Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1492 This is called threat

The refute and form of the words were angered Urban. He was reversed: " , you don't have to put it with us! If you really fight, you can't make such consequences, you are not your verbal, this is you The war between the parliament city is so simple! But the cornerstone of the cornerstone and the magic plane! Do you make sure you want you to do this! Do you make sure you have this right? "

"What do you mean? It is really laughing at me!" He said that he was taking this, and he sat. "He did something wrong with you, do not want to hand in the prisoner to plead guilty! And put this situation The victims who come to ask for justice must accept your suggestions, then we don't agree to make anti-wrong, do you think that the magic plan will not shrink in this time, our cornerstone investigation Is it retreat? "

"Hehe, good! Good, , don't blame, I didn't remind you! If you make such a choice, no matter how the battle is, the colleagues between the cornerstone and the magical intervals are broken, and the local parliament city is The shame of the attack is not over, the big magic tutor, violet, and the members of the Bishop City will go to your cornerstone, retaliation in the city you live, your investigation hall is not trying to conceal Is there a power of the world? Are you not known as the protector of ordinary people? That let us see if you can afford it for such a slight small amount of blood. "Urban expression distorted The counterattack will be made in the future of the Parliament City.

When I heard this, I was like a thunderstorm, watching this surprised expression Urban's mouth, revealing the cruel smile, he knew that he had already caught the weaknesses of each other.

I saw that Yan Yan Double and the face was put on both sides of the nose, the endless expression sound trembled: "Mr. Urban, are you threatening me?"

When he asked this sentence with this posture, the scene included in the scene, including the scene, the dragon, the holy city, the blood brakes, etc. I can't bear it back, only Urban is still good at this moment, I feel a slightly proud tone to respond to the attitude of the victor: "If you think that is that!"

"Hehe! Haha! Hehe! Hahahaha!" Double righteous words of the nose saw this finally couldn't help but laugh, with his laughter is getting more and more more and more, I feel humiliated "Is there any ridiculous place to say if I said?"

"Call! Call!" I have a laughing and bending the waist, I'm going to stand straight. After a few deep breath, I repeated breathing because of laughter, while I used my eyes and back my eyes. Tao: "If I don't have the left eye, I am not crying, I am not crying if I am not calm."

Said that he retired to Gu Jingsheng, he took his arm on the shoulders of Gu Jingshui, pointed at Urban smiled and said: "Leaders, he is called threats he just said? Do you feel funny?"

"It's very funny! I think you should teach him well!" Gu Shenghui bowed from the pocket and smiled in his mouth.

"Should I teach him?" He said that he was wrong from the opponent's cigarette case.

"Yes! Otherwise, people will never open."

"Good!" He said that the smoke was ignited with the flame of the pointer, and he took a bite and looked at the angry-angry Urban smiled: "Mr. Urban will teach you?" Called threat! If we can certainly make what you said after you have said, then what way we will respond! "

Said that the At the time, everyone was shocked by this sightseeing scene.

"I know what you want to say, you will say that such a weapon will be invalid, even if the power of the explosion will be greatly halved, but I will tell you that it is the previous!" After reading this image, he is a sharp discovery. Urban wants to speak, and then take a step to spit out the smoke to the mouth and continue to say: "Even if you will kill our team, I will kill our people.

Our investors can also find ways to transport these weapons here, and let the interference of the non-standby Tiandao take the maximum power, do not have to question if you don't believe it can go back and ask your family's supreme, now we have this Ability! "

This is a look at Urban and the Ales, this thing doesn't have to ask the supreme them you can think of what the other party will do! The Lord of the original source of the cornerstone has gradually completed the recovery, just open a small piece of area that is not pressed by the heavens in the magical plane, and then put the moving huge monster into its detonation to produce such power, with her It is not difficult to do this.

Then, I used a kind of college tone to explain to everyone: "Let me describe what the scene you will see! When you raise a straight column to the horizon in this explosion, all in the explosion range Everything, people, buildings, you will be proud of it will be destroyed, people will bake the body water in the high temperature! Hey! "

Available, change the source God is really good, it is worth it, after all, you can cache read books, read off the line!

I said that the sound of painting and painting, the body is not controlled, he will continue to say: "Being a shadow is on the ground, the building will become a broken wood building directly burned the slag, There will only be a small amount of stone buildings, while the ground will clean and smooth because the high temperature roasting is like a glass, and even if you are not in the heart of the explosion, it will make you both eyes. Leading blindness, I believe that this is already the best ending! Of course, you will have a blind person to make a blind person who is not hard to see, but don't worry, he will see the second explosion, I hope he will see the second explosion. It can be so lucky this time. "

After saying that it is said that it is said that it is true that this explosion is really reduced because of the heavens compression, I don't say that this reduction is the power you can withstand, you think that the explosion disappear Is it over? Not! This is just beginning! This explosion is covered in the road to produce, oh, let me think about this word, how do you say this? "

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