? Hehehe, the crime is the crime to now you still want to be sophisticated, how? How do you want all the Magic to change? Have you suited? After that, do you want to believe in the fairyna? Do you want to believe in the dragon domain? Do we have to follow the letter? "

I said that I shake my head and ridicule: "No! I don't think we don't have to believe, because you can't see us? If you think it is really a breather."

"Hundreds of squats, calls,, call!" Urban was robbed and rushed, but he couldn't think of any suitable words to refute. He said that this is a certain reason, but later The words are the spontaneous water of Hu, but it is extremely inflammatory to raise another one, the magic audience in front of the light curtain, and cheers cheering for the answer.

"Mr. Yan Yan, don't withdraw the topic!" "Hercat witch is really disgusted to this glimpse of the bright church, if anything will be very bad, this is also witch public help It will be closer to the Master Association, but today, the three major councils must be unanimous, so she can't always look at the eyes of Urban and can't speak, I have to go forward.

"That's going on!" : "I can make a concession! You don't have to cut into this suffering, and those involved in this matter. The magician, the members of the Knights or the result of the results of me and his discussion, but Flamel and Bolkia must die! Can you do it! You come to handle as long as you are It can be done under the witness of the parties. "

The reason why the words of the rumor is to be retired, because he has seen that even such a conditional parliament will not accept it, then don't say that he is not sincere.

"Mr. Yan Yan, I don't understand why do you have to die with these two people?" Hercart witch brow is well-charged.

"Don't you understand this? Then I will tell you the world's world, the debt pay the money to kill people!" Yan Yan spit out the turbidity of the chest.

"Killing people?" Hercad witch seems to hear a very funny joke, looked at Yan Yan, laughing: "Mr. Yan Yan, your world will not use such an original rule to make a judgment. ? "

In our light, it is necessary to study the law. If you have a good basic education, you will have a few years of professional learning after entering the university, and after the layer review is qualified to defend, and if you want to trial others, this difficulty has to improve a lot of."

After saying that I was proud of my head, I didn't precious. "I said this rule is in response to your backward, ru, there is no rule, I think it is only useful. The most primitive processing method will warn some barbarians to make the same stupid thing. "

"Mr. Yan Yan!" He said that he has exceeded the scope of the topic of negotiations. It is the most straight-white provocation to be so degraded that his civilization is a barbarian, even Alice Wen Wenya's old people can't stand it. After the cold drink, he shouted: "Please pay attention to the words, if you continue to hurt the dignity of the magic plane, then this negotiation has not continued it!"

"Alester, you and him more! He can be sent to the threshold for the death sentence!" Urban angry roaring, he just finished Ales The special and Hercat is low, and I have a idiot in my heart.

If you don't have a rumor, you caught the vulnerabilities in the Urban dialect, laughing and shouting: "Hahaha! Have you heard it! I just said a word! It's already enough to be sent to the snanner. And Vlameore and Bolkia have confirmed such a rebent but only being imprisoned? Hercart Witch This is the rigor of your world's legal rules? Hehe, I think it is still to handle the most in this most original approach Suitable. "

It is said that he didn't give the other party's anti-the opportunity to see the Aleste: "As for Alice, I am notifying this kind of injury. I don't agree." Said that the arm is in the air, one image I put it out in his fingertips. When the picture played in the light and shadow is the surrounding Frald family on the same day, Meludis is accused of the Frad family in his family's outer tower. The work is, and the content of the and his conversation.

As such a fragment played in front of each large, the expression on the three people on the three people is difficult to get to the extreme. Do they be ashamed about this? Do not! Even although Alester is disgusted, although the Bright church is infered, it is a maximum of him in the scene. He will only strive to save these people. If he can't save it, he will not investigate the bright church. Responsibility, such a thing is not only in the magic plane in any one, even if the cornerstone is no exception.

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Having said so but this is not a lot of things, everyone is doing but challenging, it is very difficult. When the light and shadow play, he recovered the arm to look at Urban smile: "So this is still a sigh of injury? Is the bright church not to call the lamb in the dark? Isn't it as long as you know that you will give you all the sins? You are so forgiveness! "Yan Yan said with his companion. Drama: "If you just do this, I think I will do it! And I can do better than you."

"Mr. Yan Yan, mutual attacks There is no meaning for this matter! We still focus on the incidents in front of you, don't take some information that is not used to confuse the audio." Aleste is anxious to defend the light church.

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